man SoXtConstrainedViewer () - base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction


SoXtConstrainedViewer - base viewer class which adds camera constraints given a world up direction


SoXtComponent > SoXtGLWidget > SoXtRenderArea > SoXtViewer > SoXtFullViewer > SoXtConstrainedViewer


#include <Inventor/Xt/viewers/SoXtConstrainedViewer.h> Methods from class SoXtConstrainedViewer: c } c } setUpDirection(const SbVec3f &newUpDirection)

c } c } getUpDirection() Methods from class SoXtFullViewer: c } c } setDecoration(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isDecoration()

c } c } setPopupMenuEnabled(SbBool trueOrFalse)

c } c } isPopupMenuEnabled()

c } c } getAppPushButtonParent() const

c } c } addAppPushButton(Widget newButton)

c } c } insertAppPushButton(Widget newButton, int index)

c } c } removeAppPushButton(Widget oldButton)

c } c } findAppPushButton(Widget oldButton)

c } c } lengthAppPushButton()

c } c } getRenderAreaWidget() Methods from class SoXtViewer: c } c } setCamera(SoCamera *cam)

c } c } getCamera()

c } c } setCameraType(SoType type)

c } c } getCameraType()

c } c } viewAll()

c } c } saveHomePosition()

c } c } resetToHomePosition()

c } c } setHeadlight(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isHeadlight()

c } c } getHeadlight()

c } c } setDrawStyle(SoXtViewer::DrawType type, SoXtViewer::DrawStyle style)

c } c } getDrawStyle(SoXtViewer::DrawType type)

c } c } setBufferingType(SoXtViewer::BufferType type)

c } c } getBufferingType()

c } c } setViewing(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isViewing() const

c } c } setCursorEnabled(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isCursorEnabled() const

c } c } setAutoClipping(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isAutoClipping() const

c } c } setStereoViewing(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isStereoViewing()

c } c } setStereoOffset(float dist)

c } c } getStereoOffset()

c } c } setDetailSeek(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isDetailSeek()

c } c } setSeekTime(float seconds)

c } c } getSeekTime()

c } c } addStartCallback(SoXtViewerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } addFinishCallback(SoXtViewerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeStartCallback(SoXtViewerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeFinishCallback(SoXtViewerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } copyView(Time eventTime)

c } c } pasteView(Time eventTime)

c } c } recomputeSceneSize() Methods from class SoXtRenderArea: c } c } setSceneGraph(SoNode *newScene)

c } c } getSceneGraph()

c } c } setOverlaySceneGraph(SoNode *newScene)

c } c } getOverlaySceneGraph()

c } c } registerDevice(SoXtDevice *)

c } c } unregisterDevice(SoXtDevice *)

c } c } setBackgroundColor(const SbColor &c)

c } c } getBackgroundColor() const

c } c } setBackgroundIndex(int index)

c } c } getBackgroundIndex() const

c } c } setOverlayBackgroundIndex(int index)

c } c } getOverlayBackgroundIndex() const

c } c } setColorMap(int startIndex, int num, const SbColor *colors)

c } c } setOverlayColorMap(int startIndex, int num, const SbColor *colors)

c } c } setViewportRegion(const SbViewportRegion &newRegion)

c } c } getViewportRegion() const

c } c } setTransparencyType(SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType type)

c } c } getTransparencyType() const

c } c } setAntialiasing(SbBool smoothing, int numPasses)

c } c } getAntialiasing(SbBool &smoothing, int &numPasses) const

c } c } setClearBeforeRender(SbBool trueOrFalse)

c } c } isClearBeforeRender() const

c } c } setClearBeforeOverlayRender(SbBool trueOrFalse)

c } c } isClearBeforeOverlayRender() const

c } c } setAutoRedraw(SbBool trueOrFalse)

c } c } isAutoRedraw() const

c } c } setRedrawPriority(uint32_t priority)

c } c } getRedrawPriority() const

c } c } getDefaultRedrawPriority()

c } c } render()

c } c } renderOverlay()

c } c } scheduleRedraw()

c } c } scheduleOverlayRedraw()

c } c } redrawOnSelectionChange(SoSelection *s)

c } c } redrawOverlayOnSelectionChange(SoSelection *s)

c } c } setEventCallback(SoXtRenderAreaEventCB *fcn, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } setGLRenderAction(SoGLRenderAction *ra)

c } c } getGLRenderAction() const

c } c } setOverlayGLRenderAction(SoGLRenderAction *ra)

c } c } getOverlayGLRenderAction() const

c } c } setSceneManager(SoSceneManager *sm)

c } c } getSceneManager() const

c } c } setOverlaySceneManager(SoSceneManager *sm)

c } c } getOverlaySceneManager() const Methods from class SoXtGLWidget: c } c } setBorder(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isBorder() const

c } c } setDoubleBuffer(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isDoubleBuffer()

c } c } getNormalWindow()

c } c } getOverlayWindow()

c } c } getNormalContext()

c } c } getOverlayContext()

c } c } getNormalWidget()

c } c } getOverlayWidget()

c } c } setNormalVisual(XVisualInfo *vis)

c } c } getNormalVisual()

c } c } setOverlayVisual(XVisualInfo *vis)

c } c } getOverlayVisual()

c } c } setDrawToFrontBufferEnable(SbBool enableFlag)

c } c } isDrawToFrontBufferEnable() const Methods from class SoXtComponent: c } c } show()

c } c } hide()

c } c } isVisible()

c } c } getWidget() const

c } c } isTopLevelShell() const

c } c } getShellWidget() const

c } c } getParentWidget() const

c } c } setSize(const SbVec2s &size)

c } c } getSize()

c } c } getDisplay()

c } c } setTitle(const char *newTitle)

c } c } getTitle() const

c } c } setIconTitle(const char *newIconTitle)

c } c } getIconTitle() const

c } c } setWindowCloseCallback(SoXtComponentCB *func, void *data = NULL)

c } c } getComponent(Widget w)

c } c } getWidgetName() const

c } c } getClassName() const


This is a base class for the SoXtWalkViewer and SoXtFlyViewer component viewers. This class adds methods and convenience routines available to subclasses to constrain the camera given a world up direction. This prevents the camera from looking upside down. By default the +Y direction is used.


c } c } setUpDirection(const SbVec3f &newUpDirection)

c } c } getUpDirection()

Specifies the upward direction of the viewer. This up direction is used by the viewers to constrain the camera when tilting up/down, and also used when rotating the camera right/left. The default is the +Y (0,1,0) direction.


SoXtFullViewer, SoXtViewer, SoXtComponent, SoXtRenderArea, SoXtWalkViewer, SoXtFlyViewer