man nws_hostadmin (Commandes) - helps to manage Network Weather Service hosts


nws-hostadmin - helps to manage Network Weather Service hosts


nws-hostadmin command [[-b path][-B path][-f path][-m path][-M path][-l login][-L login][-s switches][-S switches] host ...]


This manual page explains the nws-hostadmin script. The nws-hostadmin script can assist you in the task of tracking NWS hosts. It is especially useful for keeping track of NWS hosts running on remote machines.

Here is a list of commands you can specify

add adds the host to the NWS hosts data base (see below): no operation is performed on the host itself.

forget removers the host from the NWS hosts data base (see below): no operation is performed on the hosts itself.

halt send a HOST_DIE message to the host. The host will exit upon receipt.

kill uses SIGKILL to stop the host: to be done only if hosts is unresposive to halt.

start start specified services on the hosts (ie nameserver, sensor or memory).

test dusplay the status of the host.

host has the format machine[:type[:port][,type[:port]..]] there type can be memory, nameserver or sensor.


-b path use the path to find the NWS binaries for the next host. Default path is $HOME/nws/bin.

-B path search NWS binaries in path for all hosts specified. Deafault is $HOME/nws/bin.

-l username use username as login name for the next host. Default is $USER.

-L username use username as login name for all specified hosts. Default is $USER.


Bugs list is at


NWS is an original idea of Rich Wolski Rich Wolski ( who came up with the original nws_memory.

Neil Spring, Jim Hayes ( and Martin Swany maintained and enhanced it.

Graziano Obertelli ( currently maintains NWS and wrote this man page.