man SoCallbackList () - manages a list of callback functions and associated data


SoCallbackList - manages a list of callback functions and associated data




#include <Inventor/misc/SoCallbackList.h> c } c } SoCallbackListCB(void *userData, void *callbackData) Methods from class SoCallbackList: c } c } SoCallbackList()

c } c } ~SoCallbackList()

c } c } addCallback(SoCallbackListCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeCallback(SoCallbackListCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } clearCallbacks()

c } c } getNumCallbacks() const

c } c } invokeCallbacks(void *callbackData)


This class manages a list of callback functions and user data. The user can add a callback function to the list, along with user data. When the callback is invoked, it is passed this user data, along with callback data specified by the invoking routine. The type of this callback data is determined by the invoking routine.


c } c } SoCallbackList()

c } c } ~SoCallbackList()

Constructor and destructor. c } c } addCallback(SoCallbackListCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeCallback(SoCallbackListCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

Adds a function to or removes a function from the list of callback functions. c } c } clearCallbacks()

Clears all callback functions from the list. c } c } getNumCallbacks() const

Returns the number of callback functions in the list. c } c } invokeCallbacks(void *callbackData)

Invokes each callback function in the list, passing each function the user data supplied when they were registered here, and callbackData, the callback-specific data supplied by the caller.