man dialog (Fonctions bibliothèques) - widgets and utilities for the dialog program


dialog - widgets and utilities for the dialog program


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -ldialog [ library ... ]

#include <dialog.h>

Dialog is a program that will let you to present a variety of questions or display messages using dialog boxes from a shell script. It is built from the dialog library, which consists of several widgets as well as utility functions that are used by the widgets or the main program.


This manpage documents the features from <dialog.h> which are likely to be important to developers using the widgets directly. Some hints are also given for developing new widgets.


Exit codes (passed back to the main program for its use) are defined with a "DLG_EXIT_ prefix. The defined constants can be mapped using environment variables as described in dialog(1), e.g., DLG_EXIT_OK corresponds to $DIALOG_OK.

Useful character constants which correspond to user input are named with the "CHR_" prefix, e.g., CHR_BACKSPACE.

Colors and video attributes are categorized and associated with settings in the configuration file (see the discussion of $DIALOGRC in dialog(1)). The DIALOG_ATR(n) macro is used for defining the references to the combined color and attribute table dlg_color_table[].

The dialog application passes its command-line parameters to the widget functions. Some of those parameters are single values, but some of the widgets accept data as an array of values. Those include checklist/radiobox, menubox and formbox. When the --item-help option is given, an extra column of data is expected. The USE_ITEM_HELP(), CHECKBOX_TAGS, MENUBOX_TAGS and FORMBOX_TAGS macros are used to hide this difference from the calling application.

Most of the other definitions found in <dialog.h> are used for convenience in building the library or main program. These include definitions based on the generated <dlg_config.h> header.


All of the global data for the dialog library is stored in a few structures: DIALOG_STATE, DIALOG_VARS and DIALOG_COLORS. The corresponding dialog_state, dialog_vars and dlg_color_table global variables should be initialized to zeros, and then populated with the data to use. A few of these must be nonzero for the corresponding widgets to function. As as the case with function names, variables beginning with "dialog_" are designed for use by the calling application while variables beginning with "dlg_" are intended for lower levels, e.g., by the dialog library.

DIALOG_STATE.all_windows This is a linked list of all windows created by the library. The dlg_del_window function uses this to locate windows which may be redrawn after deleting a window.
DIALOG_STATE.aspect_ratio This corresponds to the command-line option "--aspect-ratio". The value gives the application some control over the box dimensions when using auto sizing (specifying 0 for height and width). It represents width / height. The default is 9, which means 9 characters wide to every 1 line high.
DIALOG_STATE.getc_callbacks This is setup in ui_getc.c to record windows which must be polled for input, e.g,. to handle the background tailbox widget. One window is designated as the foreground or control window.
DIALOG_STATE.getc_redirect If the control window for DIALOG_STATE.getc_callbacks is closed, the list is transferred to this variable. Closing all windows causes the application to exit.
DIALOG_STATE.output This is set in the dialog application to the stream on which the application and library functions may write text results. Normally that is the standard error, since the curses library prefers to write its data to the standard output. Some scripts, trading portability for convenience, prefer to write results to the standard output, e.g., by using the "--stdout" option.
DIALOG_STATE.output_count This is incremented by dlg_does_output, which is called by each widget that writes text to the output. The dialog application uses that to decide if it should also write a separator, i.e., DIALOG_STATE.separate_str, between calls to each widget.
DIALOG_STATE.pipe_input This is set in init_dialog to a stream which can be used by the gauge widget, which must be the application's standard input. The dialog application calls init_dialog normally with input set to the standard input, but optionally based on the "--input-fd" option. Since the application cannot read from a pipe (standard input) and at the same time read the curses input from the standard input, it must allow for reopening the latter from either a specific file descriptor, or directly from the terminal. The adjusted pipe stream value is stored in this variable.
DIALOG_STATE.screen_initialized This is set in init_dialog and reset in end_dialog. It is used to check if curses has been initialized, and if the endwin function must be called on exit.
DIALOG_STATE.screen_output This is set in init_dialog to the output stream used by the curses library. Normally that is the standard output, unless that happens to not be a terminal (and if init_dialog can successfully open the terminal directly).
DIALOG_STATE.separate_str This corresponds to the command-line option "--separate-widget". The given string specifies a string that will separate the output on dialog's output from each widget. This is used to simplify parsing the result of a dialog with several widgets. If this option is not given, the default separator string is a tab character.
DIALOG_STATE.tab_len This corresponds to the command-line option "--tab-len number". Specify the number of spaces that a tab character occupies if the "--tab-correct" option is given. The default is 8.
DIALOG_STATE.use_colors This is set in init_dialog if the curses implementation supports color.
DIALOG_STATE.use_shadow This corresponds to the command-line option "--no-shadow". This is set in init_dialog if the curses implementation supports color. If true, suppress shadows that would be drawn to the right and bottom of each dialog box. The dialog application resets the dialog_vars data before accepting options to invoke each widget. Most of the DIALOG_VARS members are set directly from dialog's command-line options:
DIALOG_VARS.backtitle This corresponds to the command-line option "--backtitle backtitle". It specifies a backtitle string to be displayed on the backdrop, at the top of the screen.
DIALOG_VARS.beep_after_signal This corresponds to the command-line option "--beep-after". If true, beep after a user has completed a widget by pressing one of the buttons.
DIALOG_VARS.beep_signal This corresponds to the command-line option "--beep". It is obsolete.
DIALOG_VARS.begin_set This is true if the command-line option "--begin y x" was used. It specifies the position of the upper left corner of a dialog box on the screen.
DIALOG_VARS.begin_x This corresponds to the x value from the command-line option "--begin y x" (second value).
DIALOG_VARS.begin_y This corresponds to the y value from the command-line option "--begin y x" (first value).
DIALOG_VARS.cancel_label This corresponds to the command-line option "--cancel-label string". The given string overrides the label used for "Cancel" buttons.
DIALOG_VARS.cant_kill This corresponds to the command-line option "--no-kill". If true, this tells dialog to put the tailboxbg box in the background, printing its process id to dialog's output. SIGHUP is disabled for the background process.
DIALOG_VARS.colors This corresponds to the command-line option "--colors". If true, interpret embedded "\Z" sequences in the dialog text by the following character, which tells dialog to set colors or video attributes: 0 through 7 are the ANSI used in curses: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white respectively. Bold is set by 'b', reset by 'B'. Reverse is set by 'r', reset by 'R'. Underline is set by 'u', reset by 'U'. The settings are cumulative, e.g., "\Zb\Z1" makes the following text bright red. Restore normal settings with "\Zn".
DIALOG_VARS.cr_wrap This corresponds to the command-line option "--cr-wrap". If true, interpret embedded newlines in the dialog text as a newline on the screen. Otherwise, dialog will only wrap lines where needed to fit inside the text box. Even though you can control line breaks with this, dialog will still wrap any lines that are too long for the width of the box. Without cr-wrap, the layout of your text may be formatted to look nice in the source code of your script without affecting the way it will look in the dialog.
DIALOG_VARS.default_item This corresponds to the command-line option "--default-item string". The given string is used as the default item in a checklist, form or menu box. Normally the first item in the box is the default.
DIALOG_VARS.defaultno This corresponds to the command-line option "--defaultno". If true, make the default value of the yes/no box a No. Likewise, make the default button of widgets that provide "OK" and "Cancel" a Cancel. If --nocancel was given that option overrides this, making the default button always "Yes" (internally the same as "OK").
DIALOG_VARS.dlg_clear_screen This corresponds to the command-line option "--clear". This option is implemented in the main program, not the library. If true, the screen will be cleared on exit. This may be used alone, without other options.
DIALOG_VARS.exit_label This corresponds to the command-line option "--exit-label string". The given string overrides the label used for "EXIT" buttons.
DIALOG_VARS.extra_button This corresponds to the command-line option "--extra-button". If true, some widgets show an extra button, between "OK" and "Cancel" buttons.
DIALOG_VARS.extra_label This corresponds to the command-line option "--extra-label string". The given string overrides the label used for "Extra" buttons. Note: for inputmenu widgets, this defaults to "Rename".
DIALOG_VARS.formitem_type This is set by the command-line option "--passwordform" to tell the form widget that its text fields should be treated like password widgets.
DIALOG_VARS.help_button This corresponds to the command-line option "--help-button". If true, some widgets show a help-button after "OK" and "Cancel" buttons, i.e., in checklist, radiolist and menu boxes. If --item-help is also given, on exit the return status will be the same as for the "OK" button, and the item-help text will be written to dialog's output after the token "HELP". Otherwise, the return status will indicate that the Help button was pressed, and no message printed.
DIALOG_VARS.help_label This corresponds to the command-line option "--help-label string". The given string overrides the label used for "Help" buttons.
DIALOG_VARS.help_status This corresponds to the command-line option "--help-status". If true, and the the help-button is selected, writes the checklist or radiolist information after the item-help "HELP" information. This can be used to reconstruct the state of a checklist after processing the help request.
DIALOG_VARS.input_length This is nonzero if DIALOG_VARS.input_result is allocated, versus being a pointer to the user's local variables.
DIALOG_VARS.input_menu This flag is set to denote whether the menubox widget implements a menu versus a inputmenu widget.
DIALOG_VARS.input_result If DIALOG_VARS.input_length is zero, this is a pointer to user buffer (on the stack, or static). When DIALOG_VARS.input_length is nonzero, this is a dynamically-allocated buffer used by the widgets to return printable results to the calling application.
DIALOG_VARS.insecure This corresponds to the command-line option "--insecure". If true, make the password widget friendlier but less secure, by echoing asterisks for each character.
DIALOG_VARS.item_help This corresponds to the command-line option "--item-help". If true, interpret the tags data for checklist, radiolist and menu boxes adding a column whose text is displayed in the bottom line of the screen, for the currently selected item.
DIALOG_VARS.keep_window This corresponds to the command-line option "--keep-window". If true, do not remove/repaint the window on exit. This is useful for keeping the window contents visible when several widgets are run in the same process. Note that curses will clear the screen when starting a new process.
DIALOG_VARS.max_input This corresponds to the command-line option "--max-input size". Limit input strings to the given size. If not specified, the limit is 2048.
DIALOG_VARS.no_label This corresponds to the command-line option "--no-label string". The given string overrides the label used for "No" buttons.
DIALOG_VARS.nocancel This corresponds to the command-line option "--no-cancel". If true, suppress the "Cancel" button in checklist, inputbox and menu box modes. A script can still test if the user pressed the ESC key to cancel to quit.
DIALOG_VARS.nocollapse This corresponds to the command-line option "--no-collapse". Normally dialog converts tabs to spaces and reduces multiple spaces to a single space for text which is displayed in a message boxes, etc. It true, that feature is disabled. Note that dialog will still wrap text, subject to the --cr-wrap option.
DIALOG_VARS.ok_label This corresponds to the command-line option "--ok-label string". The given string overrides the label used for "OK" buttons.
DIALOG_VARS.print_siz This corresponds to the command-line option "--print-size". If true, each widget prints its size to dialog's output when it is invoked.
DIALOG_VARS.separate_output This corresponds to the command-line option "--separate-output". If true, checklist widgets output result one line at a time, with no quoting. This facilitates parsing by another program.
DIALOG_VARS.single_quoted This corresponds to the command-line option "--single-quoted". If true, Use single-quoting as needed (and no quotes if unneeded) for the output of checklist's as well as the item-help text. If this option is not set, dialog uses double quotes around each item. That requires occasional use of backslashes to make the output useful in shell scripts.
DIALOG_VARS.size_err This corresponds to the command-line option "--size-err". If true, check the resulting size of a dialog box before trying to use it, printing the resulting size if it is larger than the screen. (This option is obsolete, since all new-window calls are checked).
DIALOG_VARS.sleep_secs This corresponds to the command-line option "--sleep secs". This option is implemented in the main program, not the library. If nonzero, this is the number of seconds after to delay after processing a dialog box.
DIALOG_VARS.tab_correct This corresponds to the command-line option "--tab-correct". If true, convert each tab character of the text to one or more spaces. Otherwise, tabs are rendered according to the curses library's interpretation.
DIALOG_VARS.timeout_secs This corresponds to the command-line option "--timeout secs". If nonzero, timeout input requests (exit with error code) if no user response within the given number of seconds.
DIALOG_VARS.title This corresponds to the command-line option "--title title". Specifies a title string to be displayed at the top of the dialog box.
DIALOG_VARS.trim_whitespace This corresponds to the command-line option "--trim". If true, eliminate leading blanks, trim literal newlines and repeated blanks from message text.
DIALOG_VARS.visit_items This corresponds to the command-line option "--visit-items". Modify the tab-traversal of checklist, radiobox, menubox and inputmenu to include the list of items as one of the states. This is useful as a visual aid, i.e., the cursor position helps some users.
DIALOG_VARS.yes_label This corresponds to the command-line option "--yes-label string". The given string overrides the label used for "Yes" buttons.


Functions that implement major functionality for the command-line dialog program, e.g., widgets, have names beginning "dialog_".

All dialog boxes have at least three parameters:

the caption for the box, shown on its top border.
the height of the dialog box.
the width of the dialog box.

Other parameters depend on the box type.

implements the "--calendar option.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the prompt text shown within the widget.
is the height excluding the fixed-height calendar grid.
is the overall width of the box, which is adjusted up to the calendar grid's minimum width if needed.
is the initial day of the week shown, counting zero as Sunday. If the value is negative, the current day of the week is used.
is the initial month of the year shown, counting one as January. If the value is negative, the current month of the year is used.
is the initial year shown. If the value is negative, the current year is used.
implements the "--checklist and "--radiolist options depending on the flag parameter.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the prompt text shown within the widget.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is adjusted to use the available screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is adjusted to use the available screen size.
is the minimum height to reserve for displaying the list. If zero, it is computed based on the given height and width.
is the number of rows in items.
is an array of strings which is viewed either as a list of rows tag item status
or tag item status help
depending on whether dialog_vars.item_help is set.
is either FLAG_CHECK, for checklists, or FLAG_RADIO for radiolists.
implements the "--form option.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the prompt text shown within the widget.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is adjusted to use the available screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is adjusted to use the available screen size.
is the minimum height to reserve for displaying the list. If zero, it is computed based on the given height and width.
is the number of rows in items.
is an array of strings which is viewed either as a list of rows Name NameY NameX Text TextY TextX FLen ILen
or Name NameY NameX Text TextY TextX FLen ILen Help
depending on whether dialog_vars.item_help is set.
implements the "--fselect option.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the preselected value to show in the input-box, which is used also to set the directory- and file-windows.
is the height excluding the minimum needed to show the dialog box framework. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
implements the "--gauge option.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the prompt text shown within the widget.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the percentage to show in the progress bar.
implements the "--inputbox or "--password option, depending on the value of password.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the prompt text shown within the widget.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the initial value of the input box, whose length is taken into account when auto-sizing the width of the dialog box.
if true, causes typed input to be echoed as asterisks.
implements the "--menu or "--inputmenu option depending on whether dialog_vars.input_menu is set.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the prompt text shown within the widget.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the minimum height to reserve for displaying the list. If zero, it is computed based on the given height and width.
is the number of rows in items.
is an array of strings which is viewed either as a list of rows tag item
or tag item help
depending on whether dialog_vars.item_help is set.
implements the "--msgbox or "--infobox option depending on whether pauseopt is set.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the prompt text shown within the widget.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
if true, an "OK" button will be shown, and the dialog will wait for it to complete. With an "OK" button, it is denoted a "msgbox", without an "OK" button, it is denoted an "infobox".
implements the "--pause option.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the timeout to use for the progress bar.
implements the "--tailbox or "--tailboxbg option depending on whether bg_task is set.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the name of the file to display in the dialog.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
if true, the window is added to the callback list in dialog_state, and the application will poll for the window to be updated. Otherwise an "OK" button is added to the window, and it will be closed when the button is activated.
implements the "--textbox option.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the name of the file to display in the dialog.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
implements the "--timebox option.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the prompt text shown within the widget.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the initial hour shown. If the value is negative, the current hour is used.
is the initial minute shown. If the value is negative, the current minute is used.
is the initial second shown. If the value is negative, the current second is used.
implements the "--yesno option.
is the title on the top of the widget.
is the prompt text shown within the widget.
is the desired height of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.
is the desired width of the box. If zero, the height is based on the screen size.


Most functions that implement lower-level functionality for the command-line dialog program or widgets, have names beginning "dlg_". Bowing to longstanding usage, the functions that initialize the display and end it are named init_dialog and end_dialog.

The only non-widget function whose name begins with "dialog_" is dialog_version, which returns the version number of the library as a string.

Here is a brief summary of the utility functions and their parameters:

Add a callback, used to allow polling input from multiple tailbox widgets.
contains the callback information.
Add a quoted string to the result buffer (see dlg_add_result).
char * string is the string to add.
Add a quoted string to the result buffer dialog_vars.input_result.
char * string is the string to add.
Set window to the given attribute.
WINDOW * win is the window to update.
int height is the number of rows to update.
int width is the number of columns to update.
chtype attr is the attribute, e.g., A_BOLD.
Automatically size the window used for a widget. If the given height or width are zero, justify the prompt text and return the actual limits.
const char * title is the title string to display at the top of the widget.
const char * prompt is the message text which will be displayed in the widget, used here to determine how large the widget should be.
int * height is the nominal height.
int * width is the nominal width.
int boxlines is the number of lines to reserve in the vertical direction.
int mincols is the minimum number of columns to use.
Like dlg_auto_size, but use a file contents to decide how large the widget should be.
const char * title
const char * file
int * height
int *width
int boxlines
int mincols
If dialog_vars.beep_signal is nonzero, this calls beep once and sets dialog_vars.beep_signal to zero.
int width
int height
const char ** labels
const char ** labels
int * limit
const char ** labels
int vertical
int * longest
int * length
const char ** labels
int limit
int * gap
int * margin
int * step
const char * label
int item_no
int * height
int * list_height
int item_no
int item_no
char ** items
int group
int ch
const char ** labels
const char * title
const char * cprompt
int height
int width
int list_height
int item_no
const char * states
int flag
int * current_item
const char * string
const char * string
const char * filename
int height
int width
char ** items
int llen
WINDOW * win
WINDOW * dialog
int top_arrow
int bottom_arrow
int x
int top
int bottom
WINDOW * win is the window to update.
WINDOW * win is the window to update.
int y
int x
int height
int width
chtype boxchar
chtype borderchar
WINDOW * win is the window to update.
int y
int x
const char ** labels
int selected
int vertical
int limit
WINDOW * win is the window to update.
int height
int width
int y
int x
WINDOW * win is the window to update.
const char * title
FILE * fp
char * string
int offset
int x_last
char * string
int * offset
int key
int fkey
bool force
int code
int button
Quit program killing all tailboxbg widgets.
const char * fmt
const char * title
const char * cprompt
int height
int width
int form_height
int item_no
int * current_item
WINDOW * win
int * fkey
int ch
int fkey
int * result
const char * string
const char * string
char * txt
int * retval
const char * string
int limit
int offset
WINDOW * win
int curses_key
int * dialog_key
int ch
const char * string
const char * title
const char * cprompt
int height
int width
int menu_height
int item_no
int * current_item
DIALOG_INPUTMENU rename_menutext
int y
int x
int y
int x
int height
int width
int code
int step_x
int step_y
int mode
int y
int x
int height
int width
int code
int y
int x
int x
int y
WINDOW * win
int * fkey
WINDOW * win
int * fkey
int height
int width
int y
int x
const char ** labels
int button
int current
int extra
int button
char * params
const char ** labels
int button
int current
int extra
WINDOW * win is the window to update.
const char * prompt
int height
int width
int height
int width
WINDOW * win is the window to update.
const char * txt
int len
chtype * attr
WINDOW * win
const char * name
const char ** buttons
WINDOW * win
const char * name
DIALOG_CALLBACK * p contains the callback information.
int dialog_key
int fkey
int * resultp
WINDOW * parent
WINDOW * win
const char * string
WINDOW * win
const char * string
int offset
chtype attr
int y_base
int x_base
int x_last
bool hidden
bool force
const char * cprompt
const char * a
const char * b
WINDOW * win
int height
int width
int y
int x
char * prompt
char * src
WINDOW * win
int button


Thomas E. Dickey