man Module::Build::Cookbook () - Examples of Module::Build Usage


Module::Build::Cookbook - Examples of Module::Build Usage


CWModule::Build isn't conceptually very complicated, but examples are always helpful. I got the idea for writing this cookbook when attending Brian Ingerson's Extreme Programming Tools for Module Authors presentation at YAPC 2003, when he said, straightforwardly, Write A Cookbook.

The definitional of how stuff works is in the main CWModule::Build documentation. It's best to get familiar with that too.


The basic installation recipe for modules that use Module::Build

In most cases, you can just issue the following commands from your shell:

 perl Build.PL
 Build test
 Build install

There's nothing complicated here - first you're running a script called Build.PL, then you're running a (newly-generated) script called Build and passing it various arguments. If you know how to do that on your system, you can get installation working.

The exact commands may vary a bit depending on how you invoke perl scripts on your system. For instance, if you have multiple versions of perl installed, you can install to one particular perl's library directories like so:

 /usr/bin/perl5.8.1 Build.PL
 Build test
 Build install

The Build script knows what perl was used to run CWBuild.PL, so you don't need to reinvoke the Build script with the complete perl path each time. If you invoke it with the wrong perl path, you'll get a warning.

If the current directory (usually called '.') isn't in your path, you can do CW./Build or CWperl Build to run the script:

 /usr/bin/perl Build.PL
 ./Build test
 ./Build install

Making a distribution

New versions of understand how to use a Build.PL script, but old versions don't. If you want to help users who have old versions, do the following:

Create a file in your distribution named Makefile.PL, with the following contents:

 use Module::Build::Compat;
 Module::Build::Compat->run_build_pl(args => \@ARGV);

Now CPAN will work as usual, ie: `perl Makefile.PL`, `make`, `make test`, and `make install`.

Alternatively, see the CWcreate_makefile_pl parameter to the CWModule::Build->new() method.

Installing modules using the programmatic interface

If you need to build, test, and/or install modules from within some other perl code (as opposed to having the user type installation commands at the shell), you can use the programmatic interface. Create a Module::Build object (or an object of a custom Module::Build subclass) and then invoke its CWdispatch() method to run various actions.

 my $b = Module::Build->new(
   module_name => 'Foo::Bar',
   license => 'perl',
   requires => { 'Some::Module'   => '1.23' },
 $b->dispatch('test', verbose => 1);

The first argument to CWdispatch() is the name of the action, and any following arguments are named parameters.

This is the interface we use to test Module::Build itself in the regression tests.

Installing to a temporary directory

To create packages for package managers like RedHat's CWrpm or Debian's CWdeb, you may need to install to a temporary directory first and then create the package from that temporary installation. To do this, specify the CWdestdir parameter to the CWinstall action:

 Build install destdir=/tmp/my-package-1.003


Adding new elements to the build process

If there's some new type of file (i.e. not a .pm file, or .xs file, or one of the other things CWModule::Build knows how to process) that you'd like to handle during the building of your module, you can do something the following in your Build.PL file:

  use Module::Build;

  my $class = Module::Build->subclass( code => <<'EOC' );
    sub process_foo_files {
      my $self = shift;
      ... locate and process foo files, and create something in blib/

  my $build = $class->new( ... );


This creates a custom subclass of CWModule::Build that knows how to build elements of type CWfoo. It should place the elements in a subdirectory of blib/ corresponding to items that CWModule::Build knows how to install - to add new capabilities in that arena, see Adding new types to the install process.

Changing the order of the build process

The CWbuild_elements property specifies the steps CWModule::Build will take when building a distribution. To change the build order, change the order of the entries in that property:

 # Process pod files first
 my @e = @{$build->build_elements};
 my $i = grep {$e[$_] eq 'pod'} 0..$#e;
 unshift @e, splice @e, $i, 1;

Currently, CWbuild_elements has the following default value:

  [qw( PL support pm xs pod script )]

Do take care when altering this property, since there may be non-obvious (and non-documented!) ordering dependencies in the CWModule::Build code.

Dealing with more than one perl installation

If you have more than one CWperl interpreter installed on your system, you can choose which installation to target whenever you use CWModule::Build. Usually it's as simple as using the right CWperl in the CWperl Build.PL step - this perl will be remembered for the rest of the life of the generated Build script.

Occasionally, however, we get it wrong. This is because there often is no reliable way in perl to find a path to the currently-running perl interpreter. When CW$^X doesn't tell us much (e.g. when it's something like perl instead of an absolute path), we do some very effective guessing, but there's still a small chance we can get it wrong. Or not find one at all.

Therefore, if you want to explicitly tell CWModule::Build which perl binary you're targetting, you can override CW$Config{perlpath}, like so:

  /foo/perl Build.PL --config perlpath=/foo/perl
  ./Build --config perlpath=/foo/perl
  ./Build test --config perlpath=/foo/perl

Adding new file types to the install process

Sometimes you might have extra types of files that you want to install alongside the standard types like .pm and .pod files. For instance, you might have a Foo.dat file containing some data related to the CWBoo::Baz module. Assuming the data doesn't need to be created on the fly, the best place for it to end up is probably as Boo/Baz/Foo.dat somewhere in perl's CW@INC path so CWBoo::Baz can access it easily at runtime. The following code from a sample CWBuild.PL file demonstrates how to accomplish this:

  use Module::Build;
  my $build = new Module::Build
     module_name => 'Boo::Baz',

This will find all .dat files in the lib/ directory, copy them to the blib/lib/ directory during the CWbuild action, and install them during the CWinstall action.

If your extra files aren't in the CWlib/ directory, you can explicitly say where they are, just as you'd do with .pm or .pod files:

  use Module::Build;
  my $build = new Module::Build
     module_name => 'Boo::Baz',
     dat_files => {'some/dir/Foo.dat' => 'lib/Boo/Baz/Foo.dat'},

If your extra files actually need to be created on the user's machine, you'll probably have to override the CWbuild action to do so:

  use Module::Build;
  my $class = Module::Build->subclass(code => <<'EOF');
    sub ACTION_build {
      my $self = shift;
      ... create the .dat files here ...
  my $build = $class->new
     module_name => 'Boo::Baz',

Please note that these examples use some capabilities of Module::Build that first appeared in version 0.26. Before that it could certainly still be done, but the simple cases took a bit more work.


Ken Williams,