man Text::Query::SolveSimpleString () - Apply query expression on strings


Text::Query::SolveSimpleString - Apply query expression on strings


  use Text::Query;
  my $q=new Text::Query('+hello +world',
                        -parse => 'Text::Query::ParseSimple',
                        -solve => 'Text::Query::SolveSimpleString',
                        -build => 'Text::Query::BuildSimpleString');

  $q->match('this hello is a world')


Applies an expression built by CWText::Query::BuildSimpleString to a list of strings.


match ([TARGET])
If CWTARGET is a scalar, CWmatch returns a true value if the string specified by CWTARGET matches the query object's query expression. If CWTARGET is not given, the match is made against CW$_. If CWTARGET is an array, CWmatch returns a (possibly empty) list of all matching elements. If the elements of the array are references to sub- arrays, the match is done against the first element of each sub-array. This allows arbitrary information (e.g. filenames) to be associated with each string to match. If CWTARGET is a reference to an array, CWmatch returns a reference to a (possibly empty) list of all matching elements.
matchscalar ([TARGET])
Behaves just like CWMATCH when CWTARGET is a scalar or is not given. Slightly faster than CWMATCH under these circumstances.


Eric Bohlman ( Loic Dachary (