man xeyes () - a follow the mouse X demo


xeyes - a follow the mouse X demo


xeyes [-option ...]


Xeyes watches what you do and reports to the Boss.


-fg foreground color choose a different color for the pupil of the eyes.
-bg background color choose a different color for the background.
-outline outline color choose a different color for the outline of the eyes.
-center center color choose a different color for the center of the eyes.
-backing { WhenMapped Always NotUseful } selects an appropriate level of backing store.
-geometry geometry define the initial window geometry; see X(7).
-display display specify the display to use; see X(7).
-bd border color choose a different color for the window border.
-bw border width choose a different width for the window border.
uses the SHAPE extension to shape the window. This is the default.
Disables uses the SHAPE extension to shape the window.


X(7), X Toolkit documentation

See X(7) for a full statement of rights and permissions.


Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium

Copied from the NeWS version written (apparently) by Jeremy Huxtable as seen at SIGGRAPH '88