man ydpdict (Commandes) - an interface for Collins dictionaries
ydpdict - an interface for Collins dictionaries
ydpdict [ options ]
ydpdict is an ncurses interface for English-Polish, Polish-English, German-Polish and Polish-German Collins dictionaries, which are distributed by Young Digital Poland.
ydpdict tries to find the configuration file in the following locations (reads only the first one found):
- 1)
- ~/ydpdict.conf
- 2)
- ~/.ydpdictrc
- 3)
- /etc/ydpdict.conf
- -a [--ang]
- Starts the English-Polish dictionary (default).
- -p [--pol]
- Starts the Polish-English dictionary.
- -o [--niem-pol]
- Starts the German-Polish dictionary.
- -d [--pol-niem]
- Starts the Polish-German dictionary.
- -n [--nopl]
- Turns off displaying of Polish diacritics.
- -i [--iso]
- Displays polish diacritics using ISO-8859-2.
- -u [--unicode]
- Displays polish diacritics using Unicode.
- -U [--unicodeset]
- Switches the console to Unicode mode at start, and back at exit.
- -f [--path=PATH]
- Sets the path to data files.
- -c [--cdpath=PATH]
- Sets the path to the CD. (For audio sample files).
- -P [--player=PATH]
- Sets the path to the WAV file player.
- -w [--word=WORD]
- Starts the dictionary and translates the specified word.
- --version
- Displays the version of the program.
- -h [--help]
- Shows command line options.
ydpdict was written by Wojtek Kaniewski <>. Latest version can be found at