man makedb (Administration système) - zmailer database builder


makedb - zmailer database builder


[[-l|-u] [-A] [-a|-u] [-s|-v]] dbtype dbfilenamebase [inputfile|-]


This is underlying binary tool to actually compile the system specific text sources into binary database in currently supported forms.

This is intended to be run under some other wrappers, which supply defaults for the parameters and options per each usage case.


Append new data at the end of the previous data with same label.

This will insert ", " (comma-space) or nothing in between old and new data, depending upon operational mode.

Use aliases(5zm) rules about labels, and line continuation in the source.
Compiles smtpserver(8zm) policy configuration database into its binary representation.
-l | -u
Per default the labels are stored into the binary databases as is, but user can decide to pre-translate them either to all lowercase, or all uppercase by obvious choise of switch.
Do the work silently, report success/failure only by the exit(2) codes.
Jabber about the progress of the work.

The rest of the parameters (mandatory and optional) are:

Whatever has been compiled in the system at the moment.

The tool will report supported embedded databases in its "usage" error report.

When nothing is defined,


Command line inputs do fully control the behaviour of this tool. There are no e.g. ZENV-variables, nor any files this reads besides of given inputs.


newdb(8zm), zmailer(1zm), zmailer.conf(5zm), /usr/lib/zmailer/


This program authored and copyright by: Matti Aarnio <>