man SoNonIndexedShape () - abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes


SoNonIndexedShape - abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes


SoBase > SoFieldContainer > SoNode > SoShape > SoVertexShape > SoNonIndexedShape


#include <Inventor/nodes/SoNonIndexedShape.h> Fields from class SoNonIndexedShape: c } c } startIndex Fields from class SoVertexShape: c } c } vertexProperty Methods from class SoNonIndexedShape: c } c } getClassTypeId() Methods from class SoNode: c } c } setOverride(SbBool state)

c } c } isOverride() const

c } c } copy(SbBool copyConnections = FALSE) const

c } c } affectsState() const

c } c } getByName(const SbName &name)

c } c } getByName(const SbName &name, SoNodeList &list) Methods from class SoFieldContainer: c } c } setToDefaults()

c } c } hasDefaultValues() const

c } c } fieldsAreEqual(const SoFieldContainer *fc) const

c } c } copyFieldValues(const SoFieldContainer *fc, SbBool copyConnections = FALSE)

c } c } set(const char *fieldDataString)

c } c } get(SbString &fieldDataString)

c } c } getFields(SoFieldList &resultList) const

c } c } getField(const SbName &fieldName) const

c } c } getFieldName(const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName) const

c } c } isNotifyEnabled() const

c } c } enableNotify(SbBool flag) Methods from class SoBase: c } c } ref()

c } c } unref() const

c } c } unrefNoDelete() const

c } c } touch()

c } c } getTypeId() const

c } c } isOfType(SoType type) const

c } c } setName(const SbName &name)

c } c } getName() const


This node is the abstract base class for all vertex-based shapes that are not constructed from indices, such as SoFaceSet, SoLineSet, and SoQuadMesh. All subclasses of SoNonIndexedShape construct objects by using the coordinates specified in the vertexProperty field (from SoVertexShape), or the current inherited coordinates. The startIndex field defined by this class is now obsolete, and is provided here only for compatibility with old files and programs. The subclass decides what to do with this and any subsequent coordinates. The shape is drawn with the current lighting model and drawing style and is transformed by the current transformation matrix. Material, normal, and texture coordinate bindings for shapes derived from this class ignore any index specifications. That is, a binding value of PER_FACE_INDEXED is treated the same way as PER_FACE, and so on. If there aren't sufficient values in the current coordinates, material, or texture coordinates, errors will occur.


c } c } startIndex

Obsolete field, provided only for compatibility reasons. Index of first coordinate of shape.


c } c } getClassTypeId()

Returns type identifier for this class.


This is an abstract class. See the reference page of a derived class for the format and default values.


SoFaceSet, SoIndexedShape, SoLineSet, SoPointSet, SoQuadMesh, SoTriangleStripSet, SoVertexProperty