man gsgc (Commandes) - Alamin GSM SMS Gateway client


gsgc - Alamin GSM SMS Gateway client


gsgc [--version|--help]

gsgc [--configfile config_file_name] [--debug|--nodebug] [--verbose|--noverbose] [--copyright|--nocopyright] [--port port_number] [--host host_name] [--syslog facility|--nosyslog] [--priority 1-9] [--smsc short_message_service_center_number] [--user username] [--password secret_password] [[--send dest_number[,more_dests]... message_content] ]


gsgc is the gateway client. It is used to send commands to the gateway, like send a message, query queue status, etc.


--configfile <file_name>
(default: /etc/alamin/gsgc.conf) Sets the config file to be used. The configfile option is not valid inside a config file (to redirect into another config file). You can put any number of times an option inside the config file, but only the latest is used. Use only lowercase letters. Options specified in the command line have preference over options listed inside a config file.
(default: --debug) You can turn debugging on or off. Just use debug to see all messages in the log.
(default: --verbose) Set this option if you want to see messages about usual events in the log.
(default: --nocopyright) If you set this option, copyright messages will be show every time Alamin starts.
--port <tcp_port_number|tcp_service_name>
(default: smsqp, or 11201 if smsqp does not exist in /etc/services) Port where the gateway server is listening for connections.
--host <gateway_host_name>
(default: gsm) Your gateway name. If you don't want to use this option, just create an alias for your gateway in DNS.
--syslog <facility_name>
(default: local4) Syslog facility to be used to log messages, or nosyslog to avoid using syslog.
--priority <level>
(default: 5) Level is a value from 1 to 9 and it sets the priority of the message. 1 is more important, 9 is less.
--smsc <short_message_service_center_number>
(default: default) When no --smsc option is specified gateway preconfigured smsc is used. WARNING: Use only international full numbers, like +34666123123
--user <username>
(default: anonymous) The default anonymous user does not authenticate. It can only use default allowed services as specified in the --defallowserv option of the gateway.
--password <secret_password>
(default: anonymous) Password of the user. Password is not send clearly. A similar protocol to CHAP is used.


OK. Command sucessfully completed.
Can't connect with server.
Protocol error.
Message can't be sent.
User/password not valid.


gsgc --send 123123123 message text

gsgc --send 123123123,321321321 message text

gsgc --smsc 987987987 --send 123123123 message text

gsgc --user username --password secret --send 123123123 message text


/etc/alamin/gsgc.conf, client config file.


See also gsgc(1), gsgcmd(8), gsgmdd(8), gsgsmppin(8), gsgsmppout(8) and gsgdb2sms(8).


Send bugs to the author, please. I would like to keep the program without bugs.


Alamin GSM SMS Gateway Copyright (C) Andres Seco Hernandez and others.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


Andres Seco Hernandez <>.