man wiplcSimple (Commandes) - Generate tables in HTML or text format containing statistics maintained by wipld


wiplcSimple - Generate tables in HTML or text format containing statistics maintained by wipld


wiplcSimple [ options ] -- counterlist


This is the wiplc program from the 991008 release of wipl. This program is much less flexible and more obscure than the new wiplc(1) program. But you find might it easier to use than wiplc for outputting simple tables.


This program will connect to the wipld daemon and display tables based on statistics maintained by the daemon. The space-separated numbers in the counterlist argument describes which columns should be displayed in the table. The numbers can be:

Display the MAC address of the card.
-1 to -4
Display the IP address with 1 to 4 components
Display the counter with the given number.


The following options are recognized:

-d daemonfile --daemon daemonfile
Connect to the wipld daemon through the file daemonfile
-o file --outfile file
Write tables to file instead of to stdout.
-c --clearscr
Clear the Linux console before each table is displayed
-s so --sort so
Indicates how the information should be sorted. so can have the same values as the elements of counterlist described above.
-r --sortrev
Reverse the sort order
-p n --periodlen n
Set the period length to n in effect writing a new table every n'th second.
-q n --quittime n
This is used to control how many periods the program should go through. As default the program goes through no periods and will exit immediately after printing the first table. If n is 0 the program will run until terminated. If n is 1 the program will go through exactly one period.

If n is greater than 1 it indicates the date/time where the program should quit. This is given in number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Such a number can be obtained from the date(1) command. For example the command echo $(date --date 'next monday 00:00' +%s) will print the number corresponding to next monday at 00:00.

-t title --title
If -h is given this will set the title for the HTML page.
-h --html
Write table in HTML instead of in plain text format
-l --long
Use long format in output using several lines to display information about a single entry in the table.
-m --mega
Use megabytes as units (default is kilobytes)
-e --speed
Print speeds and not totals
-i n --history n
This option only makes since if the value given to the -q argument is either 0 or a number greater than 1. Normally the information displayed is based on the start time of the daemon. But when n=0 the tables are based on the starttime of this client program. And when n>0 the tables are based on the information n periods ago.


You might want to compare these examples with the examples on the wiplc man page.

To display the values of counter 0 and 1 together with the MAC and IP addresses they are associated with use:

wiplcSimple -- -5 -4 0 1

To write a HTML file every 10th second displaying in KB/s the speed data was transfered with during the last minute for counter 0 and 1 use:

wiplcSimple \
  --speed --quittime 0 --periodlen 10 --history 6 \
  --html --outfile speed.html -- -5 -4 0 1

To write a similar page to the Linux console use:

wiplcSimple \
  --speed --quittime 0 --periodlen 10 --history 6 \
  --clearscr -- -5 -4 0 1


/etc/wipld.conf Default daemonfile.


wipl(1), wiplc(1), date(1)