man SoByteStream () - converts scene graph objects to character byte streams


SoByteStream - converts scene graph objects to character byte streams




#include <Inventor/misc/SoByteStream.h> Methods from class SoByteStream: c } c } SoByteStream()

c } c } ~SoByteStream()

c } c } convert(SoNode *node, SbBool binaryFormat = TRUE)

c } c } convert(SoPath *path, SbBool binaryFormat = TRUE)

c } c } convert(SoPathList *pathList, SbBool binaryFormat = TRUE)

c } c } getData()

c } c } getNumBytes()

c } c } unconvert(SoByteStream *byteStream)

c } c } unconvert(void *data, uint32_t numBytes)


This class creates a byte stream representation of a scene graph, using an SoWriteAction to write path lists to an in-memory buffer. Byte streams are commonly used to transfer data in copy and paste operations. (The SoXtClipboard class passes SoByteStream data during copy and paste.)


c } c } SoByteStream()

c } c } ~SoByteStream()

Constructor and destructor. c } c } convert(SoNode *node, SbBool binaryFormat = TRUE)

c } c } convert(SoPath *path, SbBool binaryFormat = TRUE)

c } c } convert(SoPathList *pathList, SbBool binaryFormat = TRUE)

These convert the passed scene graph object(s) into a byte stream. The caller may specify whether the byte stream is written in binary (TRUE) or ASCII (FALSE) format, and can pass the object(s) by node, path, or pathList. c } c } getData()

c } c } getNumBytes()

These return the data and number of bytes from the last convert() operation. This byte stream format is well suited to data transfers, like copy and paste. c } c } unconvert(SoByteStream *byteStream)

c } c } unconvert(void *data, uint32_t numBytes)

These take byte stream data and unconvert it back to scene graph objects. The objects are returned in a path list.

