man selthresh (Commandes) - Simple perl script to choose the "best" threshold when converting PGM to PBM.


selthresh.h - Simple perl script to choose the "best" threshold when converting PGM to PBM.


selthresh.h [-yres][-wpath][-lllrl]file1.pgm[file2.pgm...]


This manual page documents briefly the selthresh command. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info files.

-y res
Sets the resolution (defauts to 600 dpi)
Sets the path of the work directory (defaults to "./")
-l ll rl
Sets the interval to analyse (defaults to [0.4,0.6])


1. won't distinguish two files with identical names but on different directories. Example:

selthresh /home/foo/foo.pgm /tmp/foo.pgm


1. selthresh destroys the file selthresh.tem.pbm on the work directory (if one such file exists), without asking confirmation!

2. Make sure that clara, pnmenlarge and pgmtopbm are on the current path.

3. Write permission on the work directory is required. Two files will be created there (selthresh.out and selthresh.temp.pbm). The file selthresh.out contains all results, please do not remove it.

4. The paths of file1.pgm, file2.pgm, etc, must be relative to the work directory.

5. The results are affected by MD (see the -P flag), more than should be. So the threshold quality measured by selthresh is somewhat "unstable".

6. Floating comparisons '<=' and '>=' include a 0.001 delta to avoid failures due to the inexact binary representation of some tresholds.



The programs are documented fully by The Rise and Fall of a Fooish Bar, available via the Info system.


This manual page was written by Eduardo Marcel Macan <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).