man sjog (Commandes) - Sony Vaio Jog Dial Control Utility


sjog - Sony Vaio Jog Dial Control Utility


sjog [OPTIONS]


S-Jog is utility that can use the Sony Programmable I/O Control device (SPIC), which is part of Sony Vaio's, to do various things:

Launch applications
Adjust screen brightness
Adjust volume
Act like a mouse wheel

S-Jog pops up when you click the Jog Wheel then disappears after 3 seconds of idle time. The mouse wheel feature is turned on when S-Jog is hidden.


-rb, --reverse-brightness
Reverse brightness setting behavior.
-fk, --fake-keys
Send page up/down instead of buttons 4/5.
-nc, --no-center
Do not center windows on screen.
-s, --spic
Use the legacy spic driver. -ns, --no-startmenu Do not display the menu on startup. -r, --reset-menu Reset scroll bar to top of menu each time
-h, --help
Display a help message.


S-Jog reads its configuration from /etc/sjogrc or $HOME/.sjogrc if it exists.

An entry is defined by a name and a command. The name can contain spaces if it is put between double-quotes ("name").

The command is the path of the program to launch when the item is clicked or one of the 4 special keywords: brightness and volume will launch a setting window for the screen brightness and the speakers' volume, redo will rerun the last command launched, and hide does nothing and makes the menu disappear.

Lines beginning with a # are comment.


/etc/sjogrc, $HOME/.sjogrc
Configuration files read by sjog at startup. See /etc/sjogrc and /usr/share/doc/sjog/examples for examples.
sonypi interface device file. You must be able to read the file to use this program.


S-Jog was written by Sylvain Gil <>, and this man page was written by Hugo Haas <>.