man ggiGetc (Fonctions bibliothèques) - ggiGetc, ggiKbhit : Convenience functions for simplistic keyboard input
ggiGetc, ggiKbhit : Convenience functions for simplistic keyboard input
#include <ggi/ggi.h>
int ggiGetc(ggi_visual_t vis);
int ggiKbhit(ggi_visual_t vis);
ggiGetc gets a character from the keyboard, and blocks if there is no key immediately available.
ggiKbhit checks if a key has been hit on the keyboard. This does not consume the key. It is used for easy porting of old DOS applications. Important: Do not poll like this: do while( ! ggiKbhit(vis) ); On a multitasking OS you would be wasting a lot of resources which could be available to other processes. If you want to wait for a key, use the ggiGetc call.
ggiKbhit returns 0 if no key has been received yet, otherwise there is a key to be consumed.
ggiGetc returns a Unicode character in canonical form.
For a fuller definition of characters, see gii_key_event(3).