man tuxpaint-config (Commandes) - tuxpaint-config -- A configuration tool for Tux Paint, a drawing program for young children.
tuxpaint-config -- A configuration tool for Tux Paint, a drawing program for young children.
tuxpaint-config [--help --version --usage --copying]
- tuxpaint-config
- [--locale]
- tuxpaint-config
- [--lang LANGUAGE]
Tux Paint Configuration Tool (tuxpaint-config) is a graphical configuration program for Tux Paint, a drawing program for young children. It can be used to create a configuration file for Tux Paint, rather than doing it manually by editing the configuration file in a text edtior.
- --help
- Display short, helpful information about Tux Paint.
- --version
- Output the version info.
- --usage
- Display a list of all commandline options.
- --copying
- Show the license (GNU GPL) under which Tux Paint is released.
Much like Tux Paint itself, Tux Paint Configuration Tool has been translated into numerous languages. tuxpaint-config will try its best to honor your locale setting (i.e., the LANG environment variable), if possible. You can also specifically set the language using options on the command-line.
- --locale LOCALE
- Specify the language to use, based on locale name (which is typically of the form language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier], where language is an ISO 639 language code, territory is an ISO 3166 country code, and codeset is a character set or encoding identifier like ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8.)
For example, de_DE@euro for German, or pt_BR for Brazilian Portuguese.
- --lang LANGUAGE
- Specify the language to use, based on the language's name (as recognized by Tux Paint). Choose one of the language names listed below:
- -
- english
While Tux Paint may refer to a number of environment variables indirectly (e.g., via SDL(3)), it only directly accesses the following:
- /etc/tuxpaint/tuxpaint.conf
- System-wide configuration file.
(Created during installation.)
- $HOME/.tuxpaintrc
- User's configuration file. It can be used to set default options (rather than setting them on the command-line every time), and/or to override any settings in the system-wide configuration file.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The canonical place to find Tux Paint information is at
Bill Kendrick. <>