man bitmap () -


Bitmap handling -


caca_bitmap * caca_create_bitmap (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

Create an internal bitmap object. void caca_set_bitmap_palette (struct caca_bitmap *, unsigned int r[], unsigned int g[], unsigned int b[], unsigned int a[])

Set the palette of an 8bpp bitmap object. void caca_draw_bitmap (int, int, int, int, struct caca_bitmap const *, void *)

Draw a bitmap on the screen. void caca_free_bitmap (struct caca_bitmap *)

Free the memory associated with a bitmap.

Detailed Description

These functions provide high level routines for bitmap allocation and rendering.

Function Documentation

struct caca_bitmap* caca_create_bitmap (unsigned int bpp, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int pitch, unsigned int rmask, unsigned int gmask, unsigned int bmask, unsigned int amask)

Create a bitmap structure from its coordinates (depth, width, height and pitch) and pixel mask values. If the depth is 8 bits per pixel, the mask values are ignored and the colour palette should be set using the caca_set_bitmap_palette() function. For depths greater than 8 bits per pixel, a zero alpha mask causes the alpha values to be ignored.

Parameters: bpp Bitmap depth in bits per pixel.

w Bitmap width in pixels.

h Bitmap height in pixels.

pitch Bitmap pitch in bytes.

rmask Bitmask for red values.

gmask Bitmask for green values.

bmask Bitmask for blue values.

amask Bitmask for alpha values.

Returns: Bitmap object, or NULL upon error.

void caca_draw_bitmap (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, struct caca_bitmap const * bitmap, void * pixels)

Draw a bitmap at the given coordinates. The bitmap can be of any size and will be stretched to the text area.

Parameters: x1 X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawing area.

y1 Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the drawing area.

x2 X coordinate of the lower-right corner of the drawing area.

y2 Y coordinate of the lower-right corner of the drawing area.

bitmap Bitmap object to be drawn.

pixels Bitmap's pixels.

void caca_free_bitmap (struct caca_bitmap * bitmap)

Free the memory allocated by caca_create_bitmap().

Parameters: bitmap Bitmap object.

void caca_set_bitmap_palette (struct caca_bitmap * bitmap, unsigned int red[], unsigned int green[], unsigned int blue[], unsigned int alpha[])

Set the palette of an 8 bits per pixel bitmap. Values should be between 0 and 4095 (0xfff).

Parameters: bitmap Bitmap object.

red Array of 256 red values.

green Array of 256 green values.

blue Array of 256 blue values.

alpha Array of 256 alpha values.