man general (Fonctions bibliothèques) -


General classes -


class SoFieldContainer


The classes containing fields in Coin are the node and engine classes, so they are all subclasses of SoFieldContainer. " class SoInput


This class takes care of most of the chores of doing data import in Coin. It puts a layer of abstraction over the read operations to make it transparent for the rest of the Coin code whether or not we're reading from a file, from a memory buffer or from stdin. " class SoOutput


SoOutput offers the ability to write basic types to a file or a memory buffer in either ASCII or binary format. " class SoAuditorList


This class is mainly for internal use (from SoBase) and it should not be necessary to be familiar with it for 'ordinary' Coin use. " class SoBaseList


The additional capability of the SoBaseList class over its parent class, SbPList, is to automatically handle referencing and dereferencing of items as they are added or removed from the lists. " class SoCallbackList


This list stores callback function pointers (along with user-specified extra data to pass to the callbacks) and provides a method for triggering the callback functions. " class SoPathList


As this class inherits SoBaseList, referencing and dereferencing will default be done on the objects at append(), remove(), insert() etc. " class SoPickedPointList


This list class will delete the picked points when destructed/truncated, or when a picked point in the list is replaced by another picked point The caller is responsible for allocating the picked points passed to the list, but should not deallocate them since this will be handled by the list. " class SoTypeList

The SoTypeList class is a container class for arrays of SoType objects. class SoAudioDevice


The SoAudioDevice class is responsible for initialization of an audio device, as well as enabling and disabling sound. It is a singleton class. " class SoContextHandler

The SoContextHandler class is for now to be treated as an internal class. class SoBase


SoBase provides the basic interfaces and methods for doing reference counting, type identification and import/export. All classes in Coin which uses these mechanisms are descendent from this class. " class SoChildList


This class does automatic notification on the parent nodes upon adding or removing children. " class SoDB


This class collects various methods for initializing, setting and accessing common global data from the Coin library. " class SoFullPath


SoPath allows only access from the head node to the first node with hidden children, but not any further. " class SoInteraction


SoInteraction is present for the sole purpose of providing an interface to the initialization methods of the classes in Coin which are somehow related to user interaction, like the draggers and manipulators. " class SoLockManager


This is just a dummy implementation of the TGS Inventor class used to provide a license locking mechanism. Since Coin can be used without any royalty fees or client-site license locks, no such mechanism is needed. " class SoNotList

The SoNotList class is a list of SoNotRec notification records. class SoNotRec

The SoNotRec class specifies records for notification lists. class SoOffscreenRenderer


If you want to render to a memory buffer instead of an on-screen OpenGL context, use this class. Rendering to a memory buffer can be used to generate texture maps on-the-fly, or for saving snapshots of the scene to disk files (as pixel bitmaps or as Postscript files for sending to a Postscript-capable printer). " class SoPath


SoPath objects contain a list of SoNode pointers and a list of child indices. Indices are necessary to disambiguate situations where a node uses the same node as a child multiple times. " class SoPickedPoint


It holds miscellaneous information about the picked point, such as position, normal, texture coordinate and material index in the current material. It might also hold detail information (an SoDetail subclass) for every node in the picked path. " class SoPrimitiveVertex


Instances of SoPrimitiveVertex are constructed when generating primitive data, primarily during an SoCallbackAction traversal. Depending on the context the vertex could represent a single 3D point, one of the two vertices in a line or one of the three vertices in a triangle. " class SoSceneManager


The renderarea class from the GUI toolkit you are using uses this class as the interface against the scene graph. Event handling and providing 'hooks' to do rendering are the main functions of the class. " class SoState


The SoState class is used by actions derived from the SoAction class. It manages the scenegraph state as stacks of elements (ie instances of classes derived from SoElement). " class SoType


Many of the classes in the Coin library must have their type information registered before any instances are created (including, but not limited to: engines, nodes, fields, actions, nodekits and manipulators). The use of SoType to store this information provides lots of various functionality for working with class hierarchies, comparing class types, instantiating objects from classnames, etc etc. "