man Animate () - AfterStep module animating windows being iconified/deiconified
Animate - AfterStep module animating windows being iconified/deiconified
- Color
Tells Animate what color (see rgb.txt) to draw the window outline with as it animates.
- Delay
Tells Animate how many milliseconds to sleep between frames of animation.
- Iterations
Tells Animate how many steps to break the animation into.
- Twist
Tells Animate how many revolutions to twist the iconification frame.
- Width
Tells Animate how wide a line to draw with. Note that width 0 produces a fast line at Width 1.
- Resize
Tells Animate what method to use to draw resizes. The six meth- ods currently supported are: zoom, zoom3D, twist, flip, turn and random.
See Also: Animate Resize type for further details.