man snmpm () - Interface functions to the SNMP toolkit manager


snmpm - Interface functions to the SNMP toolkit manager


The module snmpm contains interface functions to the SNMP manager.

Common Data Types

The following datatypes are used in the functions below:

oid() = [byte()]
snmp_reply() = {error_status(), error_index(), varbinds()}
error_status() = noError | atom()
error_index() = integer()
varbinds() = [varbind()]

The oid() type is used to represent an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER.


register_user(Id, Module, Data) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Id = term()

Module = snmpm_user()

Data = term()

Reason = term()

snmpm_user() = Module implementing the snmpm_user behaviour

Register the manager entity (=user) responsible for specific agent(s).

Module is the callback module (snmpm_user behaviour) which will be called whenever something happens (detected agent, incomming reply or incomming trap/notification). Note that this could have already been done as a consequence of the node config. (see users.conf).

register_user_monitor(Id, Module, Data) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Id = term()

Module = snmpm_user()

Data = term()

Reason = term()

snmpm_user() = Module implementing the snmpm_user behaviour

Register the monitored manager entity (=user) responsible for specific agent(s).

The process performing the registration will be monitored. Which means that if that process should die, all agents registered by that user process will be unregistered. All outstanding requsts will be canceled.

Module is the callback module (snmpm_user behaviour) which will be called whenever something happens (detected agent, incomming reply or incomming trap/notification). Note that this could have already been done as a consequence of the node config. (see users.conf).

unregister_user(Id) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Id = term()

Unregister the user.

which_users() -> Users

Users = [UserId]

UserId = term()

Get a list of the identities of all registered users.

register_agent(UserId, Addr) -> ok | {error, Reason}

register_agent(UserId, Addr, Port) -> ok | {error, Reason}

register_agent(UserId, Addr, Config) -> ok | {error, Reason}

register_agent(UserId, Addr, Port, Config) -> ok | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

Config = [agent_config()]

agent_config() = {Item, Val}

Item = target_name | community | engine_id | timeout | max_message_size | version | sec_model | sec_name | sec_level

Val = term()

Reason = term()

Explicitly instruct the manager to handle this agent, with UserId as the responsible user. Called to instruct the manager that this agent shall be handled. These functions is used when the user know's in advance which agents the manager shall handle. Note that there is an alternate way to do the same thing: Add the agent to the manager config files (see agents.conf).

The type of Val depends on Item:

target_name = string(), community = string(), engine_id = string(), timeout = integer() | snmp_timer(), max_message_size = integer(), version = v1 | v2 | v3, sec_model = any | v1 | v2c | usm, sec_name = string() and sec_level = noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv.

Note that if no Port is given, the agent default is used.

unregister_agent(UserId, Addr) -> ok | {error, Reason}

unregister_agent(UserId, Addr, Port) -> ok | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

Unregister the agent.

agent_info(Addr, Port, Item) -> {ok, Val} | {error, Reason}

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

Item = atom()

Reason = term()

Retrieve agent config.

update_agent_info(UserId, Addr, Port, Item, Val) -> ok | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

Item = atom()

Val = term()

Reason = term()

Update agent config.

which_agents() -> Agents

which_agents(UserId) -> Agents

UserId = term()

Agents = [{Addr, Port}]

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

Get a list of all registered agents or all agents registerd by a specific user.

register_usm_user(EngineID, UserName, Conf) -> ok | {error, Reason}

EngineID = string()

UserName = string()

Conf = [usm_config()]

usm_config() = {Item, Val}

Item = sec_name | auth | auth_key | priv | priv_key

Val = term()

Reason = term()

Explicitly instruct the manager to handle this USM user. Note that there is an alternate way to do the same thing: Add the usm user to the manager config files (see usm.conf).

The type of Val depends on Item:

sec_name = string(),

auth = usmNoAuthProtocol | usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol | usmHMACSHAAuthProtocoltimeout

auth_key = [integer()] (length 16 if auth = usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, length 20 if auth = usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol),

priv = usmNoPrivProtocol | usmDESPrivProtocol | usmAesCfb128Protocol,

priv_key = [integer()] (length is 16 if priv = usmDESPrivProtocol | usmAesCfb128Protocol).

unregister_usm_user(EngineID, UserName) -> ok | {error, Reason}

EngineID = string()

UserName = string()

Reason = term()

Unregister this USM user.

usm_user_info(EngineID, UserName, Item) -> {ok, Val} | {error, Reason}

EngineID = string()

UsmName = string()

Item = sec_name | auth | auth_key | priv | priv_key

Reason = term()

Retrieve usm user config.

update_usm_user_info(EngineID, UserName, Item, Val) -> ok | {error, Reason}

EngineID = string()

UsmName = string()

Item = sec_name | auth | auth_key | priv | priv_key

Val = term()

Reason = term()

Update usm user config.

which_usm_users() -> UsmUsers

UsmUsers = [{EngineID, UserName}]

EngineID = string()

UsmName = string()

Get a list of all registered usm users.

which_usm_users(EngineID) -> UsmUsers

UsmUsers = [UserName]

UserName = string()

Get a list of all registered usm users with engine-id EngineID.

g(UserId, Addr, Oids) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

g(UserId, Addr, Port, Oids) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

g(UserId, Addr, ContextName, Oids) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

g(UserId, Addr, Oids, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

g(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

g(UserId, Addr, Port, Oids, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

g(UserId, Addr, ContextName, Oids, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

g(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

g(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids, Timeout, ExtraInfo) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

ContextName = string()

Oids = [oid()]

Timeout = integer()

ExtraInfo = term()

SnmpReply = snmp_reply()

Remaining = integer()

Reason = {send_failed, ReqId, R} | {invalid_sec_info, SecInfo, SnmpInfo} | term()

R = term()

SecInfo = [sec_info()]

sec_info() = {sec_tag(), ExpectedValue, ReceivedValue}

sec_tag() = atom()

ExpectedValue = ReceivedValue = term()

SnmpInfo = term()

Synchronous get-request.

Remaining is the remaining time of the given or default timeout time.

When Reason is {send_failed, ...} it means that the net_if process failed to send the message. This could happen because of any number of reasons, i.e. encoding error. R is the actual reason in this case.

ExtraInfo is an opaque data structure passed on to the net-if process. The net-if process included in this application makes no use of this info, so the only use for it in such a configuration (when using the built in net-if) would be tracing.

For SnmpInfo, see the user callback function handle_report.

ag(UserId, Addr, Oids) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

ag(UserId, Addr, Port, Oids) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

ag(UserId, Addr, ContextName, Oids) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

ag(UserId, Addr, Oids, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

ag(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

ag(UserId, Addr, Port, Oids, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

ag(UserId, Addr, ContextName, Oids, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

ag(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

ag(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids, Expire, ExtraInfo) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

ContextName = string()

Oids = [oid()]

Expire = integer()

ExtraInfo = term()

ReqId = term()

Reason = term()

Asynchronous get-request.

The reply, if it arrives, will be delivered to the user through a call to the snmpm_user callback function handle_pdu.

The Expire time indicates for how long the request is valid (after which the manager is free to delete it).

ExtraInfo is an opaque data structure passed on to the net-if process. The net-if process included in this application makes no use of this info, so the only use for it in such a configuration (when using the built in net-if) would be tracing.

gn(UserId, Addr, Oids) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

gn(UserId, Addr, Port, Oids) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

gn(UserId, Addr, ContextName, Oids) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

gn(UserId, Addr, Oids, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

gn(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

gn(UserId, Addr, Port, Oids, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

gn(UserId, Addr, ContextName, Oids, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

gn(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

gn(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids, Timeout, ExtraInfo) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

ContextName = string()

Oids = [oid()]

Timeout = integer()

ExtraInfo = term()

SnmpReply = snmp_reply()

Remaining = integer()

Reason = {send_failed, ReqId, R} | {invalid_sec_info, SecInfo, SnmpInfo} | term()

R = term()

Synchronous get-next-request.

Remaining time of the given or default timeout time.

When Reason is {send_failed, ...} it means that the net_if process failed to send the message. This could happen because of any number of reasons, i.e. encoding error. R is the actual reason in this case.

ExtraInfo is an opaque data structure passed on to the net-if process. The net-if process included in this application makes no use of this info, so the only use for it in such a configuration (when using the built in net-if) would be tracing.

agn(UserId, Addr, Oids) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

agn(UserId, Addr, Port, Oids) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

agn(UserId, Addr, ContextName, Oids) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

agn(UserId, Addr, Oids, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

agn(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

agn(UserId, Addr, Port, Oids, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

agn(UserId, Addr, ContextName, Oids, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

agn(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

agn(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, Oids, Expire, ExtraInfo) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

ContextName = string()

Oids = [oid()]

Expire = integer()

ExtraInfo = term()

ReqId = term()

Reason = integer()

Asynchronous get-next-request.

The reply will be delivered to the user through a call to the snmpm_user callback function handle_pdu.

The Expire time indicates for how long the request is valid (after which the manager is free to delete it).

s(UserId, Addr, VarsAndVals) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

s(UserId, Addr, Port, VarsAndVals) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

s(UserId, Addr, ContextName, VarsAndVals) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

s(UserId, Addr, VarsAndVals, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

s(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, VarsAndVals) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

s(UserId, Addr, Port, VarsAndVals, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

s(UserId, Addr, ContextName, VarsAndVals, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

s(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, VarsAndVals, Timeout) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

s(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, VarsAndVals, Timeout, ExtraInfo) -> {ok, SnmpReply, Remaining} | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

ContextName = string()

VarsAndVals = [var_and_val()]

var_and_val() = {oid(), value_type(), value()} | {oid(), value()}

value_type() = o ('OBJECT IDENTIFIER') | i ('INTEGER') | u ('Unsigned32') | g ('Unsigned32') | s ('OCTET SRING') | b ('BITS') | ip ('IpAddress') | op ('Opaque') | c32 ('Counter32') | c64 ('Counter64') | tt ('TimeTicks')

value() = term()

Timeout = integer()

ExtraInfo = term()

SnmpReply = snmp_reply()

Remaining = integer()

Reason = {send_failed, ReqId, R} | {invalid_sec_info, SecInfo, SnmpInfo} | term()

R = term()

Synchronous set-request.

Remaining time of the given or default timeout time.

When Reason is {send_failed, ...} it means that the net_if process failed to send the message. This could happen because of any number of reasons, i.e. encoding error. R is the actual reason in this case.

When var_and_val() is {oid(), value()}, the manager makes an educated guess based on the loaded mibs.

ExtraInfo is an opaque data structure passed on to the net-if process. The net-if process included in this application makes no use of this info, so the only use for it in such a configuration (when using the built in net-if) would be tracing.

as(UserId, Addr, VarsAndVals) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

as(UserId, Addr, Port, VarsAndVals) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

as(UserId, Addr, ContextName, VarsAndVals) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

as(UserId, Addr, VarsAndVals, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

as(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, VarsAndVals) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

as(UserId, Addr, Port, VarsAndVals, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

as(UserId, Addr, ContextName, VarsAndVals, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

as(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, VarsAndVals, Expire) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

as(UserId, Addr, Port, ContextName, VarsAndVals, Expire, ExtraInfo) -> {ok, ReqId} | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

Addr = ip_address()

Port = integer()

VarsAndVals = [var_and_val()]

var_and_val() = {oid(), value_type(), value() | {oid(), value()}

value_type() = o ('OBJECT IDENTIFIER') | i ('INTEGER') | u ('Unsigned32') | g ('Unsigned32') | s ('OCTET SRING') | b ('BITS') | ip ('IpAddress') | op ('Opaque') | c32 ('Counter32') | c64 ('Counter64') | tt ('TimeTicks')

value() = term()

Expire = integer()

ExtraInfo = term()

ReqId = term()

Reason = term()

Asynchronous set-request.

The reply will be delivered to the user through a call to the snmpm_user callback function handle_pdu.

The Expire time indicates for how long the request is valid (after which the manager is free to delete it).

When var_and_val() is {oid(), value()}, the manager makes an educated guess based on the loaded mibs.

ExtraInfo is an opaque data structure passed on to the net-if process. The net-if process included in this application makes no use of this info, so the only use for it in such a configuration (when using the built in net-if) would be tracing.

cancel_async_request(UserId, ReqId) -> ok | {error, Reason}

UserId = term()

ReqId = term()

Reason = term()

Cancel a preious asynchronous request.

log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs)

log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile) -> ok | {error, Reason}

log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName) -> ok | {error, Reason}

log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, LogFile) -> ok | {error, Reason}

log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, LogFile, Start) -> ok | {error, Reason}

log_to_txt(LogDir, Mibs, OutFile, LogName, LogFile, Start, Stop) -> ok | {error, Reason}

LogDir = string()

Mibs = [MibName]

MibName = string()

OutFile = string()

LogName = string()

LogFile = string()

Start = Stop = null | datetime() | {local_time, datetime()} | {universal_time, datetime()}

Reason = term()

Converts an Audit Trail Log to a readable text file. OutFile defaults to "./snmpm_log.txt". LogName defaults to "snmpm_log". LogFile defaults to "snmpm.log". See snmp:log_to_txt for more info.

change_log_size(N) -> ok | {error, Reason}

NewSize = {MaxBytes, MaxFiles}

MaxBytes = integer()

MaxFiles = integer()

Reason = term()

Changes the log size of the Audit Trail Log. The application must be configured to use the audit trail log function. Please refer to disk_log(3) in Kernel Reference Manual for a description of how to change the log size.

The change is permanent, as long as the log is not deleted. That means, the log size is remebered across reboots.

load_mib(Mib) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Mib = MibName

MibName = string()

Reason = term()

Load a Mib into the manager. The MibName is the name of the Mib, including the path to where the compiled mib is found. For example,

          Dir = code:priv_dir(my_app) ++ "/mibs/",
          snmpm:load_mib(Dir ++ "MY-MIB").

unload_mib(Mib) -> ok | {error, Reason}

Mib = MibName

MibName = string()

Reason = term()

Unload a Mib from the manager. The MibName is the name of the Mib, including the path to where the compiled mib is found. For example,

          Dir = code:priv_dir(my_app) ++ "/mibs/",
          snmpm:unload_mib(Dir ++ "MY-MIB").

which_mibs() -> Mibs

Mibs = [{MibName, MibFile}]

MibName = atom()

MibFile = string()

Get a list of all the mib's loaded into the manager.

name_to_oid(N) -> {ok, Oids} | {error, Reason}

Name = atom()

Oids = [oid()]

Transform a aliasname to it's oid.

Note that an aliasname is only unique within the mib, so when loading several mib's into a manager, there might be several instances of the same aliasname.

oid_to_name(Oid) -> {ok, Name} | {error, Reason}

Oid = oid()

Name = atom()

Reason = term()

Transform a oid to it's aliasname.


Micael Karlberg -