man SbSpherePlaneProjector () - sphere-plane projector


SbSpherePlaneProjector - sphere-plane projector


SbProjector > SbSphereProjector > SbSphereSectionProjector > SbSpherePlaneProjector


#include <Inventor/projectors/SbSpherePlaneProjector.h> Methods from class SbSpherePlaneProjector: c } c } SbSpherePlaneProjector(float edgeTol = .9, SbBool orientToEye = TRUE)

c } c } SbSpherePlaneProjector(const SbSphere &sph, float edgeTol = .9, SbBool orientToEye = TRUE)

c } c } ~SbSpherePlaneProjector() Methods from class SbSphereSectionProjector: c } c } setTolerance(float edgeTol)

c } c } getTolerance() const

c } c } setRadialFactor(float radialFactor = 0.0)

c } c } getRadialFactor() const

c } c } isWithinTolerance(const SbVec3f &point) Methods from class SbSphereProjector: c } c } projectAndGetRotation(const SbVec2f &point, SbRotation &rot)

c } c } getRotation(const SbVec3f &point1, const SbVec3f &point2)

c } c } setSphere(const SbSphere &sph)

c } c } getSphere() const

c } c } setOrientToEye(SbBool orientToEye)

c } c } isOrientToEye() const

c } c } setFront(SbBool isFront)

c } c } isFront() const

c } c } isPointInFront(const SbVec3f &point) const Methods from class SbProjector: c } c } project(const SbVec2f &point)

c } c } setViewVolume(const SbViewVolume &vol)

c } c } getViewVolume() const

c } c } setWorkingSpace(const SbMatrix &space)

c } c } getWorkingSpace() const

c } c } copy() const


SbSpherePlaneProjector projects a window space point (usually based on the mouse location) onto a surface defined by a sphere and plane cutting through the sphere. Two projected points can produce a rotation about the sphere's center. When the mouse position projects onto the plane, the rotations will be as if the plane is being dragged, causing the sphere to roll beneath it. Incremental changes (delta rotation) can be computed during interactive sessions. Sphere projectors are typically used to write interactive 3D manipulators and viewers.


c } c } SbSpherePlaneProjector(float edgeTol = .9, SbBool orientToEye = TRUE)

c } c } SbSpherePlaneProjector(const SbSphere &sph, float edgeTol = .9, SbBool orientToEye = TRUE)

Constructors. The first uses a default sphere centered at the origin with radius 1.0; the sphere is supplied in the second. The position of the plane is specified as a fraction of the sphere radius with the parameter edgeTol. A tolerance value of 1.0 positions the plane down the center of the sphere. A tolerance value of 0.5 defines the longitudinal plane halfway between the center and the outside edge of the sphere. The default value is .9, so that almost half the sphere is in front of the plane. The orientToEye parameter determines whether the plane is perpendicular to the eye, or perpendicular to the sphere's Z axis. Setting that parameter to TRUE (the default) specifies that the plane be perpendicular to the eye, which is most often the desired behavior. The default view volume is undefined, and the working space is identity. c } c } ~SbSpherePlaneProjector()



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