man vdccm (Commandes) - and a daemon which listens for PDA connections


vdccm - and a daemon which listens for PDA connections


vdccm [-d level] [-f] [-h] [-p password] [-i this] [-u count] [-s sec]


This manual page documents briefly the vdccm command.

vdccm is a generalization of the native SynCE-DCCM but is fully compatible with it. In addition to all DCCM features it is capable of supporting more than one PDA connected at the same time. It is responsible for reporting all connects and disconnects of PDAs to interested clients via an unix-socket by use of a simple protocol. E.g. RAKI is one of such an interested client.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax. A summary of options is included below.

Set debug log level: 0 - No logging, 1 - Errors only (default), 2 - Errors and warnings, 3 - Everything.
Do not run as daemon.
Show this help message.
-p password
Use this password when device connects.
Use ip-address of device for identification.
Allowed numbers of unanswered pings (default 3).
Delay between pings in seconds (default 5).


synce (1), raki (1), dccm (1).


This manual page was written by Volker Christian