man SoXtLightSliderSet () - component with Motif sliders for editing SoLight nodes


SoXtLightSliderSet - component with Motif sliders for editing SoLight nodes


SoXtComponent > SoXtSliderSetBase > SoXtSliderSet > SoXtLightSliderSet


#include <Inventor/Xt/SoXtLightSliderSet.h> Methods from class SoXtLightSliderSet: c } c } SoXtLightSliderSet(Widget parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL, SbBool buildInsideParent = TRUE, SoNode *newEditNode = NULL )

c } c } ~SoXtLightSliderSet() Methods from class SoXtSliderSetBase: c } c } setNode(SoNode *newNode)

c } c } getNode() const Methods from class SoXtComponent: c } c } show()

c } c } hide()

c } c } isVisible()

c } c } getWidget() const

c } c } isTopLevelShell() const

c } c } getShellWidget() const

c } c } getParentWidget() const

c } c } setSize(const SbVec2s &size)

c } c } getSize()

c } c } getDisplay()

c } c } setTitle(const char *newTitle)

c } c } getTitle() const

c } c } setIconTitle(const char *newIconTitle)

c } c } getIconTitle() const

c } c } setWindowCloseCallback(SoXtComponentCB *func, void *data = NULL)

c } c } getComponent(Widget w)

c } c } getWidgetName() const

c } c } getClassName() const


This class is used to manipulate the intensity and color of an SoLight node using an arrangement of Motif sliders and buttons.


c } c } SoXtLightSliderSet(Widget parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL, SbBool buildInsideParent = TRUE, SoNode *newEditNode = NULL )

c } c } ~SoXtLightSliderSet()

Constructor and destructor. At construction time the light node to edit can be supplied.


SoXtSliderSet, SoXtSliderSetBase, SoXtComponent, SoLight, SoNode