man SoNodeKitListPart () - group node with restricted children


SoNodeKitListPart - group node with restricted children


SoBase > SoFieldContainer > SoNode > SoNodeKitListPart


#include <Inventor/nodekits/SoNodeKitListPart.h> Methods from class SoNodeKitListPart: c } c } SoNodeKitListPart()

c } c } getContainerType() const

c } c } setContainerType(SoType newContainerType )

c } c } getChildTypes() const

c } c } addChildType(SoType typeToAdd )

c } c } isTypePermitted(SoType typeToCheck ) const

c } c } isChildPermitted(const SoNode *child ) const

c } c } containerSet(const char *fieldDataString )

c } c } lockTypes()

c } c } isTypeLocked() const

c } c } addChild(SoNode *child )

c } c } insertChild(SoNode *child, int childIndex )

c } c } getChild(int index ) const

c } c } findChild(SoNode *child) const

c } c } getNumChildren() const

c } c } removeChild(int index)

c } c } removeChild(SoNode *child)

c } c } replaceChild(int index, SoNode *newChild)

c } c } replaceChild(SoNode *oldChild, SoNode *newChild)

c } c } getClassTypeId() Methods from class SoNode: c } c } setOverride(SbBool state)

c } c } isOverride() const

c } c } copy(SbBool copyConnections = FALSE) const

c } c } affectsState() const

c } c } getByName(const SbName &name)

c } c } getByName(const SbName &name, SoNodeList &list) Methods from class SoFieldContainer: c } c } setToDefaults()

c } c } hasDefaultValues() const

c } c } fieldsAreEqual(const SoFieldContainer *fc) const

c } c } copyFieldValues(const SoFieldContainer *fc, SbBool copyConnections = FALSE)

c } c } set(const char *fieldDataString)

c } c } get(SbString &fieldDataString)

c } c } getFields(SoFieldList &resultList) const

c } c } getField(const SbName &fieldName) const

c } c } getFieldName(const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName) const

c } c } isNotifyEnabled() const

c } c } enableNotify(SbBool flag) Methods from class SoBase: c } c } ref()

c } c } unref() const

c } c } unrefNoDelete() const

c } c } touch()

c } c } getTypeId() const

c } c } isOfType(SoType type) const

c } c } setName(const SbName &name)

c } c } getName() const


This node class is very similar to SoGroup with the exception that it specifies restrictions on the type of children that it allows. It is used by nodekits to restrict child types within list parts (see the reference page for SoBaseKit). By default, any kind of child may be added. Methods of this class allow you to restrict the type of allowable children, and to lock down the types so that this type list may no longer be altered. Inside the SoNodeKitListPart is a container node, which in turn contains the children. The container node is a hidden child, and the type of node used may be set with setContainerType(). In this way, you can make the nodekitlist behave like a group, a separator, or any other subclass of group. The container is not accessible so that the nodekitlist may retain control over what kinds of children are added.


c } c } SoNodeKitListPart()

Constructor. c } c } getContainerType() const

c } c } setContainerType(SoType newContainerType )

Gets and sets the type of node used as the container. c } c } getChildTypes() const

Returns the permitted child node types. By default, any type of node is permitted, so the list contains one entry of type SoNode. c } c } addChildType(SoType typeToAdd )

Permits the node type typeToAdd as a child. The first time the addChildType() method is called, the default of SoNode is overridden and only the new typeToAdd is permitted. In subsequent calls to addChildType(), the typeToAdd is added to the existing types. c } c } isTypePermitted(SoType typeToCheck ) const

Returns whether a node of type typeToCheck may be added as a child. c } c } isChildPermitted(const SoNode *child ) const

Returns whether the node child may be added to this list. This will return TRUE if the type of child is one of the permissible child types. c } c } containerSet(const char *fieldDataString )

Sends a string to the set() method on the container node. This is how you can set the value of a switch node if the container node is an SoSwitch, for example. c } c } lockTypes()

This function permanently locks the permitted child types and the container type permanently. Calls to setContainerType() and addChildType() will have no effect after this function is called. c } c } isTypeLocked() const

Returns whether the permitted child types and the container type are locked (i.e. cannot be changed). See lockTypes() c } c } addChild(SoNode *child )

c } c } insertChild(SoNode *child, int childIndex )

c } c } getChild(int index ) const

c } c } findChild(SoNode *child) const

c } c } getNumChildren() const

c } c } removeChild(int index)

c } c } removeChild(SoNode *child)

c } c } replaceChild(int index, SoNode *newChild)

c } c } replaceChild(SoNode *oldChild, SoNode *newChild)

These are the functions used to edit the children. They parallel those of SoGroup, except that they always check the child types against those which are permissible. See SoGroup for details. c } c } getClassTypeId()

Returns type identifier for this class.


NodeKitListPart {
containerTypeName	"Group"
childTypeNames	""
containerNode	NULL


SoBaseKit, SoNodeKit, SoNodeKitDetail, SoNodeKitPath, SoNodekitCatalog, SoSceneKit, SoSeparatorKit, SoShapeKit, SoWrapperKit