man gsgmdd (Administration système) - Alamin GSM SMS Gateway Message Dispatcher


gsgmdd - Alamin GSM SMS Gateway Message Dispatcher


gsgmmd [--version|--help]

gsgmmd [--configfile config_file_name] [--debug|--nodebug] [--verbose|--noverbose] [--copyright|--nocopyright] [--pidfile pid_file] [--accounting accounting_file_name] [--syslog facility|--nosyslog] [--spool spool_directory] [--gsmdevice [(gnokii 0.3.0|0.3.2)|(at text|pdu) deviceport] | smpp host port timeout user pass] [--gnokiipath gnokii_binary_with_complete_path] [--sttypath stty_binary_with_completa_path] [--chatpath chat_binary_with_completa_path] [--sttystring serial_port_initialization_string] [--keepsuccess|--nokeepsuccess] [--keepfail|--nokeepfail] [--maxin number_of_messages] [--maxout number_of_messages] [--imp command_to_run_when_a_message_is_received] [--smsc short_message_service_center_number] [--allowclientsmsc|--noallowclientsmsc]


gsgmdd is the gateway message dispatcher. It connects to the gsm device periodically to check for new incoming messages, runs input message proccesor scripts for each input message, and sends queued messages.


--configfile <file_name>
(default: /etc/alamin/gsgc.conf) Sets the config file to be used. The configfile option is not valid inside a config file (to redirect into another config file). You can put any number of times an option inside the config file, but only the latest is used. Use only lowercase letters. Options specified in the command line have preference over options listed inside a config file.
(default: --debug) You can turn debugging on or off. Just use debug to see all messages in the log.
(default: --verbose) Set this option if you want to see messages about usual events in the log.
(default: --nocopyright) If you set this option, copyright messages will be show every time Alamin starts.
--pidfile <pid_file>
(default: /var/run/alamin/ File to save the pid of the proccess. This option can only be used as a command line option, not inside the config file.
--accounting <accounting_file_with_complete_path>
(default: /var/log/alamin/gsgd-accounting.log) Accounting file, where every attempt to send or receive a message is logged. You can use it to generate usage reports per user, computer, phone...
--syslog <facility_name>
(default: local4) Syslog facility to log messages, or nosyslog to avoid using syslog.
--spool <spool_directory>
(default: /var/spool/alamin) Directory structure path where messages are waiting to be sent.
--gsmdevice <gsmdevice_type> <gsmdevice_mode> <device_serial_port>
(default: at text /dev/gsm) Currently, only at, gnokii and smpp can be used as <gsmdevice_type>. at uses the chat program to dialogue with the gsm device, and stty to configure the serial port. <gsmdevice_mode> can be text or pdu to use the text mode or pdu mode in the at interface. Currently, only text is implemented. gnokii uses the Gnokii project command line binary. Versions 0.3.0 and 0.3.2 of Gnokii have been succesfully tested. <gsmdevice_mode> is the gnokii version you use, because the differences in the output format of different versions. The <device_serial_port> option is ignored in this case. It will be used in the future to support more than one gsm device attached to the same computer. You can make /dev/gsm to be a symbolic link to the device serial port where you attach the modem or the phone (you can link serial device to /dev/gsm ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/gsm) or use the original device name in the gsmdevice option. See config file for examples. If using smpp as device, parameters differ, you set host port timeout user pass for the connection to the smpp server.
--gnokiipath <gnokii_binary_with_complete_path>
(default: /usr/bin/gnokii) Location of gnokii binary.
--sttypath <stty_binary_with_complete_path>
(default: /bin/stty) Location of stty binary.
--chatpath <chat_binary_with_complete_path>
(default: /usr/sbin/chat) Location of stty binary.
--sttystring <serial_port_initialization_string>
(default: nothing, empty string) This option is not used if you select gnokii in the gsmdevice option. If you have communication problems between your computer and the gsm modem, configure the serial port using a program like minicom and exit from it without reseting the communications port (Quit with no reset in minicom). Then, run stty -g </dev/ttyS0 (change ttyS0 with your serial port name). The output of that command is what you want to put here as the parameter for stty to configure your serial port each time Alamin starts. Read your gsm modem manual for your needs. See config file for examples.
(default: --nokeepsuccess) Keep or discard successful sent messages.
(default: --keepfail) Keep or discard failed to send messages.
--maxin <maximum_number_input_messages_to_read_together_in_cycle>
(default: 10) Maximum number of incoming messages that will be procesed in a cycle of the main loop of gsgmdd. Then, outgoing messages will be sent.
--maxout <maximum_number_output_messages_to_sent_together_in_cycle>
(default: 10) Maximum number of queued messages that will be procesed in a cycle of the main loop of gsgmdd. Then, incoming messages will be checked.
--imp <command_to_run>
(default: /usr/lib/alamin/gsgimp-mailpostmaster) SECURITY NOTE: use this option carefully, it can compromise your system. You can run any command, writing previously a parser to your command, as gsgimp-mailpostmaster does. Sender phone is passed as the first argument to the command, and the message as the second argument. Look into /usr/lib/alamin for other IMPs.
--smsc <short_message_service_center_number>
(default: default) You can use this option to send messages over different SMSCs. The special word default causes not to send the SMSC to the gsm device. Just use the default SMSC of your gsm SIM card. You must specify the SMSC in international format, that is, plus sign (+), country prefix and phone number (+34123123123).
(default: --allowclientsmsc) You can allow clients (or not) to select other SMSC than the default or the one you have specified in --smsc option. Some mobile phone operators charges you with big costs if you use external SMSCs, so, perhaps, you do not want clients to select other SMSCs.


syntax error, incorrect command line.
parameter lost.
gsm interface not implemented.


/etc/alamin/gsgd.conf, gateway config file. /var/run/alamin/, default pid file. /var/log/alamin/gsgd-accounting.log, def. accounting file. /var/spool/alamin, default spool directory. /usr/lib/alamin, input message proccesors directory.


See also gsgc(1), gsgcmd(8), gsgmdd(8), gsgsmppin(8), gsgsmppout(8) and gsgdb2sms(8).


Send bugs to the author, please. I would like to keep the program without bugs.


Alamin GSM SMS Gateway Copyright (C) Andres Seco Hernandez and others.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


Andres Seco Hernandez <>.