- wwwoffle.conf
Le fichier de configuration du serveur proxy WWWOFFLE.
- wwwoffle.options
configuration options for wwwoffle
- wyrdrc
wyrdrc is the configuration textfile for the wyrd(1)
console calendar application.
- x509v3_config
X509 V3 certificate extension configuration format
- xawtvrc
xawtvrc -- TV apps config file
- xdm.options
configuration options for the X display manager
- xferfaxlog
activity log
- xferlog
FTP server logfile
- xfs
layout of the XFS filesystem
- xinetd.conf
Extended Internet Services Daemon configuration file
- xinetd.log
xinetd service log format
- xkbsel
XKB keyboard selection tool files
- xorg.conf
Configuration File for Xorg
- xpdfrc
configuration file for Xpdf tools (version 3.01)
- Xsession
initialize X session
- Xsession.options
configuration options for
- xsmbrowser-config
xSMBrowser global configuration file
- xstow.ini
xstow.ini, config file for XStow
- yagi
yagi binary output format
- yaws.conf
Configuration file for the yaws webserver
- yaws_api
api available to yaws web server programmers
- yp.conf
NIS binding configuration file
- ypserv.conf
configuration file for ypserv and rpc.ypxfrd
- yum.conf
Configuration file for yum(8).
- yuv4mpeg
video stream format used by pipe-based MJPEGtools
- zdbases.conf
- Centralized database setup for the ZMailer's
- zlibc.conf
zlibc's configuration file
- zone.conf
is the file that determines how zones should be set up in the
firewall. A zone describes how traffic from other zones are allowed
into a zone, and what packets are allowed from the zone itself.
Zones are based upon the interface and the network the interface is
connected to. It is possible to have multiple zones per interface, if
and only if the interface is not declared public. See the PUBLIC
variable for more information.
- zorp-config
Zorp compilation environment
- zorpctl.conf
zorpctl(8) global options