man sisu (Commandes) - a document publishing system


SiSU - Structured information, Serialized Units - a document publishing system


sisu [ -AabcDdEeFHhIMmNnopqrRSstUuVvwXxyZz0-9 ] [ filename/ wildcard ]

sisu [ -Ddcv ] [ instruction ]

sisu [ -CcFLSVvW ]

Note: commands should be issued from within the directory that contains the marked up files, cd to markup directory.


SiSU is an alternative way of publishing and managing documents. SiSU is a document publishing system, that from a simple single marked-up document, produces multiple of output formats including: plaintext, html, LaTeX, pdf, xhtml, XML, info, and SQL (PostgreSQL and SQLite), which share numbered text objects ("object citation numbering") and the same document structure information. For more see:

Summary of man page

This man page covers a number of subjects in brief, including: document processing command flags; document markup (basic markup and headers); configuration files; directory structure; skins; document naming; interactive help and other information.


-A [filename/wildcard]
produces plaintext with dos linefeeds and without markup, (object numbers are omitted), has footnotes at end of each paragraph that contains them [ -a for equivalent Unix (linefeed) output file] [see -E for endnotes].
-a [filename/wildcard]
produces plaintext with Unix linefeeds and without markup, (object numbers are omitted), has footnotes at end of each paragraph that contains them [ -A for equivalent dos (linefeed) output file] [see -e for endnotes].
-b [filename/wildcard]
produces xhtml/XML output for browser viewing (sax parsing).
configure/initialise shared output directory files/force update, shared output config files such as css and dtd files are not updated if they already exist unless this flag is used.
configure/initialise more extensive than -C shared output directory files/force update, shared output config files such as css and dtd files are not updated if they already exist unless this flag is used.
-c [filename/wildcard]
screen toggle ansi screen colour on or off depending on default set (unless -c flag is used: if sisurc colour default is set to 'true', output to screen will be with colour, if sisurc colour default is set to 'false' or is undefined screen output will be without colour).
-D [instruction] [filename]
database instruction postgresql see database section below.
-d [instruction] [filename]
database instruction sqlite see database section below.
-E [filename/wildcard]
produces plaintext with dos linefeeds, and without markup, endnotes follow the main text (in -a endnotes follow the paragraphs that contain them). There are no object numbers [see -e for Unix (linefeed) output file] [see -A for footnotes].
-e [filename/wildcard]
produces plaintext with Unix linefeeds, and without markup, endnotes follow the main text. Object numbers are omitted. [ -E for equivalent dos (linefeed) output file] [ -a for footnotes].
-F [webrick|pwd]
generate examples of (naive) cgi search form for sqlite and pgsql depends on your already having used sisu to populate an sqlite and/or pgsql database, (the sqlite version scans the output directories for existing sisu_sqlite databases, so it is first necessary to create them, before generating the search form) see -d -D and the database section below. If the optional parameter webrick is passed, the cgi examples created will be set up to use the default port set for use by the webrick server, (otherwise the port is left blank and the system setting used, usually 80). The samples are dumped in the present work directory which must be writable, (with screen instructions given that they be copied to the cgi-bin directory).
-H [filename/wildcard] produces html without link suffixes (.html .pdf etc.) ("Hide"). Requires an appropriately configured web server. [behaviour switched after 0.35 see -h].
-h [filename/wildcard]
produces html (with hardlinks i.e. with name suffixes in links/local urls). html, with internal document links that include the document suffix, i.e. whether it is .html or .pdf (required for browsing directly off a file system, and works with most web servers). [behaviour switched after 0.35 see -H].
-I [filename/wildcard]
produces texinfo file.
prints license information.
-M [filename/wildcard/url]
maintenance mode files created for processing preserved and their locations indicated.
-m [filename/wildcard/url]
assumed for most other flags, creates new meta-markup file, (the metaverse ) that is used in all subsequent processing of other output. This step is assumed for most processing flags. To skip it see -n
-N [filename/wildcard/url]
document digest or document content certificate ( DCC ) as md5 digest tree of the document: the digest for the document, and digests for each object contained within the document (together with information on software versions that produced it) (digest.txt). -NV for verbose digest output to screen.
-n [filename/wildcard/url]
skip meta-markup (building of "metaverse"), this skips the equivalent of -m which is otherwise assumed by most processing flags.
-o [filename/wildcard/url]
output basic document in opendocument file format (opendocument.odt).
-p [filename/wildcard]
produces LaTeX pdf (portrait.pdf & landscape.pdf).
-q [filename/wildcard]
quiet less output to screen.
-R [filename/wildcard]
copies sisu output files to remote host using rsync. This requires that sisurc.yaml has been provided with information on hostname and username, and that you have your "keys" and ssh agent in place. Note the behavior of rsync different if -R is used with other flags from if used alone. Alone the rsync --delete parameter is sent, useful for cleaning the remote directory (when -R is used together with other flags, it is not). Also see -r
-r [filename/wildcard]
copies sisu output files to remote host using scp. This requires that sisurc.yaml has been provided with information on hostname and username, and that you have your "keys" and ssh agent in place. Also see -R
produces tarred and gzipped sisu directory of markup files including sisu markup source files and the directories local configuration file, images and skins. Note: this only includes the configuration files or skins contained in ./_sisu not those in ~/.sisu The resulting tar gzip file has a .tgz suffix added to the markup source directory name. To tar and gzip individual files see the -S [filename/wildcard] option. Note: (this option is tested only with zsh).
-S [filename/wildcard]
produces individual specified tarred and gzipped sisu file including sisu markup source file, together with the related images and skin. The resulting tar gzip file has a .tgz suffix added to the markup source file name. The directory structure of the unzipped file is understood by sisu, and sisu commands can be run within it. (sisu does not at present automatically unpack and run on these files, but is a convenient way of packing individual files for sending. Note: if you wish to send multiple files, it quickly becomes more space efficient to tar and gzip the sisu markup directory, (without the _sisu/processing subdirectory) rather than the individual files for sending). See the -S option without [filename/wildcard].
-s [filename/wildcard]
copies sisu markup file to output directory.
-t [filename/wildcard (*.termsheet.rb)]
standard form document builder, preprocessing feature
-U [filename/wildcard]
prints url output list/map for the available processing flags options and resulting files that could be requested, (can be used to get a list of processing options in relation to a file, together with information on the output that would be produced), -u provides url output mapping for those flags requested for processing. The default assumes sisu_webrick is running and provides webrick url mappings where appropriate, but these can be switched to file system paths in sisurc.yaml
-u [filename/wildcard]
provides url mapping of output files for the flags requested for processing, also see -U
-V [filename/wildcard]
even more verbose than -v the -V flag.
on its own, provides SiSU version information
-v [filename/wildcard]
provides verbose output of what is being built, where it is being built (and error messages if any), as with -u flag provides a url mapping of files created for each of the processing flag requests. See also -V
starts ruby's webrick webserver points at sisu output directories, the default port is set to 8081 and can be changed in the resource configuration files. [tip: the webrick server requires link suffixes, so html output should be created using the -h option rather than -H ; also, note -F webrick ].
-w [filename/wildcard]
produces wordmap a rudimentary index of all the words in a document.
-X [filename/wildcard]
produces XML output with deep document structure, in the nature of dom.
-x [filename/wildcard]
produces XML output shallow structure (sax parsing).
-y [filename/wildcard]
produces an html summary of output generated (hyperlinked to content) and document specific metadata (sisu_manifest.html). This step is assumed for most processing flags.
-Z [filename/wildcard]
Zap, if used with other processing flags deletes output files of the type about to be processed, prior to processing. If -Z is used as the lone processing related flag (or in conjunction with a combination of -[mMvVq]), will remove the related document output directory.
-z [filename/wildcard]
produces php (zend) [this feature is disabled for the time being]
-0 [with -h or -H or -p]
turn text object numbering off (implemented for html (css) and LaTeX/pdf output) [digit zero not uppercase o].


dbi - database interface
-D set for postgresql -d set for sqlite
-D createall
initial step, creates required relations (tables, indexes) in existing postgresql database (a database should be created manually and given the same name as working directory, as requested) (rb.dbi) [ -d createall sqlite equivalent]
-Di [filename/wildcard]
or -D import [filename/wildcard] imports data specified to postgresql db (rb.dbi) [ -d import sqlite equivalent]
-Du [filename/wildcard]
or -D update [filename/wildcard] updates/imports specified data to postgresql db (rb.dbi) [ -d update sqlite equivalent]
-D remove
[filename/wildcard] removes specified data to postgresql db (rb.dbi) [ -d remove sqlite equivalent]
-D dropall
kills data" and drops (postgresql or sqlite) db, tables & indexes

Shortcuts, Shorthand for multiple flags

--update [filename/wildcard]
Checks existing file output and runs the flags required to update this output. This means that if only html and pdf output was requested on previous runs, only the -hp files will be applied, and only these will be generated this time, together with the summary. This can be very convenient, if you offer different outputs of different files, and just want to do the same again.
-1 to -5 [filename or wildcard]
Default shorthand mappings (note that the defaults can be changed in the sisurc.yaml file):

-1 -mNHwpy

-2 -mNHwpaoy

-3 -mNHwpaobxXy

-4 -mNHwpaobxXDiy

-5 -mNHwpaobxXDuy

add -v for verbose mode and -c for color, e.g. sisu -2vc [filename or wildcard]

consider -u for appended url info or -v for verbose output


SiSU Markup an incomplete summary.

Note: files should be marked up for SiSU using UTF-8 encoding.

Some interactive help on markup is available, by typing sisu and selecting markup or sisu help markup

Sample markup files can be used as examples:
actual marked up plaintext files ready for use:
as html with syntax highlighting for viewing:
an alternative presentation of markup syntax:

Basic Markup

Data text markup (alternative to available html subset)

1~ level 1 heading 1~? conditional level 1 heading (used where a stand-alone document may be imported into another)

4~filename level 4 heading (this is the level on which by default html segments are made)

!{ emphasis }!

*{ bold text }*

_{ underscore }_

/{ italics }/

'" { citation }"

^{ superscript }^

,{ subscript },

+{ inserted text }+

-{ strikethrough }-


~{ endnote }~

endnote ~{ self contained endnote marker & endnote in one }~

alternative endnote pair notation:

~^ endnote marker

^~ endnote text following the paragraph in which the marker occurs

Line Operations (marker placed at start of line)

!_ bold line

_1 indent paragraph one level

_2 indent paragraph two steps

_* bullet paragraph

# number paragraph (see headers for numbering document headings)

_# number paragraph level 2 (see headers for numbering document headings)


{ link name }

{ image.png }

{ image.png }image

{ tux.png 64x80 }image

NOTE: (a) png and jpg support only (no gif) (b) width x height, not required if imagemagick is installed, (where provided, dimensions may be smaller than the actual image), [images should be no larger than width: 480 and height: 640]

the shortcut:

{~^ [text to link] }

is equivalent to:

{ [text to link] } ~{ }~

(which produces hyper-linked text within a document/paragraph, with an endnote providing the url for the text location used in the hyperlink)

url example:

{ SiSU Geek Writer }

linked image:

{ tux.png 64x80 "a better way" } image example with all options

note width x height

Adding a fixed names in html

*~[name] manual location marker/tagging at present only in html to produce <a name="[name]"></a> (use sparingly) note at a heading level the same is automatically achieved by providing names to headings 5 and 6 i.e. 5~[name] and 6~[name] or in the case of auto-heading numbering, without further intervention.

Escape object citation numbering

(place marker at end of paragraph)

~# unnumbered paragraph

-# unnumbered paragraph, delete when not required (place marker at end of paragraph) [used in dummy headings, eg. for segmented html]

It is convenient to mention here that the -0 flag generates html and latex/pdf output without visible object character numbers.

sisu -0 [filename.sst]

Page breaks (LaTeX/pdf)

page breaks are introduced to pdfs either as header instructions, indicating that pages should break at given levels, and mentioned in the header section, or manually, using the following notation

<:pb> page break, which breaks a page, starting a new page in single column text and a new column in double column text

<:pn> page new, which starts a new page, in both single and double column text (leaving an empty column in double column text if necessary).

Comment line

% ignored by sisu in processing if placed at beginning of line

%% ignored by sisu in processing if placed at beginning of line, used for folding by vim folds

Special characters

special characters can be escaped with a backslash { } < > are contextual special characters, (in combination with other characters). ~ - _ / % ^ and occasionally ! # + , are special characters in particular circumstances, see the syntax chart. [note that SiSU is not optimised for technical writing]


table{ [number of columns] [column width %];[column width %]

[table content, line breaks are important see example below]


sample table:

table{~h c3; 26; 32; 32;

This is a table, column1 this would become row one of column two column three of row one is here

column one row 2 column two of row two column three of row two, and so on

column one row three and so on here }table

whole table gets an object citation number

Other Grouped or Pre-formatted Text


[Text here]

[Text here]


each verse is given an object citation number



[Text here]


whole group gets an object citation number



[Text here]


whole group gets an object citation number

Composite Documents

It is possible to build a document by requiring other documents. The documents required may complete documents that could be generated independently, or they could be markup snippets, prepared so as to be easily available to be placed within another text. If the calling document is a master document (built mainly from other documents), by convention it should be named with the suffix .ssm (master) or .ssc (composite) Within this document you would provide information on the other documents that should be included within the text. These may be other documents that would be processed in a regular way, or markup bits prepared only for inclusion within a master document .sst regular markup file, or .ssi (insert/information) .sst A secondary file of the composite document is built prior to processing with the same prefix and the suffix .sss

basic markup for importing a document

r{ filename }

{ }require

<< { } #for vim folds

importing a document with textlink syntax


<< ||@|^| #for vim folds

importing a document with thlnk syntax


<< <> #for vim folds

remote documents may be called with the thlnk syntax (or regular sisu syntax), e.g.

<< <url:>

Document Headers

Header tags appear at the beginning of a document and provide meta information on the document (such as the Dublin Core), or information as to how the document as a whole is to be processed.

All header instructions take the form 0~ All Dublin Core meta tags are available

0~indentifier information or instructions

where the "identifier" is a tag recognised by the program, and the "information" or "instructions" belong to the tag/indentifier specified.

Note: a header where used should only be used once; all headers apart from 0~title are optional; the 0~toc header is used to describe document structure, and can be useful to know.

For help see one of the following (and markup samples):

* interactive help - type 'sisu help headers'

* marked up text samples

* the SiSU_Markup.txt file provided with the program

* an outline of headers is provided below -->

Outline of header options

0~title My Title - This is now the Title of the Document and used as such

0~subtitle The Subtitle if any

0~creator [or ~author] Ralph Amissah

0~subject (whatever your subject)




0~translator [or ~translated_by]

0~illustrator [or ~illustrated_by]

0~prepared_by [or ~digitized_by]

0~date 2000-08-27 [ also 0~date.created 0~date.issued 0~date.available 0~date.valid 0~date.modified ]

0~type article




0~language [or 0~language.document] language in which current version of document is published. Some country settings result in processing adjustments, e.g. in LaTeX hyphenation, some country codes are recognized, but the language name in Engish is preferred. English is the default setting. (en - English, us - US English, fr - French, de - German, it - Italian, es - Spanish, pt - Portuguese, br - Brazilian Portuguese, se - Swedish, dk - Danish, fi - Finnish, no - Norwegian, is - Icelandic, nl - Dutch, ee - Estonian, hu - Hungarian, pl - Polish, ro - Romanian, ru - Russian, gr - Greek, ua - Ukranian, tr - Turkish, si - Slovene, sk - Slovak, hr - Croatian, cz - Czech, bg - Bulgarian ) [however, encodings are not available for all of the languages listed.]

0~language.original original language in which the work was published

0~papersize (A4|US_letter|book_B5|book_A5|US_legal)



0~rights copyright, all rights reserved, public domain, copyleft, creative commons variant, etc.


0~keywords text document generation processing management LaTeX pdf structured XML citation [your keywords here, used for example by rss feeds, and in sql sear ches]

0~abstract [paper abstract, placed after table of contents]

0~comment [...]

0~classify_loc Library of Congress classification

0~classify_dewey Dewey classification system

0~classify_isbn ISBN

0~classify_pg Project Gutenberg text number

0~prefix_a [prefix is placed just before table of contents - not implemented]

0~prefix_b or 0~prefix [prefix is placed just after table of contents]

0~rcs $Id$ [or 0~cvs used by rcs or cvs to embed version (revision control) information into document, rcs or cvs can usefully provide a history of updates to a document ]

0~toc PART; CHAPTER; SECTION; ARTICLE; none; none; optional, where document structure can be defined by a match words or regular expression (the regular expression is assumed to start at the beginning of a line of text i.e. ^) default markers 1~ to 6~ can be used within text instead, without this header ta g, and may be used to supplement the instructions provided in this header tag if provided

0~level new=1,2,3; break=4 [or newpage=1,2,3; breakpage=4] newpage and breakpage, heading level, used by LaTeX to breakpages. breakpage: starts on a new page in single column text and on a new column in double column text; newpage: starts on a new page for both single and double column texts.

0~markup information on the markup used, e.g. num_top=4 [auto-number document, starting at level 4. the default is to provide 3 levels, as in 1 level 4, 1.1 level 5, 1.1.1 level 6, markup to be merged within level] num_extract [take numbering of headings provided (manually in marked up source document), and use for numbering of segments. Available where a clear numbering structure is provided within document, without the repetition of a number in a header.]

0~bold [regular expression of words/phrases to be made bold]

0~italics [regular expression of words/phrases to italicise] 0~vocabulary name of taxonomy/vocabulary/wordlist to use against document

0~skin skin_doc_[name_of_desired_document_skin]

0~links { SiSU } { FSF }

1~ Top level heading [this usually has similar content to the title 0~title ]

2~ Second level heading [this is a heading level divider]

3~ Third level heading [this is a heading level divider]

4~ Top level heading preceding substantive text of document or sub-heading 5, the heading level that would normally be marked 1. or 2. or 3. etc. in a document, and the level on which sisu by default would break html output into named segments, names are provided automatically if none are given (a number), otherwise takes the form 4~my_filename_for_this_segment

5~ Second level heading preceding substantive text of document or sub-heading 6 , the heading level that would normally be marked 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3 or 2.1 etc. in a document.

6~ Third level heading preceding substantive text of document, that would normally be marked 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 or 1.2.1 or 2.1.1 etc. in a document

number in sequence but do not make a heading where autonmumbering has been selected, autonumbering may be applied to a paragraph which is not to become a heading, by use of the heading level to which a dash sign is added i.e. 5~ would become 5~- (this may be done for the second and third autonumber levels)


Some configuration is required for SiSU, specifying in which directory processing should be done, and where the generated output should be placed.

SiSU resource configuration is determined by looking at the following files if they exist:




In the absence of instructions in any of these it falls back to the internal program defaults.

Configuration determines the output and processing directories and the database access details.

More HELP on Markup and headers

type: sisu ~ sisu help

markup help is available on: document wide instructions: headers (document structure) general text markup: headings; endnotes; tables

A markup table and sample marked-up files (also in html with syntax highlighting) are available at:


SiSU determines output directories by looking at the resource configuration files, and in their absence the programs internal defaults.

Default Directories

In the absence of other specifications in
~/.sisu/sisurc.yaml in /etc/sisu/sisurc.yaml SiSU writes to the following directories, processing files are placed in sub-directories within ./_sisu/processing and if that is not writable to /tmp/sisu_processing

Output is written to sub-directories within /var/www/ if it exists and is writable, and otherwise to ~/sisu_output

Markup Document Directories and File Mapping

Ideally documents should be placed as collections sub-directories of their own, with a common denominator, such as subject or author.
The last part of a directory path is used to create a sub-directory into which generated documents are placed, in (sub-sub)directories of their own.
the document


would map to

~[configured output path]/ebook/free_culture

within which would be placed all html, XML, pdf output, typically under the names:

index.html index for segmented text

doc.html full length scrollable document

toc.html index for segmented text

html segments, as many as there may be...



sax.xml XML shallow structure, sax type parsing

dom.xml XML deeper structure, dom type parsing

scroll.xhtml xhtml

plain.txt plain text

Multi-language Document File Naming and Directory Mapping

If the same document exists in different language versions, and it is desired that the published language versions should reside in the same output directory, the following filenaming convention should be observed, using Spannish as the sample language code (es) [it is very likley the use of country codes as language codes will be changed or extended in future] [filename]~[language code].sst
within sisurc.yaml under the heading default the setting of language file: at 1, 2 or 3 determines the output filenaming convention used, as follows:
(1) [output directory path]/filename/es.index.html
(2) [output directory path]/filename/
(3) [output directory path]/filename/ (which Apache for example can be configured to use to automatically serve each users preference)
etc. would be placed in the same directory using the same convention as indeed would:
using the default convention mapping convention.
Selecting this form of filename will overide other language settings including the language header within a document.

Markup Document Directories and Database Mapping

Similarly there is a mapping to the database into which documents are placed.

The last part of a directory path is used to create a sub-directory into which generated documents are placed, in a database of the same name, unless overridden.

Documents within the directory ~/ebook


would be placed in tables within the database


SKINS - document, directory and site skins

Skins modify the default appearance of document output on a document, directory, or site wide basis. Skins are looked for in the following locations:





Within the skin directory are the following the default sub-directories for document skins:




Documents take on a document skin, if the header of the document specifies a skin to be used.

A directory may be mapped on to a particular skin, so all documents within that directory take on a particular appearance. If a skin exists in the skin/dir with the same name as the document directory, it will automatically be used for each of the documents in that directory, (except where a document specifies the use of another skin, in the skin/doc directory). when end

A personal habit is to place all skins within the doc directory, and symbolic links as needed from the site, or dir directories as required.

A site skin, modifies the program default skin.


SiSU documents are named with the suffix ss followed by a third distinguishing letter, usually t for ordinary text files.

.ssm or .ssc suffix indicates a master or composite document, i.e. a document which requests other documents. This is a human cue, a visual flag identifying the document as requiring external parts. See section on Composite Documents for information on how these are prepared.

One other filetype worth noting is .ssi which indicates an insert or bit of sisu markup information that is specifically to be requested within a maser or composite document and is not to be processed as a stand-alone document.

The .sss suffix is reserved for SiSU processing, and indicates a secondary file. Such secondary files are created when a composite file is constituted, and when a url is provided, it is saved locally for processing with the .sss extension, as a secondary processing file. Secondary files may be clobbered by SiSU at will, and are not a way of storing information.


These may be of three basic types.

Instruction that processed files are to be copied to a remote server, using the -r or -R flag as part of the processing instruction. This requires previous setting up/configuration of the method to be used (eg scp assumed for -r and rsync for -R) and url to which these files are to be sent. *

The downloading of a remote file for processing using SiSU locally, which is achieved in one of two ways:

A processing instruction may include the url to the a remote file that is to be processed - this will be downloaded and given a temporary file .t extension, and will be processed using SiSU locally.

A file may request the inclusion of a remote document within it, see comments on "Composite Documents" for the request syntax.

Finally SiSU may be run on a remote server, which you download marked up files to for processing. This is not really a function of the operation of SiSU, just an available possibility given that not much bandwidth is required.

* with regard to remote files processed locally, the -r option, a limitation is that it is up to the user to ensure that the remote file does not have an identical filename to another, e.g. local file, that is to be processed in the same directory. So far this has not been found to happen in practice... Alternative solutions are under consideration, but it is desired that filenames be human assigned, and meaningful, so hash keys of contents for filenames are not amongst the options considered.


For basic use only a fraction of the information provided here is required. There may be a bit of an information management problem in determining what though. For the markup of a book see the samples provided in and referred to in the text The flags to generate html and pdf for use locally would be sisu -mHp [name of file to be processed] This does assume an ok install and setup of SiSU and the associated software it uses.


To initialise a new directory sisu -C

Note: this create a corresponding output subdirectory and this copies css stylesheet files and basic image files to the output directory. The output directory is created in the output path/directory as a subdirectory with its name corresponding to that of the directory you are currently initialising.

generate the metafile used in subsequent processing only (note changes made to the markup file will not appear in subsequently generated text unless this flag is used: sisu -m [filename or wildcard]

to create html and pdf output, with verbose output of samplefile1.sst and samplefile2.sst sisu -mhpv samplefile1.sst samplefile2.sst Note: -m does initial processing, and -H omits filename suffixes and requires a properly configured web server. -h is used to include filename suffixes for file system viewing

generate html, a word map and pdf with verbose output for all marked up documents in a directory: sisu -mhwpv *

generate html, word map, pdf, plaintext, xhtml, xml sax and xml dom versions with verbose output for all marked up documents in a directory: sisu -mhwpabxXv *

to create html, pdf, xml, plaintext and a wordmap as output, with verbose output of all marked up files in a directory sisu -mhpxXawv *.{r,s}?

generate html, word map and pdf and place on remote server with verbose output 2 named example files in a directory (assumes has been set up, and first time must be run without other flags ie sisu -mrv [filenames/wildcard]): sisu -mhwprv example_file.sst other_example_file.sst

to process a remote sisu marked up file (html,pdf,wordmap), provide the url(s) (works for text only files, will be downloaded and processed locally): sisu -mhwpv

one file is local the other remote process (html,pdf,wordmap,plaintext and place on pre-set remote destination): sisu -mhwparv gpl2.fsf.sst

initialize database, create relations (first manually create database with same name as working directory): sisu -Dv createall

import all marked up files first time into a database: sisu -Dv import *

-c toggles color


SiSU has an interactive help, which is accessed by typing just "sisu" at the command line, or as described below: sisu commands, document preparation, customisation, installation etc.

  sisu help [commands,markup,customise,modules,setup,license,install]
    help            may be substituted with h or ~

Using SiSU commands: sisu help commands ------------------------------------------ Preparing Documents for SiSU markup: sisu help markup (an incomplete overview) headers: sisu help headers (document-wide instructions) headings: sisu help headings (document structure, headings, tables of contents) endnotes: sisu help endnotes tables: sisu help tables an example: sisu help example ------------------------------------------ Customising/Modifying SiSU customise: sisu help customise modules: sisu help modules ------------------------------------------ Installing SiSU install: sisu help install setup: sisu help setup ------------------------------------------ SiSU some tests tests: sisu help tests ------------------------------------------ SiSU's License license: sisu help license

sisu interactive help topics include: keywords include: list, commands, markup, syntax, headers, headings, endnotes, tables, example, customise, skin, directories, path, db, modules, install, setup, configure, external_programs, dublincore, termsheet, tests, features, external_programs, license



Ralph Amissah or