man mfont_get_prop () - Get a property value of a font.


mfont_get_prop - Get a property value of a font.


void* mfont_get_prop (MFont * font, MSymbol key)


The mfont_get_prop() function gets the value of key property of font font. key must be one of the following symbols:

Mfamily, Mweight, Mstyle, Mstretch, Madstyle, Mregistry, Msize, Mresolution.


If key is Mfamily, Mweight, Mstyle, Mstretch, Madstyle, or Mregistry, this function returns the corresponding value as a symbol. If the font does not have key property, it returns Mnil. If key is Msize or Mresolution, this function returns the corresponding value as an integer. If the font does not have key property, it returns 0. If key is something else, it returns NULL and assigns an error code to the external variable merror_code.