- bitarr
bit array manipulation
- cmp
comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- dynarr
simple dynamic arrays
- errormsg
printing error messages
- files
manipulation utilities
- fname
filename manipulation
- fnpathfind
find a file in a list of directories
- fnqualify
qualify a filename
- hash
generic hash tables
- iset
manipulate sets of integers
- log
simple log file output
- memarrfill
fill an array with the value of its first element
- memdel
remove bytes from beginning of memory block
- memfill
fill memory area with pattern
- memins
insert bytes at beginning of memory block
- memisort
insert new element into sorted array
- memmem
search for memory block inside another memory block
- memoverlap
check whether two memory blocks overlap
- memrchr
find last occurence of a character within another memory block
- memrev
reverse an array in place
- memrmem
find last occurence of memory block within another memory block
- memshuffle
make an array be in random order
- memswap
swap the contents of two memory blocks
- publib
introduction to publib
- stack
manipulate stacks
- stracat
concatenate many strings into an allocated memory block
- stranaxfrm
make a string into canonical form for anagram comparison
- strchange
replace beginning of string with beginning of another string
- strcins
insert a character at the beginning of a string
- strcstr
convert memory block to printable C string notation
- strdel
delete characters from beginning of string
- strdiff
locate first difference between two strings
- strend
return pointer to the terminating '\0' of a string
- strendzap
remove pattern from end of str, if it is there
- strgsub
substitute all occurences of pattern with another string
- strhash
hash function for strings
- strinit
initialize a string with a given character to a given length
- strins
insert a string at the beginning of another string
- strltrim
remove leading whitespace from string
- strmaxcpy
copy at most a given number of characters of string
- strmove
make a copy of a string, handling overlapping strings
- strmtrim
replace multiple white spaces with single blanks within string
- strndup
duplicate part of a string
- strnins
insert prefix of a string at the beginning of another string
- stroverlap
check whether two strings overlap
- strrev
reverse a string in place
- strright
return a pointer to the beginning of the rightmost n chars in a string
- strrot13
encrypt or decrypt string using rot13
- strrstr
locate last occurence of substring
- strrtrim
remove trailing whitespace