man vdeq (Commandes) - Virtual Distributed Ethernet wrapper for QEMU virtual machines


vdeq - Virtual Distributed Ethernet wrapper for QEMU virtual machines


vdeq qemu [ -sock socketpath [ ,socketpath [ ,... ] ] ] [ qemu_args ]

vde{qemu_name} [ -sock socketpath [ ,socketpath [ ,... ] ] ] [ qemu_args ]


vdeq is a wrapper to start a QEMU virtual machine connected to a VDE network. It uses the qemu -tun-fd parameter to set up the connection with a vde_switch.

The command

vdeq qemu -b c -hda=sampledisk starts a qemu machine which boots from the sampledisk image and has a ne2000 ethernet interface connected to the standard vde_switch.

It is also possible to create symbolic links to the vdeq executable to have a simpler command. If the link has a name that begins with vde the remaning part of the name is taken as the qemu command. For example if vdeq is linked to vdeqemu:

vdeqemu -b c -hda=sampledisk starts qemu as above.

vdeq qemu -sock /tmp/vde.ctl,/tmp/my.ctl -b c -hda=sampledisk

vdeqemu -sock /tmp/vde.ctl,/tmp/my.ctl -b c -hda=sampledisk both start qemu with two ethernet interface connected to the standard switch and to the switch with local socket "/tmp/my.ctl" respectively


socketpath, specify the UNIX socket to be used by local programs for joining the VDE. The default value is "/tmp/vde.ctl" It is also possible to indicate several socketpath (comma separated, no blanks): in this case several interfaces are defined. The first socketpath is connected to the first ne2k interface and so on.

-h, -help, --help
print a Usage help.



VDE is a project by Renzo Davoli <>