man floatbg () - slowly modify the color of the X root window
floatbg - slowly modify the color of the X root window
floatbg [-display display] [-help] [-value float] [-satmid float] [-satvar float] [-fase float] [-time float]
Floatbg is an X11 program that modifies the color of the root window in such a manner that you won't to see the color change, but after a while you'll notice that it did change, however.
Floatbg starts with a random color and changes it deterministicly by moving through a hsv-model of colors. In the hsv-model, colors are described by three parameters: Hue stands for the tint of a color (0 degrees is red, 60 = yellow, 120 = green, 180 = aquamarine, etc), saturations stands for the brightness of the color (0 = white, 1 = bright), and value stands for the intensity of the color (0 = black, 1 = normal).
Every 10 seconds the hue (tint) is increased by one degree and the saturation (brightness) is changed by a sinus over the hue. (The frequency of this change can be adjusted with the -time parameter.) The shape of this sinus can be addapted with the options -satmid, -satvar and -fase. The value (blackness) is fixed and can be set with the option -value. The default values are: floatbg -value .87 -satmid .375 -satvar .125 -fase .25, and are such that all pastel tints are visited.
Floatbg doesn't use any window, button or menu, and it can only be stopped by killing it.
Jan Rekers -