man snmpm_network_interface () - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager network interface.
snmpm_network_interface - Behaviour module for the SNMP manager network interface.
This module defines the behaviour of the manager network interface. A snmpm_network_interface compliant module must export the following functions:
- *
- start_link/2
- *
- stop/1
- *
- send_pdu/7
- *
- note_store/2
- *
- verbosity/2
The semantics of them and their exact signatures are explained below.
start_link(Server, NoteStore) -> {ok, Pid} | {error, Reason}
- Types
- Server = pid()
NoteStore = pid()
Start-link the network interface process.
Server is the pid of the managing process.
NoteStore is the pid of the note-store process.
stop(Pid) -> void()
- Types
- Pid = pid()
Stop the network interface process.
send_pdu(Pid, Pdu, Vsn, MsgData, Addr, Port, ExtraInfo) -> void()
- Types
- Pid = pid()
Pdu = pdu()
Vsn = 'version-1' | 'version-2' | 'version-3'
MsgData = term()
Addr = address()
Port = integer()
ExtraInfo = term()
Request the network interface process (Pid) to send this pdu (Pdu).
ExtraInfo is some opaque data that is passed to the net-if process. It originates from the ExtraInfo parameter in the calls to the synchronous get-request, asynchronous get-request, synchronous get-next-request, asynchronous get-next-request, synchronous set-request and asynchronous set-request. Whether the net-if process chooses to use this is implementation dependent. The net-if process included in this application ignores it.
note_store(Pid, NoteStore) -> void()
- Types
- Pid = pid()
NoteStore = pid()
Change the pid of the note-store process. This is used when the server re-starts the note_store (e.g. after a crach).
verbosity(Pid, Verbosity) -> void()
- Types
- Pid = pid()
Verbosity = verbosity()
Change the verbosity of the network interface process.
Micael Karlberg -