man SoHandleBoxDragger () - box you can scale, stretch and translate by dragging with the mouse


SoHandleBoxDragger - box you can scale, stretch and translate by dragging with the mouse


SoBase > SoFieldContainer > SoNode > SoBaseKit > SoInteractionKit > SoDragger > SoHandleBoxDragger


#include <Inventor/draggers/SoHandleBoxDragger.h> Fields from class SoHandleBoxDragger: c } c } scaleFactor

c } c } translation Fields from class SoDragger: c } c } isActive Fields from class SoInteractionKit: c } c } renderCaching

c } c } boundingBoxCaching

c } c } renderCulling

c } c } pickCulling Parts from class SoBaseKit: c } c } callbackList Methods from class SoHandleBoxDragger: c } c } SoHandleBoxDragger()

c } c } getClassNodekitCatalog() const

c } c } getClassTypeId() Methods from class SoDragger: c } c } addStartCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeStartCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } addMotionCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeMotionCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } addFinishCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeFinishCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } addValueChangedCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeValueChangedCallback(SoDraggerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } enableValueChangedCallbacks()

c } c } setMinGesture(int pixels)

c } c } getMinGesture() const

c } c } setMinScale(float newMinScale)

c } c } getMinScale() Methods from class SoInteractionKit: c } c } setPartAsPath(const SbName &partName, SoPath *surrogatePath ) Methods from class SoBaseKit: c } c } getNodekitCatalog() const

c } c } getPart(const SbName &partName, SbBool makeIfNeeded)

c } c } getPartString(const SoBase *part)

c } c } createPathToPart(const SbName &partName, SbBool makeIfNeeded, const SoPath *pathToExtend = NULL)

c } c } setPart(const SbName &partName, SoNode *newPart)

c } c } set(char *partName, char *parameters)

c } c } set(char *nameValuePairs)

c } c } isSearchingChildren()

c } c } setSearchingChildren(SbBool newVal) Methods from class SoNode: c } c } setOverride(SbBool state)

c } c } isOverride() const

c } c } copy(SbBool copyConnections = FALSE) const

c } c } affectsState() const

c } c } getByName(const SbName &name)

c } c } getByName(const SbName &name, SoNodeList &list) Methods from class SoFieldContainer: c } c } setToDefaults()

c } c } hasDefaultValues() const

c } c } fieldsAreEqual(const SoFieldContainer *fc) const

c } c } copyFieldValues(const SoFieldContainer *fc, SbBool copyConnections = FALSE)

c } c } get(SbString &fieldDataString)

c } c } getFields(SoFieldList &resultList) const

c } c } getField(const SbName &fieldName) const

c } c } getFieldName(const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName) const

c } c } isNotifyEnabled() const

c } c } enableNotify(SbBool flag) Methods from class SoBase: c } c } ref()

c } c } unref() const

c } c } unrefNoDelete() const

c } c } touch()

c } c } getTypeId() const

c } c } isOfType(SoType type) const

c } c } setName(const SbName &name)

c } c } getName() const Macros from class SoBaseKit: SO_GET_PART(kit, partName, partClass)

SO_CHECK_PART(kit, partName, partClass)


SoHandleBoxDragger is a dragger shaped like a wireframe box with small corner cubes mounted on each corner. Click and drag any of these cubes to scale the box uniformly. Six other center cubes are centered on the sides of the box; white lines connect them to the center of the dragger. Drag one of the center cubes along its line to stretch the box in that direction. Dragging a face of the box translates the dragger within that plane. While you drag a face of the box, purple feedback arrows display the possible directions of motion. Press the <Shift> key to constrain the motion to one of the two major directions in the plane. The constraint direction is chosen based on the next user gesture. Press the <Control> key and the dragger will translate perpendicular to that plane. The translation field is modified as the face is dragged. By default, dragging any of the small cubes scales about the center of the object. Pressing the <Control> key changes this: A corner cube will scale about its opposite corner. A center cube will scale about the center of its opposite face. Dragging one of the small cubes will usually result in changes to both the scaleFactor and translation fields. This is because any scale about a point other than the origin has a translation element. As with all draggers, if you change the fields the dragger will move to match the new settings. Remember: This is not an SoTransform!. If you want to move other objects with this dragger, you can either: [a] Use an SoHandleBoxManip, which is subclassed from SoTransform. It creates one of these draggers and uses it as the interface to change its fields. (see the SoHandleBoxManip reference page). [b] Use field-to-field connections to connect the fields of this dragger to those of any SoTransformation node. You can change the parts in any instance of this dragger using setPart(). The default part geometries are defined as resources for this SoHandleBoxDragger class. They are detailed in the Dragger Resources section of the online reference page for this class. You can make your program use different default resources for the parts by copying the file /usr/share/data/draggerDefaults/handleBoxDragger.iv into your own directory, editing the file, and then setting the environment variable SO_DRAGGER_DIR to be a path to that directory.


c } c } scaleFactor

Scale of the dragger. c } c } translation

Position of the dragger.


c } c } SoHandleBoxDragger()

Constructor. c } c } getClassNodekitCatalog() const

Returns an SoNodekitCatalog for this class c } c } getClassTypeId()

Returns type identifier for this class.


box, tab(!); cb s s s lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb l l l c. All parts !!!NULL by Part Name!Part Type!Default Type!Default

callbackList!NodeKitListPart!--!yes surroundScale!SurroundScale!--!yes translator1!Separator!--!yes translator1Active!Separator!--!yes translator2!Separator!--!yes translator2Active!Separator!--!yes translator3!Separator!--!yes translator3Active!Separator!--!yes translator4!Separator!--!yes translator4Active!Separator!--!yes translator5!Separator!--!yes translator5Active!Separator!--!yes translator6!Separator!--!yes translator6Active!Separator!--!yes extruder1!Separator!--!yes extruder1Active!Separator!--!yes extruder2!Separator!--!yes extruder2Active!Separator!--!yes extruder3!Separator!--!yes extruder3Active!Separator!--!yes extruder4!Separator!--!yes extruder4Active!Separator!--!yes extruder5!Separator!--!yes extruder5Active!Separator!--!yes extruder6!Separator!--!yes extruder6Active!Separator!--!yes uniform1!Separator!--!yes uniform1Active!Separator!--!yes uniform2!Separator!--!yes uniform2Active!Separator!--!yes uniform3!Separator!--!yes uniform3Active!Separator!--!yes uniform4!Separator!--!yes uniform4Active!Separator!--!yes uniform5!Separator!--!yes uniform5Active!Separator!--!yes uniform6!Separator!--!yes uniform6Active!Separator!--!yes uniform7!Separator!--!yes uniform7Active!Separator!--!yes uniform8!Separator!--!yes uniform8Active!Separator!--!yes arrow1!Separator!--!yes arrow2!Separator!--!yes arrow3!Separator!--!yes arrow4!Separator!--!yes arrow5!Separator!--!yes arrow6!Separator!--!yes

box, tab(!); cb s s lb lb lbw(3) l l l. Extra information for list parts from above table Part Name!Container Type!Permissible Types

callbackList!Separator!T{ Callback, EventCallback T}


.in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator1

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator1

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Top face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scaling in x-z plane. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator2

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator2

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Bottom face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scaling in x-z plane. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator3

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator3

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Left face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scaling in y-z plane. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator4

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator4

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Right face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scaling in y-z plane. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator5

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator5

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Front face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scaling in x-y plane. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator6

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator6

Appearance: White Line-Style Square

Description: Back face of handleBox. Picking this initiates scaling in x-y plane. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator1Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator1Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator1

Description: Replaces handleBoxTranslator1 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator2Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator2Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator2

Description: Replaces handleBoxTranslator2 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator3Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator3Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator3

Description: Replaces handleBoxTranslator3 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator4Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator4Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator4

Description: Replaces handleBoxTranslator4 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator5Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator5Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator5

Description: Replaces handleBoxTranslator5 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxTranslator6Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: translator6Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxTranslator6

Description: Replaces handleBoxTranslator6 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder1

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder1

Appearance: Small white cube at (0,1.25,0) with line to origin

Description: Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along Y axis. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder2

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder2

Appearance: Small white cube at (0,-1.25,0) with line to origin

Description: Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along Y axis. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder3

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder3

Appearance: Small white cube at (-1.25,0,0) with line to origin

Description: Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along X axis. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder4

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder4

Appearance: Small white cube at (1.25,0,0) with line to origin

Description: Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along X axis. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder5

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder5

Appearance: Small white cube at (0,0,1.25) with line to origin

Description: Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along Z axis. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder6

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder6

Appearance: Small white cube at (0,0,-1.25) with line to origin

Description: Selecting this part initiates 1-D scaling along Z axis. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder1Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder1Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder1

Description: Replaces handleBoxExtruder1 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder2Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder2Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder1

Description: Replaces handleBoxExtruder1 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder3Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder3Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder3

Description: Replaces handleBoxExtruder3 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder4Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder4Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder4

Description: Replaces handleBoxExtruder4 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder5Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder5Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder5

Description: Replaces handleBoxExtruder5 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxExtruder6Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: extruder6Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxExtruder6

Description: Replaces handleBoxExtruder6 during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform1

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform1

Appearance: Small white cube in (+x+y+z) corner of handleBox

Description: Picking this initiates uniform scaling. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform2

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform2

Appearance: Small white cube in (+x+y-z) corner of handleBox

Description: Picking this initiates uniform scaling. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform3

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform3

Appearance: Small white cube in (+x-y+z) corner of handleBox

Description: Picking this initiates uniform scaling. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform4

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform4

Appearance: Small white cube in (+x-y-z) corner of handleBox

Description: Picking this initiates uniform scaling. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform5

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform5

Appearance: Small white cube in (-x+y+z) corner of handleBox

Description: Picking this initiates uniform scaling. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform6

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform6

Appearance: Small white cube in (-x+y-z) corner of handleBox

Description: Picking this initiates uniform scaling. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform7

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform7

Appearance: Small white cube in (-x-y+z) corner of handleBox

Description: Picking this initiates uniform scaling. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform8

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform8

Appearance: Small white cube in (-x-y-z) corner of handleBox

Description: Picking this initiates uniform scaling. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform1Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform1Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active

Description: Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform2Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform2Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active

Description: Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform3Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform3Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active

Description: Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform4Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform4Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active

Description: Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform5Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform5Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active

Description: Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform6Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform6Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active

Description: Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform7Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform7Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active

Description: Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxUniform8Active

.in 0n+.5i Part: uniform8Active

Appearance: Yellow version of handleBoxUniform1Active

Description: Replaces handleBoxUniform1Active during dragging. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxArrow1

.in 0n+.5i Part: arrow1

Appearance: Purple Arrow, pointing up

Description: Displayed when translating if Y direction is permitted. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxArrow2

.in 0n+.5i Part: arrow2

Appearance: Purple Arrow, pointing down

Description: Displayed when translating if Y direction is permitted. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxArrow3

.in 0n+.5i Part: arrow3

Appearance: Purple Arrow, pointing left

Description: Displayed when translating if X direction is permitted. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxArrow4

.in 0n+.5i Part: arrow4

Appearance: Purple Arrow, pointing right

Description: Displayed when translating if X direction is permitted. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxArrow5

.in 0n+.5i Part: arrow5

Appearance: Purple Arrow, pointing forward

Description: Displayed when translating if Z direction is permitted. .in 0n+.5i Resource: handleBoxArrow6

.in 0n+.5i Part: arrow6

Appearance: Purple Arrow, pointing backward

Description: Displayed when translating if Z direction is permitted.


HandleBoxDragger {
renderCaching	AUTO
boundingBoxCaching	AUTO
renderCulling	AUTO
pickCulling	AUTO
isActive	FALSE
translation	0 0 0
scaleFactor	1 1 1
callbackList	NULL
surroundScale	NULL
translator1	<handleBoxTranslator1 resource>
translator1Active	<handleBoxTranslator1Active resource>
translator2	<handleBoxTranslator2 resource>
translator2Active	<handleBoxTranslator2Active resource>
translator3	<handleBoxTranslator3 resource>
translator3Active	<handleBoxTranslator3Active resource>
translator4	<handleBoxTranslator4 resource>
translator4Active	<handleBoxTranslator4Active resource>
translator5	<handleBoxTranslator5 resource>
translator5Active	<handleBoxTranslator5Active resource>
translator6	<handleBoxTranslator6 resource>
translator6Active	<handleBoxTranslator6Active resource>
extruder1	<handleBoxExtruder1 resource>
extruder1Active	<handleBoxExtruder1Active resource>
extruder2	<handleBoxExtruder2 resource>
extruder2Active	<handleBoxExtruder2Active resource>
extruder3	<handleBoxExtruder3 resource>
extruder3Active	<handleBoxExtruder3Active resource>
extruder4	<handleBoxExtruder4 resource>
extruder4Active	<handleBoxExtruder4Active resource>
extruder5	<handleBoxExtruder5 resource>
extruder5Active	<handleBoxExtruder5Active resource>
extruder6	<handleBoxExtruder6 resource>
extruder6Active	<handleBoxExtruder6Active resource>
uniform1	<handleBoxUniform1 resource>
uniform1Active	<handleBoxUniform1Active resource>
uniform2	<handleBoxUniform2 resource>
uniform2Active	<handleBoxUniform2Active resource>
uniform3	<handleBoxUniform3 resource>
uniform3Active	<handleBoxUniform3Active resource>
uniform4	<handleBoxUniform4 resource>
uniform4Active	<handleBoxUniform4Active resource>
uniform5	<handleBoxUniform5 resource>
uniform5Active	<handleBoxUniform5Active resource>
uniform6	<handleBoxUniform6 resource>
uniform6Active	<handleBoxUniform6Active resource>
uniform7	<handleBoxUniform7 resource>
uniform7Active	<handleBoxUniform7Active resource>
uniform8	<handleBoxUniform8 resource>
uniform8Active	<handleBoxUniform8Active resource>
arrow1	<handleBoxArrow1 resource>
arrow2	<handleBoxArrow2 resource>
arrow3	<handleBoxArrow3 resource>
arrow4	<handleBoxArrow4 resource>
arrow5	<handleBoxArrow5 resource>
arrow6	<handleBoxArrow6 resource>


Unlike most multi-function draggers, SoHandleBoxDragger is not a compound dragger made up of other draggers that perform its smaller tasks. This is not because it was inappropriate, but because was written before implementation of the methods that synchronize multiple child draggers. The younger SoTransformBoxDragger has similarities to the handle box dragger, but the transform box dragger is a compound dragger.


SoInteractionKit, SoDragger, SoCenterballDragger, SoDirectionalLightDragger, SoDragPointDragger, SoJackDragger, SoPointLightDragger, SoRotateCylindricalDragger, SoRotateDiscDragger, SoRotateSphericalDragger, SoScale1Dragger, SoScale2Dragger, SoScale2UniformDragger, SoScaleUniformDragger, SoSpotLightDragger, SoTabBoxDragger, SoTabPlaneDragger, SoTrackballDragger, SoTransformBoxDragger, SoTransformerDragger, SoTranslate1Dragger, SoTranslate2Dragger