man xlogmaster (Commandes) - quick & easy monitoring of logfiles and devices


xlogmaster - quick & easy monitoring of logfiles and devices


xlogmaster [-activate <n>] [-alertcolor <r,g,b>] [-audio <on/off>] [-audio-alert <filename>/<off>] [-audio-notice <filename>/<off>] [-audio-uniconify <filename>/<off>] [-buffer <n>[bkm]] [-config <file>] [-fadeseconds <n>] [-fadesteps <n>] [-geometry widthxheight+x+y] [-gtkrc <file>] [-help] [-mlockall] [-notice-follows-mouse <yes/no>] [-silent] [-smallicon <yes/no>] [-terse] [-version] [-wordwrap <yes/no>]


Xlogmaster displays logfiles and/or devices that can be read via cat. It allows for quick and easy control of all logfiles and most of the hardware/device status within one program. Filters allow to highlight/lowlight/hide lines of higher/lower/no interest. Click right mouse button in text window to bring up the menu.


-activate <n>
Activate entry nr <n> at startup
-alertcolor <r,g,b>
The color a logfile button should flash to when an alert has been triggered for this particular logfile. The color is in GTK+ standard, this means values between 0 and 1 for red,green,blue. Example: A commandline option of -alertcolor 0,1.0,0 would mean that the button will flash bright green. IMPORTANT: While values have to be seperated by a comma, the values themselves have to be given with a decimal point (so 0.45 and NOT 0,45 for instance).
-audio <on/off>
Generally turns audio support for the xlogmaster on/off. For audio support you must have the OSS installed (/dev/dsp must exist).
-audio-alert <filename>/<off>
Selects file to play whenever an "alert" filter has been triggered (see tutorial). The file must be playable via "cat filename > /dev/dsp" ( about 8KHz and a standard (WAVE, ULaw...) format ). If you give "off" as the filename, there will be no sound for alert events.
-audio-notice <filename>/<off>
Same as "-audio-alert", only for "notice" events (see tutorial).
-audio-uniconify <filename>/<off>
Same as "-audio-alert", only for "uniconify" events (see tutorial).
-buffer <n>[bkm]
Set the size of the buffered text to <n>[bytes/kilobytes/megabytes]. This gives the maximum number of bytes that can be reviewed at any point.
-config <file>
Use <file> as the config file for Xlogmaster
-fadeseconds <n>
Amount of seconds it takes an alert-highlighted button to fade back to normal. Something like 300 seconds is usually a good value.
-fadesteps <n>
Number of steps taken when fading back from alertcolor to standard background color of a button. Depending on how different the colors are and how fast you letthe buttons fade back something between 20 and 200 should be a sane value.
-geometry widthxheight+x+y
Standard X11 geometry statement
-gtkrc <file>
Use <file> as the GTK+ rc file (controlling the color selection & look). See GTK+ toolkit for details.
Prints short help message and exits.
Try to lock the pages of the Xlogmaster in memory so they don't get swapped out. This function is meant for admins of machines with heavy memory usage and logfiles that are considered extremely important (like some servers). It *only* works on machines that support the mlockall() call and usually *only for root*. If the system allows locking and you use more memory pages than the system likes to see locked a segfault is pretty likely. This is definitely something that has to be called a superuser feature ! Usual users could request the locking but nothing would happen. You could of course make the xlogmaster suid root, but *I TELL YOU: DON'T !!!!!!!* You would allow everyone who could start it to save the xlogmaster configuration over anything - even the kernel image, for instance. The only clean way is probably a little wrapper that only you have access to and if you don't know how to set that up you definitely don't know enough to use this feature. Most people won't need it, anyways - so once again: USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION AND ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ! THIS IS A SUPERUSER FEATURE !
-notice-follows-mouse [YES/no]
Determines whether the notice box (see Class1 filters in tutorial) should follow the mouse around. This doesn't mean the notice dialog sticks to the mouse pointer, it rather lets the notice box move to the current mouse position every time a new entry is added to the notice dialog. Since most people will probably find it annoying this feature is disabled as the default.
Same as "-audio off".
-smallicon [YES/no]
If set to yes Xlogmaster will use a standard 64x64 pixel icon instead of the logo for iconify.
Assume user know's what he's doing - no "are you sure ?" questions for possibly critical tasks like leaving the Xlogmaster.
Prints version information and exits.
-wordwrap [YES/no]
Should the words be cut in half or wrapped properly ? Give yes for proper wrapping.


Configuration file loaded by xlogmaster at startup.
Standard GTK rc-file. This file defines the look (colors etc.) of xlogmaster.
Autogenerated configfile. Debian packages register their logfiles into this file by using the update-xlogmaster programm.
Scripts you can use as a reaction to a trigger.
Sounds played on a triggered event.
Directory with entries for the intern database.
Directory to place override files for the Debian logfile database. See update-xlogmaster(1).


update-xlogmaster(1), /usr/doc/xlogmaster/xlogmaster.html


Send all bug reports to:


Xlogmaster was written by Georg C. F. Greve.


The Xlogmaster Copyright (C) 1998 by Georg C. F. Greve <> This is a GNU program

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA