man rhona (Commandes) - Utility to clean out old packages


rhona - Utility to clean out old packages


rhona [ options ]


rhona is a utility clean out old packages. It will clean out any binary packages not referenced by a suite and any source packages not referenced by a suite and not referenced by any binary packages. Cleaning is not actual deletion, but rather, removal of packages from the pool to a 'morgue' directory. The 'morgue' directory is split into dated sub-directories to keep things sane in big archives.


Don't actually clean any packages.
Show help and then exit.


rhona uses katie's configuration file. It follows the typical ISC configuration format as seen in ISC tools like bind 8 and dhcpd. Apart from being able to alter the defaults for command line options, the following configuration items are used:

This is the number of seconds unreferenced packages are left before being cleaned.
If not blank, this is the subdirectory in the morgue used to hold removed packages.


rhona returns zero on normal operation, non-zero on error.


katie was written by James Troup <>.