man SoPerspectiveCamera () - perspective camera node


SoPerspectiveCamera - perspective camera node


SoBase > SoFieldContainer > SoNode > SoCamera > SoPerspectiveCamera


#include <Inventor/nodes/SoPerspectiveCamera.h> Fields from class SoPerspectiveCamera: c } c } heightAngle Fields from class SoCamera: c } c } viewportMapping

c } c } position

c } c } orientation

c } c } aspectRatio

c } c } nearDistance

c } c } farDistance

c } c } focalDistance Methods from class SoPerspectiveCamera: c } c } SoPerspectiveCamera()

c } c } getClassTypeId() Methods from class SoCamera: c } c } pointAt(const SbVec3f &targetPoint)

c } c } scaleHeight(float scaleFactor)

c } c } getViewVolume(float useAspectRatio = 0.0) const

c } c } viewAll(SoNode *sceneRoot, const SbViewportRegion &vpRegion, float slack = 1.0)

c } c } viewAll(SoPath *path, const SbViewportRegion &vpRegion, float slack = 1.0)

c } c } getViewportBounds(const SbViewportRegion &region) const Methods from class SoNode: c } c } setOverride(SbBool state)

c } c } isOverride() const

c } c } copy(SbBool copyConnections = FALSE) const

c } c } affectsState() const

c } c } getByName(const SbName &name)

c } c } getByName(const SbName &name, SoNodeList &list) Methods from class SoFieldContainer: c } c } setToDefaults()

c } c } hasDefaultValues() const

c } c } fieldsAreEqual(const SoFieldContainer *fc) const

c } c } copyFieldValues(const SoFieldContainer *fc, SbBool copyConnections = FALSE)

c } c } set(const char *fieldDataString)

c } c } get(SbString &fieldDataString)

c } c } getFields(SoFieldList &resultList) const

c } c } getField(const SbName &fieldName) const

c } c } getFieldName(const SoField *field, SbName &fieldName) const

c } c } isNotifyEnabled() const

c } c } enableNotify(SbBool flag) Methods from class SoBase: c } c } ref()

c } c } unref() const

c } c } unrefNoDelete() const

c } c } touch()

c } c } getTypeId() const

c } c } isOfType(SoType type) const

c } c } setName(const SbName &name)

c } c } getName() const


A perspective camera defines a perspective projection from a viewpoint. The viewing volume for a perspective camera is a truncated right pyramid. By default, the camera is located at (0,0,1) and looks along the negative z-axis; the position and orientation fields can be used to change these values. The heightAngle field defines the total vertical angle of the viewing volume; this and the aspectRatio field determine the horizontal angle.


c } c } heightAngle

Vertical angle of the viewing volume.


c } c } SoPerspectiveCamera()

Creates a perspective camera node with default settings. c } c } getClassTypeId()

Returns type identifier for this class.


SoGLRenderAction, SoCallbackAction, SoGetBoundingBoxAction, SoHandleEventAction, SoRayPickAction

Sets the viewport and camera information in the state.


PerspectiveCamera {
viewportMapping	ADJUST_CAMERA
position	0 0 1
orientation	0 0 1  0
aspectRatio	1
nearDistance	1
farDistance	10
focalDistance	5
heightAngle	0.785398


SbViewVolume, SoOrthographicCamera