man libpconn (Fonctions bibliothèques) - libpconn


libpconn - library for communicating with PalmOS devices


#include <palm.h>#include <pconn/pconn.h>

Function prototypes are given in their respective man pages.

If was built with I18N support, you may need to link with -lintl


The library provides functions for communicating with PalmOS devices. It supports serial, USB (under FreeBSD), and TCP connections, though the latter are still greatly experimental.


defines the following variables:

int palm_errno
Very similar to errno , int palm_errno is set whenever an error occurs in a function. The value indicates the error. Possible values are the PALMERR_* values defined in <pconn/palm_errno.h> .
const char *palm_errlist[]
An array of strings giving error messages corresponding to the PALMERR_* values.
const int palm_numerrs
The number of entries in palm_errlist .


includes the following functions, which are described in their respective manual pages:

new_PConnection char *fname int listenType const unsigned short flags

PConnClose PConnection *pconnPConn_bind PConnection *pconn const void *addr const int addrlenDlpReadUserInfo PConnection *pconn struct dlp_userinfo *userinfoDlpWriteUserInfo PConnection *pconn const struct dlp_setuserinfo *userinfoDlpReadSysInfo PConnection *pconn struct dlp_sysinfo *sysinfoDlpGetSysDateTime PConnection *pconn struct dlp_time *ptimeDlpSetSysDateTime PConnection *pconn const struct dlp_time *ptimeDlpReadStorageInfo PConnection *pconn const ubyte card ubyte *last_card ubyte *more struct dlp_cardinfo *cinfoDlpReadDBList PConnection *pconn const ubyte iflags const int card const uword start uword *last_index ubyte *oflags ubyte *num struct dlp_dbinfo *dbsDlpOpenDB PConnection *pconn int card const char *name ubyte mode ubyte *dbhandleDlpCreateDB PConnection *pconn const struct dlp_createdbreq *newdb ubyte *dbhandleDlpCloseDB PConnection *pconn ubyte dbhandleDlpDeleteDB PConnection *pconn const int card const char *nameDlpReadAppBlock PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const uword offset const uword len uword *size const ubyte **dataDlpWriteAppBlock PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const uword len const ubyte *dataDlpReadSortBlock PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const uword offset const uword len uword *size const ubyte **dataDlpWriteSortBlock PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const uword len const ubyte *dataDlpReadNextModifiedRec PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle struct dlp_recinfo *recinfo const ubyte **dataDlpReadRecordByID PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const udword id const uword offset const uword len struct dlp_recinfo *recinfo const ubyte **dataDlpReadRecordByIndex PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const uword index struct dlp_recinfo *recinfoPConnection *pconnconst ubyte handleconst ubyte flagsconst udword idconst ubyte attributesconst ubyte categoryconst udword lenconst ubyte *dataudword *recidDlpDeleteRecord PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const ubyte flags const udword recidDlpReadResourceByIndex PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const uword index const uword offset const uword len struct dlp_resource *value const ubyte **dataDlpReadResourceByType PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const udword type const uword id const uword offset const uword len struct dlp_resource *value ubyte *dataDlpWriteResource PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const udword type const uword id const uword size const ubyte *dataDlpDeleteResource PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const ubyte flags const udword type const uword idDlpCleanUpDatabase PConnection *pconn const ubyte handleDlpResetSyncFlags PConnection *pconn const ubyte handleDlpCallApplication PConnection *pconn const udword version const struct dlp_appcall *appcall const udword paramsize const ubyte *param struct dlp_appresult *appresultDlpResetSystem PConnection *pconnDlpAddSyncLogEntry PConnection *pconn const char *msgDlpReadOpenDBInfo PConnection *pconn ubyte handle struct dlp_opendbinfo *dbinfoDlpMoveCategory PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const ubyte from const ubyte toDlpOpenConduit PConnection *pconnDlpEndOfSync PConnection *pconn const ubyte statusDlpResetRecordIndex PConnection *pconn const ubyte handleDlpReadRecordIDList PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const ubyte flags const uword start const uword max uword *numread udword recids[]DlpReadNextRecInCategory PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const ubyte category struct dlp_recinfo *recinfo const ubyte **dataDlpReadNextModifiedRecInCategory PConnection *pconn const ubyte handle const ubyte category struct dlp_recinfo *recinfo const ubyte **dataDlpReadAppPreference PConnection *pconn const udword creator const uword id const uword len const ubyte flags struct dlp_apppref *pref ubyte *dataDlpWriteAppPreference PConnection *pconn const udword creator const uword id const ubyte flags const struct dlp_apppref *pref const ubyte *dataDlpReadNetSyncInfo PConnection *pconn struct dlp_netsyncinfo *netsyncinfoDlpWriteNetSyncInfo PConnection *pconn const ubyte modflags const struct dlp_netsyncinfo *newinfoDlpReadFeature PConnection *pconn const udword creator const word featurenum udword *valueDlpRPC PConnection *pconn uword trap udword *D0 udword *A0 int argc struct DLPRPC_param *argvRDLP_Backlight PConnection *pconn Bool set Bool newStateRDLP_BatteryLevel PConnection *pconnRDLP_PluggedIn PConnection *pconnRDLP_ROMToken PConnection *pconn uword cardno udword token udword *data_ptr uword *data_lenRDLP_MemHandleNew PConnection *pconn udword sizeRDLP_GetOSVersionString PConnection *pconnRDLP_BatteryDialog PConnection *pconnRDLP_MemMove PConnection *pconn ubyte *dst const udword src const udword lenRDLP_MemReadable PConnection *pconn udword addrtime_dlp2time_t const struct dlp_time *dlpttime_dlp2palmtime const struct dlp_time *dlpttime_time_t2dlp const time_t t struct dlp_time *dlpttime_palmtime2dlp const udword palmt struct dlp_time *dlpt


When a function encounters an error, it sets palm_errno to one of the PALMERR_* values defined in <pconn/palm_errno.h> .


Andrew Arensburger Aq