man ivi (Commandes) - graphical front-end for various HDL simulators


ivi - graphical front-end for various HDL simulators


ivi [options] [design_file]


From <>:

    IVI is a graphical front-end for various simulators. IVI allows the user
    to control simulation and view signal waveforms as the data is produced
    by the simulation.

IVI stresses an interactive approach to design testing and debugging * Signal waveforms may be examined during simulation * Signals may be added to the waveform at any point during simulation * Multiple wave-data files may be open at a time * The simulation may be restarted after the design is recompiled, preserving traced signals and waveform-window configuration * Simulation operations can be automated using the TCL scripting language

In Debian, ivi currently supports:

GHDL VHDL (Debian package: ghdl)
Icarus Verilog (Debian package: verilog)
Cver Verilog (Debian package not yet available)


\fB-do <file>, -inc <file> IVI executes the TCL commands from <file> after loading any specified design
\fB-l <file> Causes a transcript of the simulation session to be saved to the specified file
\fB-view <file>, -view_<fmt> <file> Causes the specified files to be loaded by IVI as waveform data. Waveform data-files are loaded before include files. Currently, the following formats are supported:
- vcd Open a VCD (not eVCD) file. Use -view_vcd
- stub Open an IVI stub-format data file. The file extension should be 'sdd'. Use -view_stub
\fB-h, --help Show ivi command-line help



This manual page was written for Debian GNU/Linux, by Wesley J. Landaker <> based off the output of 'ivi \fB--help'.