man cosFileTransferApp () - The main module of the cosFileTransfer application.


cosFileTransferApp - The main module of the cosFileTransfer application.


To get access to the record definitions for the structures use:


This module contains the functions for starting and stopping the application.


install() -> Return

Return = ok | {'EXIT', Reason}

This operation installs the cosFileTransfer application. Note, the cosProperty application must be installed prior to invoking this operation.

uninstall() -> Return

Return = ok | {'EXIT', Reason}

This operation uninstalls the cosFileTransfer application.

start() -> Return

Return = ok | {error, Reason}

This operation starts the cosFileTransfer application.

stop() -> Return

Return = ok | {error, Reason}

This operation stops the cosFileTransfer application.

create_VFS(Type, Content, Host, Port [,Options]) -> Return

Type = 'FTP' | {'NATIVE', 'cosFileTransferNATIVE_file'} | {'NATIVE', MyModule}

Content = []

Host = string(), e.g. "myHost@myServer" or "012.345.678.910"

Port = integer()

Options = [Option]

Option = {protocol, Protocol} | {connect_timeout, Seconds}

Protocol = tcp | ssl

Return = VFS | {'EXCEPTION, E}

VFS = #objref

This operation creates a new instance of a Virtual File System. The Type parameter determines which type we want the VFS to represent. 'FTP' maps to the INTES ftp implementation, while {'NATIVE', 'cosFileTransferNATIVE_file'} uses the file module. It is also possible to implement own mappings which are activated by supplying {'NATIVE', MyModule}. The MyModule module must export the same functions and behave in the same way as the INETS ftp module.

If no Options are supplied the default setting will be used, i.e., tcp and 60 seconds.

The Content parameter is currently ignored by must be supplied as an empty list.

ssl_server_certfile() -> string()

This function returns a path to a file containing a chain of PEM encoded certificates for the cosFileTransfer as target. This is configured by setting the application variable ssl_server_certfile.

ssl_client_certfile() -> string()

This function returns a path to a file containing a chain of PEM encoded certificates used in outgoing calls. The default value is configured by setting the application variable ssl_client_certfile.

ssl_server_verify() -> 0 | 1 | 2

This function returns the type of verification used by SSL during authentication of the other peer for incoming calls. It is configured by setting the application variable ssl_server_verify.

ssl_client_verify() -> 0 | 1 | 2

This function returns the type of verification used by SSL during authentication of the other peer for outgoing calls. The default value is configured by setting the application variable ssl_client_verify.

ssl_server_depth() -> int()

This function returns the SSL verification depth for incoming calls. It is configured by setting the application variable ssl_server_depth.

ssl_client_depth() -> int()

This function returns the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls. The default value is configured by setting the application variable ssl_client_depth.


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