man SoXtFullViewer () - base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area


SoXtFullViewer - base viewer class which adds a decoration around the rendering area


SoXtComponent > SoXtGLWidget > SoXtRenderArea > SoXtViewer > SoXtFullViewer


#include <Inventor/Xt/viewers/SoXtFullViewer.h> enum BuildFlag { c } c } doesn't build anything extra

c } c } build the decoration only

c } c } build the popup menu only

c } c } build everything by default

} Methods from class SoXtFullViewer: c } c } setDecoration(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isDecoration()

c } c } setPopupMenuEnabled(SbBool trueOrFalse)

c } c } isPopupMenuEnabled()

c } c } getAppPushButtonParent() const

c } c } addAppPushButton(Widget newButton)

c } c } insertAppPushButton(Widget newButton, int index)

c } c } removeAppPushButton(Widget oldButton)

c } c } findAppPushButton(Widget oldButton)

c } c } lengthAppPushButton()

c } c } getRenderAreaWidget() Methods from class SoXtViewer: c } c } setCamera(SoCamera *cam)

c } c } getCamera()

c } c } setCameraType(SoType type)

c } c } getCameraType()

c } c } viewAll()

c } c } saveHomePosition()

c } c } resetToHomePosition()

c } c } setHeadlight(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isHeadlight()

c } c } getHeadlight()

c } c } setDrawStyle(SoXtViewer::DrawType type, SoXtViewer::DrawStyle style)

c } c } getDrawStyle(SoXtViewer::DrawType type)

c } c } setBufferingType(SoXtViewer::BufferType type)

c } c } getBufferingType()

c } c } setViewing(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isViewing() const

c } c } setCursorEnabled(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isCursorEnabled() const

c } c } setAutoClipping(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isAutoClipping() const

c } c } setStereoViewing(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isStereoViewing()

c } c } setStereoOffset(float dist)

c } c } getStereoOffset()

c } c } setDetailSeek(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isDetailSeek()

c } c } setSeekTime(float seconds)

c } c } getSeekTime()

c } c } addStartCallback(SoXtViewerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } addFinishCallback(SoXtViewerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeStartCallback(SoXtViewerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } removeFinishCallback(SoXtViewerCB *f, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } copyView(Time eventTime)

c } c } pasteView(Time eventTime)

c } c } recomputeSceneSize() Methods from class SoXtRenderArea: c } c } setSceneGraph(SoNode *newScene)

c } c } getSceneGraph()

c } c } setOverlaySceneGraph(SoNode *newScene)

c } c } getOverlaySceneGraph()

c } c } registerDevice(SoXtDevice *)

c } c } unregisterDevice(SoXtDevice *)

c } c } setBackgroundColor(const SbColor &c)

c } c } getBackgroundColor() const

c } c } setBackgroundIndex(int index)

c } c } getBackgroundIndex() const

c } c } setOverlayBackgroundIndex(int index)

c } c } getOverlayBackgroundIndex() const

c } c } setColorMap(int startIndex, int num, const SbColor *colors)

c } c } setOverlayColorMap(int startIndex, int num, const SbColor *colors)

c } c } setViewportRegion(const SbViewportRegion &newRegion)

c } c } getViewportRegion() const

c } c } setTransparencyType(SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType type)

c } c } getTransparencyType() const

c } c } setAntialiasing(SbBool smoothing, int numPasses)

c } c } getAntialiasing(SbBool &smoothing, int &numPasses) const

c } c } setClearBeforeRender(SbBool trueOrFalse)

c } c } isClearBeforeRender() const

c } c } setClearBeforeOverlayRender(SbBool trueOrFalse)

c } c } isClearBeforeOverlayRender() const

c } c } setAutoRedraw(SbBool trueOrFalse)

c } c } isAutoRedraw() const

c } c } setRedrawPriority(uint32_t priority)

c } c } getRedrawPriority() const

c } c } getDefaultRedrawPriority()

c } c } render()

c } c } renderOverlay()

c } c } scheduleRedraw()

c } c } scheduleOverlayRedraw()

c } c } redrawOnSelectionChange(SoSelection *s)

c } c } redrawOverlayOnSelectionChange(SoSelection *s)

c } c } setEventCallback(SoXtRenderAreaEventCB *fcn, void *userData = NULL)

c } c } setGLRenderAction(SoGLRenderAction *ra)

c } c } getGLRenderAction() const

c } c } setOverlayGLRenderAction(SoGLRenderAction *ra)

c } c } getOverlayGLRenderAction() const

c } c } setSceneManager(SoSceneManager *sm)

c } c } getSceneManager() const

c } c } setOverlaySceneManager(SoSceneManager *sm)

c } c } getOverlaySceneManager() const Methods from class SoXtGLWidget: c } c } setBorder(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isBorder() const

c } c } setDoubleBuffer(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isDoubleBuffer()

c } c } getNormalWindow()

c } c } getOverlayWindow()

c } c } getNormalContext()

c } c } getOverlayContext()

c } c } getNormalWidget()

c } c } getOverlayWidget()

c } c } setNormalVisual(XVisualInfo *vis)

c } c } getNormalVisual()

c } c } setOverlayVisual(XVisualInfo *vis)

c } c } getOverlayVisual()

c } c } setDrawToFrontBufferEnable(SbBool enableFlag)

c } c } isDrawToFrontBufferEnable() const Methods from class SoXtComponent: c } c } show()

c } c } hide()

c } c } isVisible()

c } c } getWidget() const

c } c } isTopLevelShell() const

c } c } getShellWidget() const

c } c } getParentWidget() const

c } c } setSize(const SbVec2s &size)

c } c } getSize()

c } c } getDisplay()

c } c } setTitle(const char *newTitle)

c } c } getTitle() const

c } c } setIconTitle(const char *newIconTitle)

c } c } getIconTitle() const

c } c } setWindowCloseCallback(SoXtComponentCB *func, void *data = NULL)

c } c } getComponent(Widget w)

c } c } getWidgetName() const

c } c } getClassName() const


This is a base class used by all viewer components. The class adds a decoration around the rendering area which includes thumb wheels, a zoom slider and push buttons. This base class also includes a viewer popup menu and a preference sheet with generic viewing functions. The constructors for the various subclasses of SoXtFullViewer provide a flag for specifying whether the decoration and popup menus should be built.


c } c } setDecoration(SbBool onOrOff)

c } c } isDecoration()

Show/hide the viewer component trim (default on). See the viewer constructor to prevent the decoration from being built. c } c } setPopupMenuEnabled(SbBool trueOrFalse)

c } c } isPopupMenuEnabled()

Enable/disable the viewer popup menu (default enabled). See the viewer constructor to prevent the popup menu from being built. c } c } getAppPushButtonParent() const

Returns the parent widget, which is needed when creating new buttons. Note: that if the decoration is not created in the constructor, this will be NULL until the decoration is shown. c } c } addAppPushButton(Widget newButton)

c } c } insertAppPushButton(Widget newButton, int index)

c } c } removeAppPushButton(Widget oldButton)

c } c } findAppPushButton(Widget oldButton)

c } c } lengthAppPushButton()

Add/remove push buttons for the application, which will be placed in the left hand side decoration trim. Adding buttons appends them to the end of the list, while inserting them places them at the desired index. Note: the button pixmaps should be 24-by-24 pixels size to nicely fit into the decoration trim like the other viewer buttons. c } c } getRenderAreaWidget()

Returns the render area widget.


SoXtViewer, SoXtComponent, SoXtRenderArea, SoXtExaminerViewer, SoXtWalkViewer, SoXtFlyViewer, SoXtPlaneViewer