man engines (Fonctions bibliothèques) -


Engine classes -


class SoBoolOperation


The multivalue fields SoBoolOperation::a and SoBoolOperation::b are combined according to the operations set in SoBoolOperation::operation, with the resulting TRUE or FALSE value set on SoBoolOperation::output. " class SoCalculator


The SoCalculator uses the values from the input fields (which are either single floating point values or vectors) as variables in the free-form engine expressions and places the results on the output fields. " class SoComposeMatrix

The SoComposeMatrix class is used to compose a matrix from miscellaneous transformations. class SoComposeRotation

The SoComposeRotation class is used to compose rotations from angle and axis. class SoComposeRotationFromTo

The SoComposeRotationFromTo class is used to compose rotations based on from and to vectors. class SoComposeVec2f

The SoComposeVec2f class is used to compose 2D vectors from two floats. class SoComposeVec3f

The SoComposeVec3f class is used to compose 3D vectors from floats. class SoComposeVec4f

The SoComposeVec4f class is used to compose 4D vectors from four floats. class SoComputeBoundingBox


This engine is simply a wrapper around the SoGetBoundingBoxAction, for a convenient way of having automatic updating of some data in the scene graph which is dependent on the bounding box of some other part of the scene. " class SoConcatenate


Takes all the values from the 10 input multivalue fields in turn and concatenates them into the multivalue output. " class SoCounter


The engine counts from its min value to its max value, adding the value of step each time trigger is touched. " class SoDecomposeMatrix

The SoDecomposeMatrix class is used to decompose a matrix into simple transformations. class SoDecomposeRotation

The SoDecomposeRotation class is used to decompose a rotation into angle and axis. class SoDecomposeVec2f

The SoDecomposeVec2f class is used to decompose 2D vectors into two floats. class SoDecomposeVec3f

The SoDecomposeVec3f class is used to decompose 3D vectors into three floats. class SoDecomposeVec4f

The SoDecomposeVec4f class is used to decompose 4D vectors into four floats. class SoElapsedTime


The additional functionality provided by this engine versus just connecting to the realTime global field is the ability to control the speed of the time source plus logic to reset, stop and restart it. " class SoEngine


Engines enables the application programmers to make complex connections between fields. " class SoEngineOutput


SoEngineOutput has methods for convenient handling of the connections made from SoEngine objects to SoField objects. " class SoFieldConverter


When fields of different types are attempted connected, the Coin library tries to find a field converter class which can be inserted between them, acting as a filter converting values from the master field to values matching the type of the slave field. " class SoGate


This engine will forward values from the SoGate::input field to the SoGate::output field when the SoGate::enable field is TRUE. " class SoInterpolate


Interpolators are used to linearly interpolate between two values. " class SoInterpolateFloat

The SoInterpolateFloat class is used to interpolate two floating point values. class SoInterpolateRotation

The SoInterpolateRotation class is used to interpolate between two rotations. class SoInterpolateVec2f

The SoInterpolateVec2f class is used to interpolate between pairs of 2D vectors. class SoInterpolateVec3f

The SoInterpolateVec3f class is used to interpolate between pairs of 3D vectors. class SoInterpolateVec4f

The SoInterpolateVec4f class is used to interpolate between pairs of 4D vectors. class SoOnOff

The SoOnOff engine is a simple on/off switch. class SoOneShot

The SoOneShot class is a timer that runs for a configurable time and then stops. class SoSelectOne


The output field will be the index'th value of the input multivalue field. " class SoTimeCounter


The SoTimeCounter engine is by default connected to the realTime global field, and does stepwise updates on the SoTimeCounter::output field according to the field settings. " class SoTransformVec3f

The SoTransformVec3f class transforms 3D vectors by a matrix. class SoTriggerAny


When any one of the input triggers are 'pulsed', any field connected as a slave to the engine output will be notified. " class SoNodeEngine


Node engines have the same functionality as normal engines, except that they inherit SoNode, which makes it possible to insert node engines in the scene graph. " class SoEngineList


As this class inherits SoBaseList, referencing and dereferencing will default be done on the objects at append(), remove(), insert() etc. " class SoEngineOutputList

The SoEngineOutputList class is a container for SoEngineOutput objects.