man m17n_object () - Allocate a managed object.


m17n_object - Allocate a managed object.


void* m17n_object (int size, void(*)(void *) freer)


The m17n_object() function allocates a new managed object of size bytes and sets its reference count to 1. freer is the function that is used to free the object when the reference count becomes 0. If freer is NULL, the object is freed by the free() function.

The heading bytes of the allocated object is occupied by M17NObjectHead. That area is reserved for the m17n library and application programs should never touch it.


This function returns a newly allocated object.


This function never fails.

Example.RS 4

typedef struct
  M17NObjectHead head;
  int mem1;
  char *mem2;
} MYStruct;

void my_freer (void *obj) { free (((MYStruct *) obj)->mem2); free (obj); }

void my_func (MText *mt, MSymbol key, int num, char *str) { MYStruct *st = m17n_object (sizeof (MYStruct), my_freer);

st->mem1 = num; st->mem2 = strdup (str); // KEY must be a managing key. mtext_put_prop (mt, 0, mtext_len (mt), key, st); // This sets the reference count of ST back to 1. m17n_object_unref (st); }