man Namespace_Std (Fonctions bibliothèques) - Everything defined by the ISO C++ Standard is within namespace std.


std - Everything defined by the ISO C++ Standard is within namespace std.



class exception

Base class for all library exceptions. class bad_exception

class bad_alloc

Exception possibly thrown by new. struct nothrow_t

class type_info

Part of RTTI. class bad_cast

Thrown during incorrect typecasting. class bad_typeid

class strstreambuf

class istrstream

class ostrstream

class strstream

class basic_ios

Virtual base class for all stream classes. class basic_string

Managing sequences of characters and character-like objects. struct char_traits

Basis for explicit traits specializations. struct char_traits< char > char_traits specializations struct Char_traits_match

struct __is_void

struct __is_void< void >

struct __is_integer

struct __is_integer< bool >

struct __is_integer< char >

struct __is_integer< signed char >

struct __is_integer< unsigned char >

struct __is_integer< short >

struct __is_integer< unsigned short >

struct __is_integer< int >

struct __is_integer< unsigned int >

struct __is_integer< long >

struct __is_integer< unsigned long >

struct __is_integer< long long >

struct __is_integer< unsigned long long >

struct __is_floating

struct __is_floating< float >

struct __is_floating< double >

struct __is_floating< long double >

struct __is_arithmetic

struct __is_fundamental

struct __is_pod

class fpos

class gslice

class gslice_array

class indirect_array

class ios_base

The very top of the I/O class hierarchy. class locale

struct __pad

class ctype_abstract_base

class ctype

class ctype< char >

class ctype_byname

class num_base

class numpunct

class numpunct_byname

class num_get

class num_put

class collate

class collate_byname

class time_base

class __timepunct

class time_get

class time_get_byname

class time_put

class time_put_byname

class money_base

class moneypunct

class moneypunct_byname

class money_get

class money_put

struct messages_base

class messages

class messages_byname

class __locale_cache_base

class __locale_cache

class __locale_cache< numpunct< CharT > >

class mask_array

union Pthread_alloc_obj

struct Pthread_alloc_per_thread_state

class Pthread_alloc_template

class pthread_allocator

class pthread_allocator< void >

struct Alloc_traits< Type, Pthread_alloc_template< Max_size > >

struct Alloc_traits< Type, allocator< Atype, Pthread_alloc_template< Max > > >

struct Alloc_traits< Type, pthread_allocator< Atype > >

class slice

class slice_array

struct copy_backward_dispatch

struct copy_backward_dispatch< Type *, Type *, __true_type >

struct copy_backward_dispatch< const Type *, Type *, __true_type >

class new_alloc

class __malloc_alloc_template

class simple_alloc

class __debug_alloc

class __default_alloc_template

class allocator

The 'standard' allocator, as per [20.4]. class allocator< void >

struct allocator< void, Alloc >

struct Alloc_traits

struct Alloc_traits< Type, allocator< Type1 > >

The version for the default allocator. struct Alloc_traits< Type, __malloc_alloc_template< inst > >

Versions for the predefined 'SGI' style allocators. struct Alloc_traits< Type, __default_alloc_template< __threads, inst > >

struct Alloc_traits< Type, __debug_alloc< Alloc > >

struct Alloc_traits< Type, allocator< Type1, __malloc_alloc_template< inst > > >

'SGI' style allocators. struct Alloc_traits< Type, allocator< Type1, __default_alloc_template< __thr, inst > > >

struct Alloc_traits< Type, allocator< Type1, __debug_alloc< Alloc > > >

struct Bit_reference

struct Bit_iterator_base

struct Bit_iterator

struct Bit_const_iterator

class Bvector_alloc_base

class Bvector_alloc_base< Allocator, true >

class Bvector_base

class vector< bool, Alloc >

struct Deque_iterator

A deque::iterator. class Deque_alloc_base

class Deque_alloc_base< Type, Alloc, true >

class Deque_base

class deque

A standard container using fixed-size memory allocation and constant-time manipulation of elements at either end. struct unary_function

struct binary_function

struct plus

One of the math functors. struct minus

One of the math functors. struct multiplies

One of the math functors. struct divides

One of the math functors. struct modulus

One of the math functors. struct negate

One of the math functors. struct equal_to

One of the comparison functors. struct not_equal_to

One of the comparison functors. struct greater

One of the comparison functors. struct less

One of the comparison functors. struct greater_equal

One of the comparison functors. struct less_equal

One of the comparison functors. struct logical_and

One of the Boolean operations functors. struct logical_or

One of the Boolean operations functors. struct logical_not

One of the Boolean operations functors. class unary_negate

One of the negation functors. class binary_negate

One of the negation functors. class binder1st

One of the binder functors. class binder2nd

One of the binder functors. class pointer_to_unary_function

One of the adaptors for function pointers. class pointer_to_binary_function

One of the adaptors for function pointers. struct Identity

struct Select1st

struct Select2nd

class mem_fun_t

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class const_mem_fun_t

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class mem_fun_ref_t

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class const_mem_fun_ref_t

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class mem_fun1_t

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class const_mem_fun1_t

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class mem_fun1_ref_t

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class const_mem_fun1_ref_t

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class mem_fun_t< void, Type >

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class const_mem_fun_t< void, Type >

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class mem_fun_ref_t< void, Type >

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class const_mem_fun_ref_t< void, Type >

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class mem_fun1_t< void, Type, Arg >

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class const_mem_fun1_t< void, Type, Arg >

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class mem_fun1_ref_t< void, Type, Arg >

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class const_mem_fun1_ref_t< void, Type, Arg >

One of the adaptors for member pointers. class reverse_iterator

class back_insert_iterator

Turns assignment into insertion. class front_insert_iterator

Turns assignment into insertion. class insert_iterator

Turns assignment into insertion. struct input_iterator_tag

Marking input iterators. struct output_iterator_tag

Marking output iterators. struct forward_iterator_tag

Forward iterators support a superset of input iterator operations. struct bidirectional_iterator_tag

Bidirectional iterators support a superset of forward iterator operations. struct random_access_iterator_tag

Random-access iterators support a superset of bidirectional iterator operations. struct iterator

Common iterator class. struct iterator_traits

struct iterator_traits< Type * >

struct iterator_traits< const Type * >

struct List_node_base

struct List_node

struct List_iterator_base

struct List_iterator

A list::iterator. class List_alloc_base

class List_alloc_base< Type, Allocator, true >

class List_base

class list

A standard container with linear time access to elements, and fixed time insertion/deletion at any point in the sequence. class map

A standard container made up of (key,value) pairs, which can be retrieved based on a key, in logarithmic time. class multimap

A standard container made up of (key,value) pairs, which can be retrieved based on a key, in logarithmic time. class multiset

struct pair

pair holds two objects of arbitrary type. class queue

A standard container giving FIFO behavior. class priority_queue

A standard container automatically sorting its contents. class raw_storage_iterator

class set

class stack

A standard container giving FILO behavior. class Temporary_buffer

struct RefcountBase

struct STL_mutex_lock

struct STL_auto_lock

struct Rb_tree_node_base

struct Rb_tree_node

struct Rb_tree_base_iterator

struct Rb_tree_iterator

class Rb_tree_alloc_base

class Rb_tree_alloc_base< Type, Alloc, true >

struct Rb_tree_base

class Rb_tree

class Vector_alloc_base

class Vector_alloc_base< Type, Allocator, true >

struct Vector_base

class vector

A standard container which offers fixed time access to individual elements in any order. class istream_iterator

class ostream_iterator

class istreambuf_iterator

class ostreambuf_iterator

struct Array_default_ctor

struct Array_default_ctor< Type, true >

struct Array_init_ctor

struct Array_init_ctor< Type, true >

struct Array_copy_ctor

struct Array_copy_ctor< Type, true >

struct Array_copier

struct Array_copier< Type, true >

struct Array

struct abs

struct cos

struct acos

struct cosh

struct sin

struct asin

struct sinh

struct __tan

struct atan

struct __tanh

struct __exp

struct __log

struct __log10

struct sqrt

struct __unary_plus

struct __bitwise_not

struct __plus

struct __minus

struct __multiplies

struct __divides

struct __modulus

struct __bitwise_xor

struct __bitwise_and

struct __bitwise_or

struct shift_left

struct shift_right

struct __logical_and

struct __logical_or

struct __logical_not

struct __equal_to

struct __less

struct __greater

struct __less_equal

struct __greater_equal

struct atan2

struct __pow

struct __fun

struct __fun< __logical_not, Type >

struct __fun< __logical_and, Type >

struct __fun< __logical_or, Type >

struct __fun< __less, Type >

struct __fun< __greater, Type >

struct __fun< __less_equal, Type >

struct __fun< __greater_equal, Type >

struct __fun< __equal_to, Type >

struct __fun< not_equal_to, Type >

class FunBase

struct ValFunClos< Expr, Dom >

struct ValFunClos< ValArray, Type >

struct RefFunClos< Expr, Dom >

struct RefFunClos< ValArray, Type >

class UnBase

struct UnClos< Oper, Expr, Dom >

struct UnClos< Oper, ValArray, Type >

class BinBase

class BinBase2

class BinBase1

struct BinClos< Oper, Expr, Expr, Dom1, Dom2 >

struct BinClos< Oper, ValArray, ValArray, Type, Type >

struct BinClos< Oper, ValArray, Constant, Type, Type >

struct BinClos< Oper, Constant, ValArray, Type, Type >

class SBase

class SBase< Array< Type > >

struct SClos< Expr, Dom >

struct SClos< ValArray, Type >

class GBase

class GBase< Array< Type > >

struct GClos< Expr, Dom >

struct GClos< ValArray, Type >

class IBase

struct IClos< Expr, Dom >

struct IClos< ValArray, Type >

class Expr

struct Base_bitset

struct Base_bitset< 1 >

struct Base_bitset< 0 >

struct Sanitize

struct Sanitize< 0 >

class bitset

The bitset class represents a fixed-size sequence of bits. class complex

struct Norm_helper

struct Norm_helper< true >

class complex< float >

class complex< double >

class complex< long double >

class basic_filebuf

The actual work of input and output (for files). class basic_ifstream

Controlling input for files. class basic_ofstream

Controlling output for files. class basic_fstream

Controlling intput and output for files. class __basic_file< char >

struct __ios_flags

struct Resetiosflags

struct Setiosflags

struct Setbase

struct Setfill

struct Setprecision

struct Setw

class basic_istream

Controlling input. class basic_iostream

Merging istream and ostream capabilities. struct numeric_limits_base

struct numeric_limits

struct numeric_limits< bool >

struct numeric_limits< char >

struct numeric_limits< signed char >

struct numeric_limits< unsigned char >

struct numeric_limits< wchar_t >

struct numeric_limits< short >

struct numeric_limits< unsigned short >

struct numeric_limits< int >

struct numeric_limits< unsigned int >

struct numeric_limits< long >

struct numeric_limits< unsigned long >

struct numeric_limits< long long >

struct numeric_limits< unsigned long long >

struct numeric_limits< float >

struct numeric_limits< double >

struct numeric_limits< long double >

struct auto_ptr_ref

class auto_ptr

A simple smart pointer providing strict ownership semantics. class basic_ostream

Controlling output. class basic_stringbuf

The actual work of input and output (for std::string). class basic_istringstream

Controlling input for std::string. class basic_ostringstream

Controlling output for std::string. class basic_stringstream

Controlling input and output for std::string. class logic_error

One of two subclasses of exception. class domain_error

class invalid_argument

class length_error

class out_of_range

class runtime_error

One of two subclasses of exception. class range_error

class overflow_error

class underflow_error

class basic_streambuf

The actual work of input and output (interface). class valarray

struct BinClos< Oper, Expr, ValArray, Dom, typename Dom::value_type >

struct BinClos< Oper, ValArray, Expr, typename Dom::value_type, Dom >

struct BinClos< Oper, Expr, Constant, Dom, typename Dom::value_type >

struct BinClos< Oper, Constant, Expr, typename Dom::value_type, Dom >

class insert_iterator< __gnu_cxx::hash_map< Key, Type, HashFn, EqKey, Alloc > >

class insert_iterator< __gnu_cxx::hash_multimap< Key, Type, HashFn, EqKey, Alloc > >

class insert_iterator< __gnu_cxx::hash_set< Value, HashFcn, EqualKey, Alloc > >

class insert_iterator< __gnu_cxx::hash_multiset< Value, HashFcn, EqualKey, Alloc > >

class insert_iterator< __gnu_cxx::slist< Type, Alloc > >


namespace rel_ops

The generated relational operators are sequestered here.

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &in, CharT &c)

Character extractors. template<class Traits> basic_istream< char, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< char, Traits > &in, unsigned char &c)

Character extractors. template<class Traits> basic_istream< char, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< char, Traits > &in, signed char &c)

Character extractors. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &in, CharT *s)

Character string extractors. template<class Traits> basic_istream< char, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< char, Traits > &in, unsigned char *s)

Character string extractors. template<class Traits> basic_istream< char, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< char, Traits > &in, signed char *s)

Character string extractors. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &out, CharT c)

Character inserters. template<class Traits> basic_ostream< char, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > &out, char c)

Character inserters. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &out, char c)

Character inserters. template<class Traits> basic_ostream< char, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > &out, signed char c)

Character inserters. template<class Traits> basic_ostream< char, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > &out, unsigned char c)

Character inserters. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &out, const CharT *s)

String inserters. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &out, const char *s)

String inserters. template<class Traits> basic_ostream< char, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > &out, const char *s)

String inserters. template<class Traits> basic_ostream< char, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > &out, const signed char *s)

String inserters. template<class Traits> basic_ostream< char, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > &out, const unsigned char *s)

String inserters. template<int inst> bool operator== (const __malloc_alloc_template< inst > &, const __malloc_alloc_template< inst > &)

template<int inst> bool operator!= (const __malloc_alloc_template< inst > &, const __malloc_alloc_template< inst > &)

template<typename Alloc> bool operator== (const __debug_alloc< Alloc > &, const __debug_alloc< Alloc > &)

template<typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const __debug_alloc< Alloc > &, const __debug_alloc< Alloc > &)

template<typename Iterator> bool operator== (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &y)

template<typename Iterator> bool operator< (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &y)

template<typename Iterator> bool operator!= (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &y)

template<typename Iterator> bool operator> (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &y)

template<typename Iterator> bool operator<= (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &y)

template<typename Iterator> bool operator>= (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &y)

template<typename Iterator> reverse_iterator< Iterator >::difference_type operator- (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &y)

template<typename Iterator> reverse_iterator< Iterator > operator+ (typename reverse_iterator< Iterator >::difference_type n, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > &x)

template<size_t Nb> bitset< Nb > operator & (const bitset< Nb > &x, const bitset< Nb > &y)

Global bitwise operations on bitsets. template<size_t Nb> bitset< Nb > operator| (const bitset< Nb > &x, const bitset< Nb > &y)

Global bitwise operations on bitsets. template<size_t Nb> bitset< Nb > operator^ (const bitset< Nb > &x, const bitset< Nb > &y)

Global bitwise operations on bitsets. template<class CharT, class Traits, size_t Nb> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, bitset< Nb > &x)

Global I/O operators for bitsets. template<class CharT, class Traits, size_t Nb> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os, const bitset< Nb > &x)

Global I/O operators for bitsets.

Standard Stream Objects

The <iostream> header declares the eight standard stream objects. For other declarations, see and the I/O forward declarations

They are required by default to cooperate with the global C library's FILE streams, and to be available during program startup and termination. For more information, see the HOWTO linked to above. fake_istream cin

Linked to standard input. fake_ostream cout

Linked to standard output. fake_ostream cerr

Linked to standard error (unbuffered). fake_ostream clog

Linked to standard error (buffered).


typedef char fake_istream[sizeof(istream) attribute__ )((aligned(alignof__(istream))))

typedef basic_string< C > S

typedef void(* terminate_handler )()

If you write a replacement terminate handler, it must be of this type. typedef void(* unexpected_handler )()

If you write a replacement unexpected handler, it must be of this type. typedef void(* new_handler )()

typedef fpos< mbstate_t > streampos

27.2, paragraph 10 about fpos/char_traits circularity typedef Pthread_alloc_template pthread_alloc

typedef new_alloc __mem_interface

typedef __default_alloc_template< true, 0 > alloc

typedef __default_alloc_template< false, 0 > single_client_alloc

typedef unsigned long Bit_type

typedef vector< bool, alloc > bit_vector

typedef basic_string< char > string

typedef long streamoff

typedef ptrdiff_t streamsize

typedef fpos_t c_streampos

typedef __gthread_mutex_t c_lock

typedef FILE c_file

typedef __locale_t c_locale

typedef basic_ios< char > ios

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_streambuf< char > streambuf

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_istream< char > istream

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_ostream< char > ostream

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_iostream< char > iostream

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_stringbuf< char > stringbuf

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_istringstream< char > istringstream

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_ostringstream< char > ostringstream

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_stringstream< char > stringstream

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_filebuf< char > filebuf

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_ifstream< char > ifstream

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_ofstream< char > ofstream

One of the I/O forward declarations . typedef basic_fstream< char > fstream

One of the I/O forward declarations .


enum IosFmtflags

enum IosOpenmode

enum IosIostate

enum IosSeekdir




enum Rb_tree_color

enum float_round_style

enum float_denorm_style


void __throw_bad_exception (void)

void __throw_bad_alloc (void)

void __throw_bad_cast (void)

void __throw_bad_typeid (void)

void __throw_logic_error (const char *)

void __throw_domain_error (const char *)

void __throw_invalid_argument (const char *)

void __throw_length_error (const char *)

void __throw_out_of_range (const char *)

void __throw_runtime_error (const char *)

void __throw_range_error (const char *)

void __throw_overflow_error (const char *)

void __throw_underflow_error (const char *)

void __throw_ios_failure (const char *)

size_t __valarray_product (const valarray< size_t > &a)

void __gslice_to_index (size_t __o, const valarray< size_t > &__l, const valarray< size_t > &s, valarray< size_t > &__i)

terminate_handler set_terminate (terminate_handler) throw ()

Takes a new handler function as an argument, returns the old function. void terminate () attribute__((noreturn__))

unexpected_handler set_unexpected (unexpected_handler) throw ()

Takes a new handler function as an argument, returns the old function. void unexpected () attribute__((noreturn__))

bool uncaught_exception () throw ()

new_handler set_new_handler (new_handler) throw ()

Takes a replacement handler as the argument, returns the previous handler. template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > operator+ (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > operator+ (const CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > operator+ (CharT __lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > operator+ (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const CharT *__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > operator+ (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, CharT __rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const CharT *__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const CharT *__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator< (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator< (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const CharT *__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator< (const CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator> (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator> (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const CharT *__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator> (const CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator<= (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator<= (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const CharT *__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator<= (const CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator>= (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator>= (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, const CharT *__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> bool operator>= (const CharT *__lhs, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> void swap (basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__lhs, basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &__rhs)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &str)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os, const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &str)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & getline (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &str, CharT __delim)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Alloc> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & getline (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &str)

template<class CharT, class Traits, class Alloc> void S_string_copy (const basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc > &str, CharT *__buf, typename Alloc::size_type __bufsiz)

template<typename Type> export Type cmath_power (Type x, unsigned int n)

IosFmtflags operator & (IosFmtflags a, IosFmtflags __b)

IosFmtflags operator| (IosFmtflags a, IosFmtflags __b)

IosFmtflags operator^ (IosFmtflags a, IosFmtflags __b)

IosFmtflags operator|= (IosFmtflags &a, IosFmtflags __b)

IosFmtflags operator &= (IosFmtflags &a, IosFmtflags __b)

IosFmtflags operator^= (IosFmtflags &a, IosFmtflags __b)

IosFmtflags operator~ (IosFmtflags a)

IosOpenmode operator & (IosOpenmode a, IosOpenmode __b)

IosOpenmode operator| (IosOpenmode a, IosOpenmode __b)

IosOpenmode operator^ (IosOpenmode a, IosOpenmode __b)

IosOpenmode operator|= (IosOpenmode &a, IosOpenmode __b)

IosOpenmode operator &= (IosOpenmode &a, IosOpenmode __b)

IosOpenmode operator^= (IosOpenmode &a, IosOpenmode __b)

IosOpenmode operator~ (IosOpenmode a)

IosIostate operator & (IosIostate a, IosIostate __b)

IosIostate operator| (IosIostate a, IosIostate __b)

IosIostate operator^ (IosIostate a, IosIostate __b)

IosIostate operator|= (IosIostate &a, IosIostate __b)

IosIostate operator &= (IosIostate &a, IosIostate __b)

IosIostate operator^= (IosIostate &a, IosIostate __b)

IosIostate operator~ (IosIostate a)

ios_base & boolalpha (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::boolalpha). ios_base & noboolalpha (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::boolalpha). ios_base & showbase (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::showbase). ios_base & noshowbase (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::showbase). ios_base & showpoint (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::showpoint). ios_base & noshowpoint (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::showpoint). ios_base & showpos (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::showpos). ios_base & noshowpos (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::showpos). ios_base & skipws (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::skipws). ios_base & noskipws (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::skipws). ios_base & uppercase (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::uppercase). ios_base & nouppercase (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::uppercase). ios_base & unitbuf (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::unitbuf). ios_base & nounitbuf (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::unitbuf). ios_base & internal (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::internal, ios_base::adjustfield). ios_base & left (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::left, ios_base::adjustfield). ios_base & right (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield). ios_base & dec (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::dec, ios_base::basefield). ios_base & hex (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield). ios_base & oct (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::oct, ios_base::basefield). ios_base & fixed (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield). ios_base & scientific (ios_base &__base)

Calls base.setf(ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield). template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & ws (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is)

Quick and easy way to eat whitespace. void _List_base_reverse (List_node_base *__p)

template<typename CharT> bool __verify_grouping (const basic_string< CharT > &__grouping, basic_string< CharT > &__grouping_tmp)

template<typename CharT> CharT * add_grouping (CharT *s, CharT sep, const char *__gbeg, const char *__gend, const CharT *first, const CharT *last)

template<typename CharT> ostreambuf_iterator< CharT > __write (ostreambuf_iterator< CharT > s, const CharT *__ws, int __len)

template<typename CharT, typename OutIter> OutIter __write (OutIter s, const CharT *__ws, int __len)

template<typename CharT> bool isspace (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool isprint (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool iscntrl (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool isupper (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool islower (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool isalpha (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool isdigit (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool ispunct (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool isxdigit (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool isalnum (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> bool isgraph (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> CharT toupper (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> CharT tolower (CharT c, const locale &__loc)

template<typename Facet> const Facet & use_facet (const locale &__loc)

template<typename Facet> bool has_facet (const locale &__loc) throw ()

template<typename Facet> const __locale_cache< Facet > & __use_cache (const locale &__loc)

template<typename CharT> int int_to_char (CharT *out, const int size, long __v, const CharT *__lit, ios_base::fmtflags __flags)

template<typename CharT> int int_to_char (CharT *out, const int size, unsigned long __v, const CharT *__lit, ios_base::fmtflags __flags)

template<typename CharT, typename ValueT> int int_to_char (CharT *out, const int size, ValueT __v, const CharT *__lit, ios_base::fmtflags __flags, bool neg)

template<size_t Max_size> bool operator== (const Pthread_alloc_template< Max_size > &, const Pthread_alloc_template< Max_size > &)

template<class T1, class T2> bool operator== (const pthread_allocator< T1 > &, const pthread_allocator< T2 > &a2)

template<class T1, class T2> bool operator!= (const pthread_allocator< T1 > &, const pthread_allocator< T2 > &)

template<typename Type> const Type & __median (const Type &a, const Type &__b, const Type &c)

Find the median of three values. template<typename Type, typename Compare> const Type & __median (const Type &a, const Type &__b, const Type &c, Compare comp)

Find the median of three values using a predicate for comparison. template<typename InputIter, typename Function> Function for_each (InputIter first, InputIter last, Function __f)

Apply a function to every element of a sequence. template<typename InputIter, typename Type> InputIter find (InputIter first, InputIter last, const Type &__val, input_iterator_tag)

template<typename InputIter, typename Predicate> InputIter find_if (InputIter first, InputIter last, Predicate pred, input_iterator_tag)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Type> RandomAccessIter find (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, const Type &__val, random_access_iterator_tag)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Predicate> RandomAccessIter find_if (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Predicate pred, random_access_iterator_tag)

template<typename InputIter, typename Type> InputIter find (InputIter first, InputIter last, const Type &__val)

Find the first occurrence of a value in a sequence. template<typename InputIter, typename Predicate> InputIter find_if (InputIter first, InputIter last, Predicate pred)

Find the first element in a sequence for which a predicate is true. template<typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter adjacent_find (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last)

Find two adjacent values in a sequence that are equal. template<typename ForwardIter, typename BinaryPredicate> ForwardIter adjacent_find (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred)

Find two adjacent values in a sequence using a predicate. template<typename InputIter, typename Type> iterator_traits< InputIter >::difference_type count (InputIter first, InputIter last, const Type &value)

Count the number of copies of a value in a sequence. template<typename InputIter, typename Predicate> iterator_traits< InputIter >::difference_type count_if (InputIter first, InputIter last, Predicate pred)

Count the elements of a sequence for which a predicate is true. template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2> ForwardIter1 search (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2, ForwardIter2 last2)

Search a sequence for a matching sub-sequence. template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2, typename BinaryPred> ForwardIter1 search (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2, ForwardIter2 last2, BinaryPred predicate)

Search a sequence for a matching sub-sequence using a predicate. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Integer, typename Type> ForwardIter search_n (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Integer count, const Type &__val)

Search a sequence for a number of consecutive values. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Integer, typename Type, typename BinaryPred> ForwardIter search_n (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Integer count, const Type &__val, BinaryPred __binary_pred)

Search a sequence for a number of consecutive values using a predicate. template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2> ForwardIter2 swap_ranges (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2)

Swap the elements of two sequences. template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename UnaryOperation> OutputIter transform (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, UnaryOperation __unary_op)

Perform an operation on a sequence. template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter, typename BinaryOperation> OutputIter transform (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, OutputIter __result, BinaryOperation __binary_op)

Perform an operation on corresponding elements of two sequences. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void replace (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &__old_value, const Type &new_value)

Replace each occurrence of one value in a sequence with another value. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate, typename Type> void replace_if (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred, const Type &new_value)

Replace each value in a sequence for which a predicate returns true with another value. template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename Type> OutputIter replace_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, const Type &__old_value, const Type &new_value)

Copy a sequence, replacing each element of one value with another value. template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename Predicate, typename Type> OutputIter replace_copy_if (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, Predicate pred, const Type &new_value)

Copy a sequence, replacing each value for which a predicate returns true with another value. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Generator> void generate (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Generator __gen)

Assign the result of a function object to each value in a sequence. template<typename OutputIter, typename Size, typename Generator> OutputIter generate_n (OutputIter first, Size n, Generator __gen)

Assign the result of a function object to each value in a sequence. template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename Type> OutputIter remove_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, const Type &value)

Copy a sequence, removing elements of a given value. template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename Predicate> OutputIter remove_copy_if (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, Predicate pred)

Copy a sequence, removing elements for which a predicate is true. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> ForwardIter remove (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &value)

Remove elements from a sequence. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate> ForwardIter remove_if (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred)

Remove elements from a sequence using a predicate. template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter __unique_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, output_iterator_tag)

template<typename InputIter, typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter __unique_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, ForwardIter __result, forward_iterator_tag)

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter unique_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result)

Copy a sequence, removing consecutive duplicate values. template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename BinaryPredicate> OutputIter __unique_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred, output_iterator_tag)

template<typename InputIter, typename ForwardIter, typename BinaryPredicate> ForwardIter __unique_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, ForwardIter __result, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred, forward_iterator_tag)

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename BinaryPredicate> OutputIter unique_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred)

Copy a sequence, removing consecutive values using a predicate. template<typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter unique (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last)

Remove consecutive duplicate values from a sequence. template<typename ForwardIter, typename BinaryPredicate> ForwardIter unique (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred)

Remove consecutive values from a sequence using a predicate. template<typename BidirectionalIter> void __reverse (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last, bidirectional_iterator_tag)

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void __reverse (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, random_access_iterator_tag)

template<typename BidirectionalIter> void reverse (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last)

Reverse a sequence. template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter reverse_copy (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last, OutputIter __result)

Copy a sequence, reversing its elements. template<typename EuclideanRingElement> EuclideanRingElement __gcd (EuclideanRingElement __m, EuclideanRingElement n)

template<typename ForwardIter> void __rotate (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter __middle, ForwardIter last, forward_iterator_tag)

template<typename BidirectionalIter> void __rotate (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter __middle, BidirectionalIter last, bidirectional_iterator_tag)

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void __rotate (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter __middle, RandomAccessIter last, random_access_iterator_tag)

template<typename ForwardIter> void rotate (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter __middle, ForwardIter last)

Rotate the elements of a sequence. template<typename ForwardIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter rotate_copy (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter __middle, ForwardIter last, OutputIter __result)

Copy a sequence, rotating its elements. template<typename Distance> Distance __random_number (Distance n)

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void random_shuffle (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)

Randomly shuffle the elements of a sequence. template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename RandomNumberGenerator> void random_shuffle (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, RandomNumberGenerator &__rand)

Shuffle the elements of a sequence using a random number generator. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate> ForwardIter __partition (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred, forward_iterator_tag)

template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename Predicate> BidirectionalIter __partition (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last, Predicate pred, bidirectional_iterator_tag)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate> ForwardIter partition (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred)

Move elements for which a predicate is true to the beginning of a sequence. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate, typename Distance> ForwardIter inplace_stable_partition (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred, Distance __len)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Pointer, typename Predicate, typename Distance> ForwardIter stable_partition_adaptive (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred, Distance __len, Pointer __buffer, Distance __buffer_size)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate> ForwardIter stable_partition (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred)

Move elements for which a predicate is true to the beginning of a sequence, preserving relative ordering. template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Type> RandomAccessIter __unguarded_partition (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Type __pivot)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Type, typename Compare> RandomAccessIter __unguarded_partition (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Type __pivot, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Type> void __unguarded_linear_insert (RandomAccessIter last, Type __val)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Type, typename Compare> void __unguarded_linear_insert (RandomAccessIter last, Type __val, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void insertion_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void insertion_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void __unguarded_insertion_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void __unguarded_insertion_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void __final_insertion_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void __final_insertion_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

template<typename Size> Size __lg (Size n)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Size> void introsort_loop (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Size __depth_limit)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Size, typename Compare> void introsort_loop (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Size __depth_limit, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)

Sort the elements of a sequence. template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

Sort the elements of a sequence using a predicate for comparison. template<typename RandomAccessIter> void inplace_stable_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void inplace_stable_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter1, typename RandomAccessIter2, typename Distance> void __merge_sort_loop (RandomAccessIter1 first, RandomAccessIter1 last, RandomAccessIter2 __result, Distance step_size)

template<typename RandomAccessIter1, typename RandomAccessIter2, typename Distance, typename Compare> void __merge_sort_loop (RandomAccessIter1 first, RandomAccessIter1 last, RandomAccessIter2 __result, Distance step_size, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Distance> void chunk_insertion_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Distance chunk_size)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Distance, typename Compare> void chunk_insertion_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Distance chunk_size, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Pointer> void __merge_sort_with_buffer (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Pointer __buffer)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Pointer, typename Compare> void __merge_sort_with_buffer (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Pointer __buffer, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Pointer, typename Distance> void stable_sort_adaptive (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Pointer __buffer, Distance __buffer_size)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Pointer, typename Distance, typename Compare> void stable_sort_adaptive (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Pointer __buffer, Distance __buffer_size, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void stable_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last)

Sort the elements of a sequence, preserving the relative order of equivalent elements. template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void stable_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

Sort the elements of a sequence using a predicate for comparison, preserving the relative order of equivalent elements. template<typename RandomAccessIter> void partial_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter __middle, RandomAccessIter last)

Sort the smallest elements of a sequence. template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void partial_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter __middle, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

Sort the smallest elements of a sequence using a predicate for comparison. template<typename InputIter, typename RandomAccessIter> RandomAccessIter partial_sort_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, RandomAccessIter __result_first, RandomAccessIter __result_last)

Copy the smallest elements of a sequence. template<typename InputIter, typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> RandomAccessIter partial_sort_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, RandomAccessIter __result_first, RandomAccessIter __result_last, Compare comp)

Copy the smallest elements of a sequence using a predicate for comparison. template<typename RandomAccessIter> void nth_element (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter nth, RandomAccessIter last)

Sort a sequence just enough to find a particular position. template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void nth_element (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter nth, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

Sort a sequence just enough to find a particular position using a predicate for comparison. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> ForwardIter lower_bound (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &__val)

Finds the first position in which val could be inserted without changing the ordering. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type, typename Compare> ForwardIter lower_bound (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &__val, Compare comp)

Finds the first position in which val could be inserted without changing the ordering. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> ForwardIter upper_bound (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &__val)

Finds the last position in which val could be inserted without changing the ordering. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type, typename Compare> ForwardIter upper_bound (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &__val, Compare comp)

Finds the last position in which val could be inserted without changing the ordering. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> pair< ForwardIter, ForwardIter > equal_range (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &__val)

Finds the largest subrange in which val could be inserted at any place in it without changing the ordering. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type, typename Compare> pair< ForwardIter, ForwardIter > equal_range (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &__val, Compare comp)

Finds the largest subrange in which val could be inserted at any place in it without changing the ordering. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> bool binary_search (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &__val)

Determines whether an element exists in a range. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type, typename Compare> bool binary_search (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &__val, Compare comp)

Determines whether an element exists in a range. template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter> OutputIter merge (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result)

Merges two sorted ranges. template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter, typename Compare> OutputIter merge (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result, Compare comp)

Merges two sorted ranges. template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename Distance> void __merge_without_buffer (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter __middle, BidirectionalIter last, Distance __len1, Distance __len2)

template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename Distance, typename Compare> void __merge_without_buffer (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter __middle, BidirectionalIter last, Distance __len1, Distance __len2, Compare comp)

template<typename BidirectionalIter1, typename BidirectionalIter2, typename Distance> BidirectionalIter1 __rotate_adaptive (BidirectionalIter1 first, BidirectionalIter1 __middle, BidirectionalIter1 last, Distance __len1, Distance __len2, BidirectionalIter2 __buffer, Distance __buffer_size)

template<typename BidirectionalIter1, typename BidirectionalIter2, typename BidirectionalIter3> BidirectionalIter3 __merge_backward (BidirectionalIter1 first1, BidirectionalIter1 last1, BidirectionalIter2 first2, BidirectionalIter2 last2, BidirectionalIter3 __result)

template<typename BidirectionalIter1, typename BidirectionalIter2, typename BidirectionalIter3, typename Compare> BidirectionalIter3 __merge_backward (BidirectionalIter1 first1, BidirectionalIter1 last1, BidirectionalIter2 first2, BidirectionalIter2 last2, BidirectionalIter3 __result, Compare comp)

template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename Distance, typename Pointer> void __merge_adaptive (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter __middle, BidirectionalIter last, Distance __len1, Distance __len2, Pointer __buffer, Distance __buffer_size)

template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename Distance, typename Pointer, typename Compare> void __merge_adaptive (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter __middle, BidirectionalIter last, Distance __len1, Distance __len2, Pointer __buffer, Distance __buffer_size, Compare comp)

template<typename BidirectionalIter> void inplace_merge (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter __middle, BidirectionalIter last)

Merges two sorted ranges in place. template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename Compare> void inplace_merge (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter __middle, BidirectionalIter last, Compare comp)

Merges two sorted ranges in place. template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2> bool includes (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename Compare> bool includes (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, Compare comp)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter> OutputIter set_union (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter, typename Compare> OutputIter set_union (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result, Compare comp)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter> OutputIter set_intersection (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter, typename Compare> OutputIter set_intersection (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result, Compare comp)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter> OutputIter set_difference (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter, typename Compare> OutputIter set_difference (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result, Compare comp)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter> OutputIter set_symmetric_difference (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter, typename Compare> OutputIter set_symmetric_difference (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result, Compare comp)

template<typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter max_element (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Compare> ForwardIter max_element (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Compare comp)

template<typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter min_element (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Compare> ForwardIter min_element (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Compare comp)

template<typename BidirectionalIter> bool next_permutation (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last)

template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename Compare> bool next_permutation (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last, Compare comp)

template<typename BidirectionalIter> bool prev_permutation (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last)

template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename Compare> bool prev_permutation (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last, Compare comp)

template<typename InputIter, typename ForwardIter> InputIter find_first_of (InputIter first1, InputIter last1, ForwardIter first2, ForwardIter last2)

template<typename InputIter, typename ForwardIter, typename BinaryPredicate> InputIter find_first_of (InputIter first1, InputIter last1, ForwardIter first2, ForwardIter last2, BinaryPredicate comp)

template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2> ForwardIter1 __find_end (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2, ForwardIter2 last2, forward_iterator_tag, forward_iterator_tag)

template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2, typename BinaryPredicate> ForwardIter1 __find_end (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2, ForwardIter2 last2, forward_iterator_tag, forward_iterator_tag, BinaryPredicate comp)

template<typename BidirectionalIter1, typename BidirectionalIter2> BidirectionalIter1 __find_end (BidirectionalIter1 first1, BidirectionalIter1 last1, BidirectionalIter2 first2, BidirectionalIter2 last2, bidirectional_iterator_tag, bidirectional_iterator_tag)

template<typename BidirectionalIter1, typename BidirectionalIter2, typename BinaryPredicate> BidirectionalIter1 __find_end (BidirectionalIter1 first1, BidirectionalIter1 last1, BidirectionalIter2 first2, BidirectionalIter2 last2, bidirectional_iterator_tag, bidirectional_iterator_tag, BinaryPredicate comp)

template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2> ForwardIter1 find_end (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2, ForwardIter2 last2)

template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2, typename BinaryPredicate> ForwardIter1 find_end (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2, ForwardIter2 last2, BinaryPredicate comp)

template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2> void iter_swap (ForwardIter1 a, ForwardIter2 __b)

Swaps the contents of two iterators. template<typename Type> void swap (Type &a, Type &__b)

Swaps two values. template<typename Type> const Type & min (const Type &a, const Type &__b)

This does what you think it does. template<typename Type> const Type & max (const Type &a, const Type &__b)

This does what you think it does. template<typename Type, typename Compare> const Type & min (const Type &a, const Type &__b, Compare comp)

This does what you think it does. template<typename Type, typename Compare> const Type & max (const Type &a, const Type &__b, Compare comp)

This does what you think it does. template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, input_iterator_tag)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter copy (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, OutputIter __result, random_access_iterator_tag)

template<typename Type> Type * copy_trivial (const Type *first, const Type *last, Type *__result)

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter copy_aux2 (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, __false_type)

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter copy_aux2 (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, __true_type)

template<typename Type> Type * copy_aux2 (Type *first, Type *last, Type *__result, __true_type)

template<typename Type> Type * copy_aux2 (const Type *first, const Type *last, Type *__result, __true_type)

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter copy_ni2 (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, __true_type)

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter copy_ni2 (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, __false_type)

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter copy_ni1 (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, __true_type)

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter copy_ni1 (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, __false_type)

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result)

Copies the range [first,last) into result. template<typename BidirectionalIter1, typename BidirectionalIter2> BidirectionalIter2 copy_backward (BidirectionalIter1 first, BidirectionalIter1 last, BidirectionalIter2 __result, bidirectional_iterator_tag)

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename BidirectionalIter> BidirectionalIter copy_backward (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, BidirectionalIter __result, random_access_iterator_tag)

template<typename BI1, typename BI2> BI2 copy_backward_aux (BI1 first, BI1 last, BI2 __result)

template<typename BI1, typename BI2> BI2 copy_backward_output_normal_iterator (BI1 first, BI1 last, BI2 __result, __true_type)

template<typename BI1, typename BI2> BI2 copy_backward_output_normal_iterator (BI1 first, BI1 last, BI2 __result, __false_type)

template<typename BI1, typename BI2> BI2 copy_backward_input_normal_iterator (BI1 first, BI1 last, BI2 __result, __true_type)

template<typename BI1, typename BI2> BI2 copy_backward_input_normal_iterator (BI1 first, BI1 last, BI2 __result, __false_type)

template<typename BI1, typename BI2> BI2 copy_backward (BI1 first, BI1 last, BI2 __result)

Copies the range [first,last) into result. template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void fill (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &value)

Fills the range [first,last) with copies of value. template<typename OutputIter, typename Size, typename Type> OutputIter fill_n (OutputIter first, Size n, const Type &value)

Fills the range [first,first+n) with copies of value. void fill (unsigned char *first, unsigned char *last, const unsigned char &c)

void fill (signed char *first, signed char *last, const signed char &c)

void fill (char *first, char *last, const char &c)

template<typename Size> unsigned char * fill_n (unsigned char *first, Size n, const unsigned char &c)

template<typename Size> signed char * fill_n (char *first, Size n, const signed char &c)

template<typename Size> char * fill_n (char *first, Size n, const char &c)

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2> pair< InputIter1, InputIter2 > mismatch (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2)

Finds the places in ranges which don't match. template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename BinaryPredicate> pair< InputIter1, InputIter2 > mismatch (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred)

Finds the places in ranges which don't match. template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2> bool equal (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2)

Tests a range for element-wise equality. template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename BinaryPredicate> bool equal (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred)

Tests a range for element-wise equality. template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2> bool lexicographical_compare (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2)

Performs 'dictionary' comparison on ranges. template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename Compare> bool lexicographical_compare (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, Compare comp)

Performs 'dictionary' comparison on ranges. bool lexicographical_compare (const unsigned char *first1, const unsigned char *last1, const unsigned char *first2, const unsigned char *last2)

bool lexicographical_compare (const char *first1, const char *last1, const char *first2, const char *last2)

template<bool __threads, int inst> bool operator== (const __default_alloc_template< __threads, inst > &, const __default_alloc_template< __threads, inst > &)

template<bool __threads, int inst> bool operator!= (const __default_alloc_template< __threads, inst > &, const __default_alloc_template< __threads, inst > &)

template<typename T1, typename T2> bool operator== (const allocator< T1 > &, const allocator< T2 > &)

template<typename T1, typename T2> bool operator!= (const allocator< T1 > &, const allocator< T2 > &)

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const allocator< Type, Alloc > &a1, const allocator< Type, Alloc > &a2)

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const allocator< Type, Alloc > &a1, const allocator< Type, Alloc > &a2)

ptrdiff_t operator- (const Bit_iterator_base &x, const Bit_iterator_base &y)

Bit_iterator operator+ (ptrdiff_t n, const Bit_iterator &x)

Bit_const_iterator operator+ (ptrdiff_t n, const Bit_const_iterator &x)

template<class T1, class T2> void Construct (T1 *__p, const T2 &value)

template<class T1> void Construct (T1 *__p)

template<class ForwardIterator> void __destroy_aux (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, __false_type)

template<class ForwardIterator> void __destroy_aux (ForwardIterator, ForwardIterator, __true_type)

template<class Type> void Destroy (Type *__pointer)

template<class ForwardIterator> void Destroy (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last)

size_t __deque_buf_size (size_t size)

template<typename Type, typename Ref, typename Ptr> bool operator== (const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &y)

template<typename Type, typename RefL, typename PtrL, typename RefR, typename PtrR> bool operator== (const Deque_iterator< Type, RefL, PtrL > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, RefR, PtrR > &y)

template<typename Type, typename Ref, typename Ptr> bool operator!= (const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &y)

template<typename Type, typename RefL, typename PtrL, typename RefR, typename PtrR> bool operator!= (const Deque_iterator< Type, RefL, PtrL > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, RefR, PtrR > &y)

template<typename Type, typename Ref, typename Ptr> bool operator< (const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &y)

template<typename Type, typename RefL, typename PtrL, typename RefR, typename PtrR> bool operator< (const Deque_iterator< Type, RefL, PtrL > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, RefR, PtrR > &y)

template<typename Type, typename Ref, typename Ptr> bool operator> (const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &y)

template<typename Type, typename RefL, typename PtrL, typename RefR, typename PtrR> bool operator> (const Deque_iterator< Type, RefL, PtrL > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, RefR, PtrR > &y)

template<typename Type, typename Ref, typename Ptr> bool operator<= (const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &y)

template<typename Type, typename RefL, typename PtrL, typename RefR, typename PtrR> bool operator<= (const Deque_iterator< Type, RefL, PtrL > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, RefR, PtrR > &y)

template<typename Type, typename Ref, typename Ptr> bool operator>= (const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &y)

template<typename Type, typename RefL, typename PtrL, typename RefR, typename PtrR> bool operator>= (const Deque_iterator< Type, RefL, PtrL > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, RefR, PtrR > &y)

template<typename Type, typename RefL, typename PtrL, typename RefR, typename PtrR> Deque_iterator< Type, RefL, PtrL >::difference_type operator- (const Deque_iterator< Type, RefL, PtrL > &x, const Deque_iterator< Type, RefR, PtrR > &y)

template<typename Type, typename Ref, typename Ptr> Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > operator+ (ptrdiff_t n, const Deque_iterator< Type, Ref, Ptr > &x)

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const deque< Type, Alloc > &x, const deque< Type, Alloc > &y)

Deque equality comparison. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator< (const deque< Type, Alloc > &x, const deque< Type, Alloc > &y)

Deque ordering relation. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const deque< Type, Alloc > &x, const deque< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator==. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator> (const deque< Type, Alloc > &x, const deque< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator<= (const deque< Type, Alloc > &x, const deque< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator>= (const deque< Type, Alloc > &x, const deque< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> void swap (deque< Type, Alloc > &x, deque< Type, Alloc > &y)

See std::deque::swap(). template<class Predicate> unary_negate< Predicate > not1 (const Predicate &pred)

One of the negation functors. template<class Predicate> binary_negate< Predicate > not2 (const Predicate &pred)

One of the negation functors. template<class Operation, class Type> binder1st< Operation > bind1st (const Operation &__fn, const Type &x)

One of the binder functors. template<class Operation, class Type> binder2nd< Operation > bind2nd (const Operation &__fn, const Type &x)

One of the binder functors. template<class Arg, class Result> pointer_to_unary_function< Arg, Result > ptr_fun (Result(*x)(Arg))

One of the adaptors for function pointers. template<class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result> pointer_to_binary_function< Arg1, Arg2, Result > ptr_fun (Result(*x)(Arg1, Arg2))

One of the adaptors for function pointers. template<class Ret, class Type> mem_fun_t< Ret, Type > mem_fun (Ret(Type::*__f)())

template<class Ret, class Type> mem_fun_ref_t< Ret, Type > mem_fun_ref (Ret(Type::*__f)())

template<class Ret, class Type, class Arg> mem_fun1_t< Ret, Type, Arg > mem_fun (Ret(Type::*__f)(Arg))

template<class Ret, class Type, class Arg> mem_fun1_ref_t< Ret, Type, Arg > mem_fun_ref (Ret(Type::*__f)(Arg))

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename Type> void __push_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance __holeIndex, Distance __topIndex, Type value)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator> void push_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename Type, typename Compare> void __push_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance __holeIndex, Distance __topIndex, Type value, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare> void push_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename Type> void adjust_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance __holeIndex, Distance __len, Type value)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Type> void __pop_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, RandomAccessIterator __result, Type value)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator> void pop_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance, typename Type, typename Compare> void adjust_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, Distance __holeIndex, Distance __len, Type value, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Type, typename Compare> void __pop_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, RandomAccessIterator __result, Type value, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare> void pop_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator> void make_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare> void make_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator> void sort_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare> void sort_heap (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, Compare comp)

template<typename Container> back_insert_iterator< Container > back_inserter (Container &x)

template<typename Container> front_insert_iterator< Container > front_inserter (Container &x)

template<typename Container, typename Iterator> insert_iterator< Container > inserter (Container &x, Iterator __i)

template<typename InputIterator> iterator_traits< InputIterator >::difference_type __distance (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, input_iterator_tag)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator> iterator_traits< RandomAccessIterator >::difference_type __distance (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last, random_access_iterator_tag)

template<typename InputIterator> iterator_traits< InputIterator >::difference_type distance (InputIterator first, InputIterator last)

A generalization of pointer arithmetic. template<typename InputIter, typename Distance> void advance (InputIter &__i, Distance n, input_iterator_tag)

template<typename BidirectionalIterator, typename Distance> void advance (BidirectionalIterator &__i, Distance n, bidirectional_iterator_tag)

template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Distance> void advance (RandomAccessIterator &__i, Distance n, random_access_iterator_tag)

template<typename InputIterator, typename Distance> void advance (InputIterator &__i, Distance n)

A generalization of pointer arithmetic. template<typename Iter> iterator_traits< Iter >::iterator_category __iterator_category (const Iter &)

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const list< Type, Alloc > &x, const list< Type, Alloc > &y)

List equality comparison. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator< (const list< Type, Alloc > &x, const list< Type, Alloc > &y)

List ordering relation. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const list< Type, Alloc > &x, const list< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator==. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator> (const list< Type, Alloc > &x, const list< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator<= (const list< Type, Alloc > &x, const list< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator>= (const list< Type, Alloc > &x, const list< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> void swap (list< Type, Alloc > &x, list< Type, Alloc > &y)

See std::list::swap(). template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Map equality comparison. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator< (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Map ordering relation. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator==. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator> (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator<= (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator>= (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> void swap (map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

See std::map::swap(). template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Multimap equality comparison. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator< (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Multimap ordering relation. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator==. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator> (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator<= (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator>= (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> void swap (multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &x, multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > &y)

See std::multimap::swap(). template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator== (const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator< (const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator!= (const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator> (const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator<= (const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator>= (const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> void swap (multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, multiset< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<typename InputIterator, typename Type> Type accumulate (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Type init)

template<typename InputIterator, typename Type, typename BinaryOperation> Type accumulate (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Type init, BinaryOperation __binary_op)

template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename Type> Type inner_product (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, Type init)

template<typename InputIterator1, typename InputIterator2, typename Type, typename BinaryOperation1, typename BinaryOperation2> Type inner_product (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, Type init, BinaryOperation1 __binary_op1, BinaryOperation2 __binary_op2)

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator> OutputIterator partial_sum (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator __result)

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename BinaryOperation> OutputIterator partial_sum (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator __result, BinaryOperation __binary_op)

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator> OutputIterator adjacent_difference (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator __result)

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename BinaryOperation> OutputIterator adjacent_difference (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator __result, BinaryOperation __binary_op)

template<class T1, class T2> bool operator== (const pair< T1, T2 > &x, const pair< T1, T2 > &y)

Two pairs of the same type are equal iff their members are equal. template<class T1, class T2> bool operator< (const pair< T1, T2 > &x, const pair< T1, T2 > &y)

<> template<class T1, class T2> bool operator!= (const pair< T1, T2 > &x, const pair< T1, T2 > &y)

Uses operator== to find the result. template<class T1, class T2> bool operator> (const pair< T1, T2 > &x, const pair< T1, T2 > &y)

Uses operator< to find the result. template<class T1, class T2> bool operator<= (const pair< T1, T2 > &x, const pair< T1, T2 > &y)

Uses operator< to find the result. template<class T1, class T2> bool operator>= (const pair< T1, T2 > &x, const pair< T1, T2 > &y)

Uses operator< to find the result. template<class T1, class T2> pair< T1, T2 > make_pair (const T1 &x, const T2 &y)

A convenience wrapper for creating a pair from two objects. template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool operator== (const queue< Type, Sequence > &x, const queue< Type, Sequence > &y)

Queue equality comparison. template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool operator< (const queue< Type, Sequence > &x, const queue< Type, Sequence > &y)

Queue ordering relation. template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool operator!= (const queue< Type, Sequence > &x, const queue< Type, Sequence > &y)

Based on operator==. template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool operator> (const queue< Type, Sequence > &x, const queue< Type, Sequence > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool operator<= (const queue< Type, Sequence > &x, const queue< Type, Sequence > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool operator>= (const queue< Type, Sequence > &x, const queue< Type, Sequence > &y)

Based on operator<. template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator== (const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator< (const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator!= (const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator> (const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator<= (const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> bool operator>= (const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, const set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<class Key, class Compare, class Alloc> void swap (set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &x, set< Key, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool operator== (const stack< Type, Seq > &x, const stack< Type, Seq > &y)

Stack equality comparison. template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool operator< (const stack< Type, Seq > &x, const stack< Type, Seq > &y)

Stack ordering relation. template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool operator!= (const stack< Type, Seq > &x, const stack< Type, Seq > &y)

Based on operator==. template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool operator> (const stack< Type, Seq > &x, const stack< Type, Seq > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool operator<= (const stack< Type, Seq > &x, const stack< Type, Seq > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool operator>= (const stack< Type, Seq > &x, const stack< Type, Seq > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Val, typename Ref, typename Ptr> bool operator== (const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, Ref, Ptr > &x, const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, Ref, Ptr > &y)

template<typename Val> bool operator== (const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, const Val &, const Val * > &x, const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, Val &, Val * > &y)

template<typename Val> bool operator== (const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, Val &, Val * > &x, const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, const Val &, const Val * > &y)

template<typename Val, typename Ref, typename Ptr> bool operator!= (const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, Ref, Ptr > &x, const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, Ref, Ptr > &y)

template<typename Val> bool operator!= (const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, const Val &, const Val * > &x, const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, Val &, Val * > &y)

template<typename Val> bool operator!= (const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, Val &, Val * > &x, const Rb_tree_iterator< Val, const Val &, const Val * > &y)

void Rb_tree_rotate_left (Rb_tree_node_base *x, Rb_tree_node_base *&__root)

void Rb_tree_rotate_right (Rb_tree_node_base *x, Rb_tree_node_base *&__root)

void Rb_tree_rebalance (Rb_tree_node_base *x, Rb_tree_node_base *&__root)

Rb_tree_node_base * Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase (Rb_tree_node_base *__z, Rb_tree_node_base *&__root, Rb_tree_node_base *&__leftmost, Rb_tree_node_base *&__rightmost)

template<typename Key, typename Val, typename KeyOfValue, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &x, const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<typename Key, typename Val, typename KeyOfValue, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator< (const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &x, const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<typename Key, typename Val, typename KeyOfValue, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &x, const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<typename Key, typename Val, typename KeyOfValue, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator> (const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &x, const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<typename Key, typename Val, typename KeyOfValue, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator<= (const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &x, const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<typename Key, typename Val, typename KeyOfValue, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool operator>= (const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &x, const Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &y)

template<typename Key, typename Val, typename KeyOfValue, typename Compare, typename Alloc> void swap (Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &x, Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc > &y)

int __black_count (Rb_tree_node_base *node, Rb_tree_node_base *__root)

template<typename InputIter, typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter __uninitialized_copy_aux (InputIter first, InputIter last, ForwardIter __result, __true_type)

template<typename InputIter, typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter __uninitialized_copy_aux (InputIter first, InputIter last, ForwardIter __result, __false_type)

template<typename InputIter, typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter uninitialized_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, ForwardIter __result)

Copies the range [first,last) into result. char * uninitialized_copy (const char *first, const char *last, char *__result)

wchar_t * uninitialized_copy (const wchar_t *first, const wchar_t *last, wchar_t *__result)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void __uninitialized_fill_aux (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &x, __true_type)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void __uninitialized_fill_aux (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &x, __false_type)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void uninitialized_fill (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type &x)

Copies the value x into the range [first,last). template<typename ForwardIter, typename Size, typename Type> ForwardIter __uninitialized_fill_n_aux (ForwardIter first, Size n, const Type &x, __true_type)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Size, typename Type> ForwardIter __uninitialized_fill_n_aux (ForwardIter first, Size n, const Type &x, __false_type)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Size, typename Type> ForwardIter uninitialized_fill_n (ForwardIter first, Size n, const Type &x)

Copies the value x into the range [first,first+n). template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter __uninitialized_copy_copy (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, ForwardIter __result)

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type, typename InputIter> ForwardIter __uninitialized_fill_copy (ForwardIter __result, ForwardIter __mid, const Type &x, InputIter first, InputIter last)

template<typename InputIter, typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void __uninitialized_copy_fill (InputIter first1, InputIter last1, ForwardIter first2, ForwardIter last2, const Type &x)

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator== (const vector< Type, Alloc > &x, const vector< Type, Alloc > &y)

Vector equality comparison. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator< (const vector< Type, Alloc > &x, const vector< Type, Alloc > &y)

Vector ordering relation. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator!= (const vector< Type, Alloc > &x, const vector< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator==. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator> (const vector< Type, Alloc > &x, const vector< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator<= (const vector< Type, Alloc > &x, const vector< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool operator>= (const vector< Type, Alloc > &x, const vector< Type, Alloc > &y)

Based on operator<. template<typename Type, typename Alloc> void swap (vector< Type, Alloc > &x, vector< Type, Alloc > &y)

See std::vector::swap(). template<typename Type, typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Dist> bool operator== (const istream_iterator< Type, CharT, Traits, Dist > &x, const istream_iterator< Type, CharT, Traits, Dist > &y)

template<class Type, class CharT, class Traits, class Dist> bool operator!= (const istream_iterator< Type, CharT, Traits, Dist > &x, const istream_iterator< Type, CharT, Traits, Dist > &y)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> streamsize copy_streambufs (basic_ios< CharT, Traits > &, basic_streambuf< CharT, Traits > *sbin, basic_streambuf< CharT, Traits > *sbout)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> bool operator== (const istreambuf_iterator< CharT, Traits > &a, const istreambuf_iterator< CharT, Traits > &__b)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> bool operator!= (const istreambuf_iterator< CharT, Traits > &a, const istreambuf_iterator< CharT, Traits > &__b)

void * __valarray_get_memory (size_t n)

template<typename Type> Type *__restrict__ __valarray_get_storage (size_t n)

void __valarray_release_memory (void *__p)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_default_construct (Type *__restrict__ __b, Type *__restrict__ __e)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_fill_construct (Type *__restrict__ __b, Type *__restrict__ __e, const Type __t)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy_construct (const Type *__restrict__ __b, const Type *__restrict__ __e, Type *__restrict__ __o)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy_construct (const Type *__restrict__ a, size_t n, size_t s, Type *__restrict__ __o)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy_construct (const Type *__restrict__ a, const size_t *__restrict__ __i, Type *__restrict__ __o, size_t n)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_destroy_elements (Type *__restrict__ __b, Type *__restrict__ __e)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_fill (Type *__restrict__ a, size_t n, const Type &__t)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_fill (Type *__restrict__ a, size_t n, size_t s, const Type &__t)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_fill (Type *__restrict__ a, const size_t *__restrict__ __i, size_t n, const Type &__t)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (const Type *__restrict__ a, size_t n, Type *__restrict__ __b)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (const Type *__restrict__ a, size_t n, size_t s, Type *__restrict__ __b)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (const Type *__restrict__ a, Type *__restrict__ __b, size_t n, size_t s)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (const Type *__restrict__ src, size_t n, size_t s1, Type *__restrict__ __dst, size_t s2)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (const Type *__restrict__ a, const size_t *__restrict__ __i, Type *__restrict__ __b, size_t n)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (const Type *__restrict__ a, size_t n, Type *__restrict__ __b, const size_t *__restrict__ __i)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (const Type *__restrict__ src, size_t n, const size_t *__restrict__ __i, Type *__restrict__ __dst, const size_t *__restrict__ __j)

template<typename Type> Type __valarray_sum (const Type *__restrict__ __f, const Type *__restrict__ __l)

template<typename Type> Type __valarray_product (const Type *__restrict__ __f, const Type *__restrict__ __l)

template<typename Ta> Ta::value_type __valarray_min (const Ta &a)

template<typename Ta> Ta::value_type __valarray_max (const Ta &a)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_fill (Array< Type > a, size_t n, const Type &__t)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_fill (Array< Type > a, size_t n, size_t s, const Type &__t)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_fill (Array< Type > a, Array< size_t > __i, size_t n, const Type &__t)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (Array< Type > a, size_t n, Array< Type > __b)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (Array< Type > a, size_t n, size_t s, Array< Type > __b)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (Array< Type > a, Array< Type > __b, size_t n, size_t s)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (Array< Type > a, size_t n, size_t s1, Array< Type > __b, size_t s2)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (Array< Type > a, Array< size_t > __i, Array< Type > __b, size_t n)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (Array< Type > a, size_t n, Array< Type > __b, Array< size_t > __i)

template<typename Type> void __valarray_copy (Array< Type > src, size_t n, Array< size_t > __i, Array< Type > __dst, Array< size_t > __j)

template<typename Type> export void __valarray_fill (Array< Type > a, size_t n, Array< bool > __m, const Type &__t)

template<typename Type> export void __valarray_copy (Array< Type > a, Array< bool > __m, Array< Type > __b, size_t n)

template<typename Type> export void __valarray_copy (Array< Type > a, size_t n, Array< Type > __b, Array< bool > __m)

template<typename Type, class Dom> export void __valarray_copy (const Expr< Dom, Type > &__e, size_t n, Array< Type > a)

template<typename Type, class Dom> export void __valarray_copy (const Expr< Dom, Type > &__e, size_t n, Array< Type > a, size_t s)

template<typename Type, class Dom> export void __valarray_copy (const Expr< Dom, Type > &__e, size_t n, Array< Type > a, Array< size_t > __i)

template<typename Type, class Dom> export void __valarray_copy (const Expr< Dom, Type > &__e, size_t n, Array< Type > a, Array< bool > __m)

template<typename Type, class Dom> export void __valarray_copy_construct (const Expr< Dom, Type > &__e, size_t n, Array< Type > a)

template<typename Type> export void __valarray_copy_construct (Array< Type > a, Array< bool > __m, Array< Type > __b, size_t n)

double abs (double x)

float abs (float x)

long double abs (long double x)

float acos (float x)

long double acos (long double x)

float asin (float x)

long double asin (long double x)

float atan (float x)

long double atan (long double x)

float atan2 (float y, float x)

long double atan2 (long double y, long double x)

float ceil (float x)

long double ceil (long double x)

float cos (float x)

long double cos (long double x)

float cosh (float x)

long double cosh (long double x)

float exp (float x)

long double exp (long double x)

float fabs (float x)

long double fabs (long double x)

float floor (float x)

long double floor (long double x)

float fmod (float x, float y)

long double fmod (long double x, long double y)

float frexp (float x, int *__exp)

long double frexp (long double x, int *__exp)

float ldexp (float x, int __exp)

long double ldexp (long double x, int __exp)

float log (float x)

long double log (long double x)

float log10 (float x)

long double log10 (long double x)

float modf (float x, float *__iptr)

long double modf (long double x, long double *__iptr)

template<typename Type> Type __pow_helper (Type x, int n)

float pow (float x, float y)

long double pow (long double x, long double y)

double pow (double x, int __i)

float pow (float x, int n)

long double pow (long double x, int n)

float sin (float x)

long double sin (long double x)

float sinh (float x)

long double sinh (long double x)

float sqrt (float x)

long double sqrt (long double x)

float tan (float x)

long double tan (long double x)

float tanh (float x)

long double tanh (long double x)

template<typename Type> Type abs (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> Type arg (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> Type norm (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > conj (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > polar (const Type &, const Type &=0)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > cos (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > cosh (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > exp (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > log (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > log10 (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > pow (const complex< Type > &, int)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > pow (const complex< Type > &, const Type &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > pow (const complex< Type > &, const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > pow (const Type &, const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > sin (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > sinh (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > sqrt (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > tan (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > tanh (const complex< Type > &)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator+ (const complex< Type > &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator+ (const complex< Type > &x, const Type &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator+ (const Type &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator- (const complex< Type > &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator- (const complex< Type > &x, const Type &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator- (const Type &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator * (const complex< Type > &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator * (const complex< Type > &x, const Type &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator * (const Type &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator/ (const complex< Type > &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator/ (const complex< Type > &x, const Type &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator/ (const Type &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator+ (const complex< Type > &x)

template<typename Type> complex< Type > operator- (const complex< Type > &x)

template<typename Type> bool operator== (const complex< Type > &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> bool operator== (const complex< Type > &x, const Type &y)

template<typename Type> bool operator== (const Type &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> bool operator!= (const complex< Type > &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type> bool operator!= (const complex< Type > &x, const Type &y)

template<typename Type> bool operator!= (const Type &x, const complex< Type > &y)

template<typename Type, typename CharT, class Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, complex< Type > &x)

template<typename Type, typename CharT, class Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os, const complex< Type > &x)

template<typename Type> Type real (const complex< Type > &__z)

template<typename Type> Type imag (const complex< Type > &__z)

long abs (long __i)

ldiv_t div (long __i, long __j)

void * memchr (void *__p, int c, size_t n)

char * strchr (char *s1, int n)

char * strpbrk (char *s1, const char *s2)

char * strrchr (char *s1, int n)

char * strstr (char *s1, const char *s2)

template<typename Tv> int convert_from_v (char *out, const int size, const char *__fmt, Tv __v, const c_locale &, int __prec=-1)

Resetiosflags resetiosflags (ios_base::fmtflags __mask)

Manipulator for setf. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, Resetiosflags __f)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os, Resetiosflags __f)

Setiosflags setiosflags (ios_base::fmtflags __mask)

Manipulator for setf. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, Setiosflags __f)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os, Setiosflags __f)

Setbase setbase (int __base)

Manipulator for setf. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, Setbase __f)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os, Setbase __f)

template<typename CharT> Setfill< CharT > setfill (CharT c)

Manipulator for fill. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, Setfill< CharT > __f)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os, Setfill< CharT > __f)

Setprecision setprecision (int n)

Manipulator for precision. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, Setprecision __f)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os, Setprecision __f)

Setw setw (int n)

Manipulator for width. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > &__is, Setw __f)

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os, Setw __f)

template<typename Type> pair< Type *, ptrdiff_t > __get_temporary_buffer (ptrdiff_t __len, Type *)

template<typename Type> pair< Type *, ptrdiff_t > get_temporary_buffer (ptrdiff_t __len)

This is a mostly-useless wrapper around malloc(). template<typename Type> void return_temporary_buffer (Type *__p)

The companion to get_temporary_buffer(). template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & endl (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os)

Write a newline and flush the stream. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & ends (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os)

Write a null character into the output sequence. template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & flush (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &__os)

Flushes the output stream.


void(* __malloc_alloc_template )()=0

STL_mutex_lock __default_alloc_template< __threads, inst >::S_node_allocator_lock _STLMUTEXINITIALIZER

unsigned char S_bit_count [256]

unsigned char S_first_one [256]

static ios_base::Init __ioinit

Detailed Description

Everything defined by the ISO C++ Standard is within namespace std.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* std::new_handler)()

If you write your own error handler to be called by new, it must be of this type.

Definition at line 66 of file new.

typedef fpos<mbstate_t> std::streampos

27.2, paragraph 10 about fpos/char_traits circularity

Definition at line 120 of file fpos.h.

typedef void(* std::terminate_handler)()

If you write a replacement terminate handler, it must be of this type.

Definition at line 74 of file exception.

typedef void(* std::unexpected_handler)()

If you write a replacement unexpected handler, it must be of this type.

Definition at line 76 of file exception.

Function Documentation

template<typename ForwardIter, typename BinaryPredicate> ForwardIter std::adjacent_find (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred)

Find two adjacent values in a sequence using a predicate.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

binary_pred A binary predicate.

Returns: The first iterator i such that i and i+1 are both valid iterators in [first,last) and such that binary_pred(*i,*(i+1)) is true, or last if no such iterator exists.

Definition at line 360 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter std::adjacent_find (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last)

Find two adjacent values in a sequence that are equal.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

Returns: The first iterator i such that i and i+1 are both valid iterators in [first,last) and such that *i == *(i+1), or last if no such iterator exists.

Definition at line 331 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by unique().

template<typename InputIterator, typename Distance> void std::advance (InputIterator & __i, Distance n) [inline]

A generalization of pointer arithmetic.

Parameters: i An input iterator.

n The 'delta' by which to change i.

Returns: Nothing.

This increments i by n. For bidirectional and random access iterators, n may be negative, in which case i is decremented.

For random access iterators, this uses their + and - operations and are constant time. For other iterator classes they are linear time.

Definition at line 164 of file stl_iterator_base_funcs.h.

References __iterator_category().

template<typename Container> back_insert_iterator<Container> std::back_inserter (Container & x) [inline]

Parameters: x A container of arbitrary type.

Returns: An instance of back_insert_iterator working on x.

This wrapper function helps in creating back_insert_iterator instances. Typing the name of the iterator requires knowing the precise full type of the container, which can be tedious and impedes generic programming. Using this function lets you take advantage of automatic template parameter deduction, making the compiler match the correct types for you.

Definition at line 391 of file stl_iterator.h.

ios_base& std::boolalpha (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::boolalpha).

Definition at line 678 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::boolalpha, and std::ios_base::setf().

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter std::copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result) [inline]

Copies the range [first,last) into result.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

Returns: result + (first - last)

This inline function will boil down to a call to memmove whenever possible. Failing that, if random access iterators are passed, then the loop count will be known (and therefore a candidate for compiler optimizations such as unrolling). If the input range and the output range overlap, then the copy_backward function should be used instead.

Definition at line 341 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename BI1, typename BI2> BI2 std::copy_backward (BI1 first, BI1 last, BI2 __result) [inline]

Copies the range [first,last) into result.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

Returns: result - (first - last)

The function has the same effect as copy, but starts at the end of the range and works its way to the start, returning the start of the result. This inline function will boil down to a call to memmove whenever possible. Failing that, if random access iterators are passed, then the loop count will be known (and therefore a candidate for compiler optimizations such as unrolling).

Definition at line 479 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename InputIter, typename Type> iterator_traits<InputIter>::difference_type std::count (InputIter first, InputIter last, const Type & value)

Count the number of copies of a value in a sequence.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

value The value to be counted.

Returns: The number of iterators i in the range [first,last) for which *i == value

Definition at line 389 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename InputIter, typename Predicate> iterator_traits<InputIter>::difference_type std::count_if (InputIter first, InputIter last, Predicate pred)

Count the elements of a sequence for which a predicate is true.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

pred A predicate.

Returns: The number of iterators i in the range [first,last) for which pred(*i) is true.

Definition at line 413 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

ios_base& std::dec (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::dec, ios_base::basefield).

Definition at line 816 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::basefield, std::ios_base::dec, and std::ios_base::setf().

Referenced by operator>>().

template<typename InputIterator> iterator_traits<InputIterator>::difference_type std::distance (InputIterator first, InputIterator last) [inline]

A generalization of pointer arithmetic.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

Returns: The distance between them.

Returns n such that first + n == last. This requires that last must be reachable from first. Note that n may be negative.

For random access iterators, this uses their + and - operations and are constant time. For other iterator classes they are linear time.

Definition at line 111 of file stl_iterator_base_funcs.h.

References __distance(), and __iterator_category().

Referenced by __find_end(), __merge_adaptive(), __merge_without_buffer(), __rotate_adaptive(), std::Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc >::count(), equal_range(), std::Rb_tree< Key, Val, KeyOfValue, Compare, Alloc >::erase(), inplace_merge(), inplace_stable_partition(), lower_bound(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_assign_aux(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_assign_aux(), std::vector< bool, Alloc >::M_assign_aux(), std::vector< bool, Alloc >::M_initialize_range(), std::vector< bool, Alloc >::M_insert_range(), std::vector< Node *, Alloc >::M_range_initialize(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_range_initialize(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_range_insert(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_range_insert_aux(), std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::M_replace_safe(), __gnu_cxx::random_sample_n(), std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::S_construct(), std::list< Type, Alloc >::size(), stable_partition_adaptive(), std::Temporary_buffer< ForwardIterator, Type >::Temporary_buffer(), and upper_bound().

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& std::endl (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & __os)

Write a newline and flush the stream.

This manipulator is often mistakenly used when a simple newline is desired, leading to poor buffering performance. See for more on this subject.

Definition at line 505 of file ostream.

References flush(), std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >::put(), and std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::widen().

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& std::ends (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & __os)

Write a null character into the output sequence.

Definition at line 516 of file ostream.

References std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >::put().

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename BinaryPredicate> bool std::equal (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) [inline]

Tests a range for element-wise equality.

Parameters: first1 An input iterator.

last1 An input iterator.

first2 An input iterator.

binary_pred A binary predicate functor.

Returns: A boolean true or false.

This compares the elements of two ranges using the binary_pred parameter, and returns true or false depending on whether all of the corresponding elements of the ranges are equal.

Definition at line 701 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2> bool std::equal (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2) [inline]

Tests a range for element-wise equality.

Parameters: first1 An input iterator.

last1 An input iterator.

first2 An input iterator.

Returns: A boolean true or false.

This compares the elements of two ranges using == and returns true or false depending on whether all of the corresponding elements of the ranges are equal.

Definition at line 670 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by std::istreambuf_iterator< CharT, Traits >::operator++(), and operator==().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void std::fill (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type & value)

Fills the range [first,last) with copies of value.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

value A reference-to-const of arbitrary type.

Returns: Nothing.

This function fills a range with copies of the same value. For one-byte types filling contiguous areas of memory, this becomes an inline call to memset.

Definition at line 511 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by __uninitialized_fill_aux(), fill_n(), std::Base_bitset< Nw >::M_do_left_shift(), std::Base_bitset< Nw >::M_do_right_shift(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_assign(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_assign(), std::vector< bool, Alloc >::M_fill_assign(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_insert(), std::vector< bool, Alloc >::M_fill_insert(), std::vector< bool, Alloc >::M_initialize_dispatch(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_insert_aux(), and std::vector< bool, Alloc >::vector().

template<typename OutputIter, typename Size, typename Type> OutputIter std::fill_n (OutputIter first, Size n, const Type & value)

Fills the range [first,first+n) with copies of value.

Parameters: first An output iterator.

n The count of copies to perform.

value A reference-to-const of arbitrary type.

Returns: The iterator at first+n.

This function fills a range with copies of the same value. For one-byte types filling contiguous areas of memory, this becomes an inline call to memset.

Definition at line 533 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by __uninitialized_fill_n_aux(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_assign(), and std::vector< bool, Alloc >::M_fill_insert().

template<typename InputIter, typename Type> InputIter std::find (InputIter first, InputIter last, const Type & __val) [inline]

Find the first occurrence of a value in a sequence.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

val The value to find.

Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first,last) such that *i == val, or last if no such iterator exists.

Definition at line 291 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __iterator_category(), and find().

template<typename InputIter, typename Predicate> InputIter std::find_if (InputIter first, InputIter last, Predicate pred) [inline]

Find the first element in a sequence for which a predicate is true.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

pred A predicate.

Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first,last) such that pred(*i) is true, or last if no such iterator exists.

Definition at line 311 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __iterator_category(), and find_if().

ios_base& std::fixed (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield).

Definition at line 841 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield, and std::ios_base::setf().

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& std::flush (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & __os)

Flushes the output stream.

This manipulator simply calls the stream's flush() member function.

Definition at line 526 of file ostream.

References std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >::flush().

Referenced by endl().

template<typename InputIter, typename Function> Function std::for_each (InputIter first, InputIter last, Function __f)

Apply a function to every element of a sequence.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

f A unary function object.

Returns: f.

Applies the function object f to each element in the range [first,last). f must not modify the order of the sequence. If f has a return value it is ignored.

Definition at line 152 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename Container> front_insert_iterator<Container> std::front_inserter (Container & x) [inline]

Parameters: x A container of arbitrary type.

Returns: An instance of front_insert_iterator working on x.

This wrapper function helps in creating front_insert_iterator instances. Typing the name of the iterator requires knowing the precise full type of the container, which can be tedious and impedes generic programming. Using this function lets you take advantage of automatic template parameter deduction, making the compiler match the correct types for you.

Definition at line 462 of file stl_iterator.h.

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Generator> void std::generate (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Generator __gen)

Assign the result of a function object to each value in a sequence.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

gen A function object taking no arguments.

Returns: generate() returns no value.

Performs the assignment *i = gen() for each i in the range [first,last).

Definition at line 922 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename OutputIter, typename Size, typename Generator> OutputIter std::generate_n (OutputIter first, Size n, Generator __gen)

Assign the result of a function object to each value in a sequence.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

n The length of the sequence.

gen A function object taking no arguments.

Returns: The end of the sequence, first+n

Performs the assignment *i = gen() for each i in the range [first,first+n).

Definition at line 946 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename Type> pair<Type*,ptrdiff_t> std::get_temporary_buffer (ptrdiff_t __len) [inline]

This is a mostly-useless wrapper around malloc().

Parameters: len The number of objects of type Tp.

Returns: See full description.

Reinventing the wheel, but this time with prettier spokes!

This function tries to obtain storage for len adjacent Tp objects. The objects themselves are not constructed, of course. A pair<> is returned containing 'the buffer s address and capacity (in the units of sizeof(Tp)), or a pair of 0 values if no storage can be obtained.' Note that the capacity obtained may be less than that requested if the memory is unavailable; you should compare len with the .second return value.

Definition at line 105 of file memory.

References __get_temporary_buffer().

ios_base& std::hex (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield).

Definition at line 824 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::basefield, std::ios_base::hex, and std::ios_base::setf().

Referenced by operator>>().

template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename Compare> void std::inplace_merge (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter __middle, BidirectionalIter last, Compare comp)

Merges two sorted ranges in place.

Parameters: first An iterator.

middle Another iterator.

last Another iterator.

comp A functor to use for comparisons.

Returns: Nothing.

Merges two sorted and consecutive ranges, [first,middle) and [middle,last), and puts the result in [first,last). The output will be sorted. The sort is stable, that is, for equivalent elements in the two ranges, elements from the first range will always come before elements from the second.

If enough additional memory is available, this takes (last-first)-1 comparisons. Otherwise an NlogN algorithm is used, where N is distance(first,last).

The comparison function should have the same effects on ordering as the function used for the initial sort.

Definition at line 3563 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __merge_adaptive(), __merge_without_buffer(), and distance().

template<typename BidirectionalIter> void std::inplace_merge (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter __middle, BidirectionalIter last)

Merges two sorted ranges in place.

Parameters: first An iterator.

middle Another iterator.

last Another iterator.

Returns: Nothing.

Merges two sorted and consecutive ranges, [first,middle) and [middle,last), and puts the result in [first,last). The output will be sorted. The sort is stable, that is, for equivalent elements in the two ranges, elements from the first range will always come before elements from the second.

If enough additional memory is available, this takes (last-first)-1 comparisons. Otherwise an NlogN algorithm is used, where N is distance(first,last).

Definition at line 3512 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __merge_adaptive(), __merge_without_buffer(), and distance().

template<typename Container, typename Iterator> insert_iterator<Container> std::inserter (Container & x, Iterator __i) [inline]

Parameters: x A container of arbitrary type.

Returns: An instance of insert_iterator working on x.

This wrapper function helps in creating insert_iterator instances. Typing the name of the iterator requires knowing the precise full type of the container, which can be tedious and impedes generic programming. Using this function lets you take advantage of automatic template parameter deduction, making the compiler match the correct types for you.

Definition at line 555 of file stl_iterator.h.

Referenced by std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_range_insert_aux().

ios_base& std::internal (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::internal, ios_base::adjustfield).

Definition at line 791 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::adjustfield, std::ios_base::internal, and std::ios_base::setf().

template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2> void std::iter_swap (ForwardIter1 a, ForwardIter2 __b) [inline]

Swaps the contents of two iterators.

Parameters: a An iterator.

b Another iterator.

Returns: Nothing.

This function swaps the values pointed to by two iterators, not the iterators themselves.

Definition at line 93 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by __merge_without_buffer(), __partition(), __reverse(), __unguarded_partition(), next_permutation(), prev_permutation(), random_shuffle(), and swap_ranges().

ios_base& std::left (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::left, ios_base::adjustfield).

Definition at line 799 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::adjustfield, std::ios_base::left, and std::ios_base::setf().

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename Compare> bool std::lexicographical_compare (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, Compare comp)

Performs 'dictionary' comparison on ranges.

Parameters: first1 An input iterator.

last1 An input iterator.

first2 An input iterator.

last2 An input iterator.

comp A comparison functor.

Returns: A boolean true or false.

The same as the four-parameter lexigraphical_compare, but uses the comp parameter instead of <.

Definition at line 769 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2> bool std::lexicographical_compare (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2)

Performs 'dictionary' comparison on ranges.

Parameters: first1 An input iterator.

last1 An input iterator.

first2 An input iterator.

last2 An input iterator.

Returns: A boolean true or false.

Definition at line 734 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by lexicographical_compare(), and operator<().

template<class T1, class T2> pair<T1, T2> std::make_pair (const T1 & x, const T2 & y) [inline]

A convenience wrapper for creating a pair from two objects.

Parameters: x The first object.

y The second object.

Returns: A newly-constructed pair<> object of the appropriate type.

The standard requires that the objects be passed by reference-to-const, but LWG issue #181 says they should be passed by const value. We follow the LWG by default.

Definition at line 145 of file stl_pair.h.

Referenced by operator>=().

template<typename Type, typename Compare> const Type& std::max (const Type & a, const Type & __b, Compare comp) [inline]

This does what you think it does.

Parameters: a A thing of arbitrary type.

b Another thing of arbitrary type.

comp A comparison functor.

Returns: The greater of the parameters.

This will work on temporary expressions, since they are only evaluated once, unlike a preprocessor macro.

Definition at line 206 of file stl_algobase.h.

template<typename Type> const Type& std::max (const Type & a, const Type & __b) [inline]

This does what you think it does.

Parameters: a A thing of arbitrary type.

b Another thing of arbitrary type.

Returns: The greater of the parameters.

This is the simple classic generic implementation. It will work on temporary expressions, since they are only evaluated once, unlike a preprocessor macro.

Definition at line 168 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by abs(), std::num_get< CharT, InIter >::do_get(), std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >::ignore(), allocator< Type >::init_page_size(), std::time_get< CharT, InIter >::M_extract_via_format(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_insert(), std::vector< bool, Alloc >::M_fill_insert(), std::ios_base::M_grow_words(), std::Deque_base< Type, Alloc >::M_initialize_map(), std::vector< bool, Alloc >::M_insert_range(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_range_insert(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_reallocate_map(), allocator< Type >::max_size(), operator>>(), std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >::operator>>(), std::strstreambuf::overflow(), std::basic_stringbuf< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::overflow(), __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::S_apply_to_pieces(), std::basic_filebuf< CharT, Traits >::seekoff(), std::basic_stringbuf< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::str(), and std::strstreambuf::strstreambuf().

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter, typename Compare> OutputIter std::merge (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result, Compare comp)

Merges two sorted ranges.

Parameters: first1 An iterator.

first2 Another iterator.

last1 Another iterator.

last2 Another iterator.

result An iterator pointing to the end of the merged range.

comp A functor to use for comparisons.

Returns: An iterator pointing to the first element 'not less than' val.

Merges the ranges [first1,last1) and [first2,last2) into the sorted range [result, result + (last1-first1) + (last2-first2)). Both input ranges must be sorted, and the output range must not overlap with either of the input ranges. The sort is stable, that is, for equivalent elements in the two ranges, elements from the first range will always come before elements from the second.

The comparison function should have the same effects on ordering as the function used for the initial sort.

Definition at line 3171 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and copy().

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter> OutputIter std::merge (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, InputIter2 last2, OutputIter __result)

Merges two sorted ranges.

Parameters: first1 An iterator.

first2 Another iterator.

last1 Another iterator.

last2 Another iterator.

result An iterator pointing to the end of the merged range.

Returns: An iterator pointing to the first element 'not less than' val.

Merges the ranges [first1,last1) and [first2,last2) into the sorted range [result, result + (last1-first1) + (last2-first2)). Both input ranges must be sorted, and the output range must not overlap with either of the input ranges. The sort is stable, that is, for equivalent elements in the two ranges, elements from the first range will always come before elements from the second.

Definition at line 3119 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and copy().

Referenced by __merge_adaptive(), and __merge_sort_loop().

template<typename Type, typename Compare> const Type& std::min (const Type & a, const Type & __b, Compare comp) [inline]

This does what you think it does.

Parameters: a A thing of arbitrary type.

b Another thing of arbitrary type.

comp A comparison functor.

Returns: The lesser of the parameters.

This will work on temporary expressions, since they are only evaluated once, unlike a preprocessor macro.

Definition at line 188 of file stl_algobase.h.

template<typename Type> const Type& std::min (const Type & a, const Type & __b) [inline]

This does what you think it does.

Parameters: a A thing of arbitrary type.

b Another thing of arbitrary type.

Returns: The lesser of the parameters.

This is the simple classic generic implementation. It will work on temporary expressions, since they are only evaluated once, unlike a preprocessor macro.

Definition at line 148 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by __gnu_cxx::__lexicographical_compare_3way(), __merge_sort_loop(), __verify_grouping(), std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::append(), std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::compare(), codecvt< InternT, ExternT, __enc_traits >::do_length(), codecvt< InternT, ExternT, StateT >::do_length(), std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >::ignore(), lexicographical_compare(), std::bitset< Nb >::M_copy_from_string(), std::time_get< CharT, InIter >::M_extract_name(), std::basic_streambuf< CharT, enc_char_traits< CharT > >::M_pback_create(), std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >::operator>>(), __gnu_cxx::random_sample_n(), std::basic_istream< CharT, Traits >::readsome(), std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::rfind(), __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::S_apply_to_pieces(), S_string_copy(), std::basic_streambuf< CharT, Traits >::xsgetn(), and std::basic_streambuf< CharT, Traits >::xsputn().

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename BinaryPredicate> pair<InputIter1, InputIter2> std::mismatch (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred)

Finds the places in ranges which don't match.

Parameters: first1 An input iterator.

last1 An input iterator.

first2 An input iterator.

binary_pred A binary predicate functor.

Returns: A pair of iterators pointing to the first mismatch.

This compares the elements of two ranges using the binary_pred parameter, and returns a pair of iterators. The first iterator points into the first range, the second iterator points into the second range, and the elements pointed to by the iterators are not equal.

Definition at line 642 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2> pair<InputIter1, InputIter2> std::mismatch (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2)

Finds the places in ranges which don't match.

Parameters: first1 An input iterator.

last1 An input iterator.

first2 An input iterator.

Returns: A pair of iterators pointing to the first mismatch.

This compares the elements of two ranges using == and returns a pair of iterators. The first iterator points into the first range, the second iterator points into the second range, and the elements pointed to by the iterators are not equal.

Definition at line 608 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

ios_base& std::noboolalpha (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::boolalpha).

Definition at line 686 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::boolalpha, and std::ios_base::unsetf().

ios_base& std::noshowbase (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::showbase).

Definition at line 702 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::showbase, and std::ios_base::unsetf().

ios_base& std::noshowpoint (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::showpoint).

Definition at line 718 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::showpoint, and std::ios_base::unsetf().

ios_base& std::noshowpos (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::showpos).

Definition at line 734 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::showpos, and std::ios_base::unsetf().

ios_base& std::noskipws (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::skipws).

Definition at line 750 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::skipws, and std::ios_base::unsetf().

ios_base& std::nounitbuf (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::unitbuf).

Definition at line 782 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::unitbuf, and std::ios_base::unsetf().

ios_base& std::nouppercase (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.unsetf(ios_base::uppercase).

Definition at line 766 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::unsetf(), and std::ios_base::uppercase.

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void std::nth_element (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter nth, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

Sort a sequence just enough to find a particular position using a predicate for comparison.

Parameters: first An iterator.

nth Another iterator.

last Another iterator.

comp A comparison functor.

Returns: Nothing.

Rearranges the elements in the range [first,last) so that *nth is the same element that would have been in that position had the whole sequence been sorted. The elements either side of *nth are not completely sorted, but for any iterator in the range [first,nth) and any iterator in the range [nth,last) it holds that comp(*j,*i) is false.

Definition at line 2732 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __median(), and __unguarded_partition().

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void std::nth_element (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter nth, RandomAccessIter last)

Sort a sequence just enough to find a particular position.

Parameters: first An iterator.

nth Another iterator.

last Another iterator.

Returns: Nothing.

Rearranges the elements in the range [first,last) so that *nth is the same element that would have been in that position had the whole sequence been sorted. whole sequence been sorted. The elements either side of *nth are not completely sorted, but for any iterator in the range [first,nth) and any iterator in the range [nth,last) it holds that *j<*i is false.

Definition at line 2690 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __median(), and __unguarded_partition().

ios_base& std::oct (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::oct, ios_base::basefield).

Definition at line 832 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::basefield, std::ios_base::oct, and std::ios_base::setf().

Referenced by operator>>().

template<size_t Nb> bitset<Nb> std::operator & (const bitset< Nb > & x, const bitset< Nb > & y) [inline]

Global bitwise operations on bitsets.

Parameters: x A bitset.

y A bitset of the same size as x.

Returns: A new bitset.

These should be self-explanatory.

Definition at line 1153 of file bitset.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator!= (const vector< Type, Alloc > & x, const vector< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator==.

Definition at line 964 of file stl_vector.h.

template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool std::operator!= (const stack< Type, Seq > & x, const stack< Type, Seq > & y) [inline]

Based on operator==.

Definition at line 228 of file stl_stack.h.

template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool std::operator!= (const queue< Type, Sequence > & x, const queue< Type, Sequence > & y) [inline]

Based on operator==.

Definition at line 247 of file stl_queue.h.

template<class T1, class T2> bool std::operator!= (const pair< T1, T2 > & x, const pair< T1, T2 > & y) [inline]

Uses operator== to find the result.

Definition at line 108 of file stl_pair.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator!= (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator==.

Definition at line 603 of file stl_multimap.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator!= (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator==.

Definition at line 629 of file stl_map.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator!= (const list< Type, Alloc > & x, const list< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator==.

Definition at line 1139 of file stl_list.h.

template<typename Iterator> bool std::operator!= (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & y) [inline]

Parameters: x A reverse_iterator.

y A reverse_iterator.

Returns: A simple bool.

Reverse iterators forward many operations to their underlying base() iterators. Others are implemented in terms of one another.

Definition at line 286 of file stl_iterator.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator!= (const deque< Type, Alloc > & x, const deque< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator==.

Definition at line 1569 of file stl_deque.h.

template<typename Alloc> bool std::operator!= (const __debug_alloc< Alloc > &, const __debug_alloc< Alloc > &) [inline]

Comparison operators for all of the predifined SGI-style allocators. This ensures that allocator<malloc_alloc> (for example) will work correctly. As required, all allocators compare equal.

Definition at line 841 of file stl_alloc.h.

template<int inst> bool std::operator!= (const __malloc_alloc_template< inst > &, const __malloc_alloc_template< inst > &) [inline]

Comparison operators for all of the predifined SGI-style allocators. This ensures that allocator<malloc_alloc> (for example) will work correctly. As required, all allocators compare equal.

Definition at line 830 of file stl_alloc.h.

template<typename Iterator> reverse_iterator<Iterator> std::operator+ (typename reverse_iterator< Iterator >::difference_type n, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & x) [inline]

Parameters: x A reverse_iterator.

y A reverse_iterator.

Returns: A simple bool.

Reverse iterators forward many operations to their underlying base() iterators. Others are implemented in terms of one another.

Definition at line 316 of file stl_iterator.h.

References std::reverse_iterator< Iterator >::base().

template<typename Iterator> reverse_iterator<Iterator>::difference_type std::operator- (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & y) [inline]

Parameters: x A reverse_iterator.

y A reverse_iterator.

Returns: A simple bool.

Reverse iterators forward many operations to their underlying base() iterators. Others are implemented in terms of one another.

Definition at line 310 of file stl_iterator.h.

References std::reverse_iterator< Iterator >::base().

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator< (const vector< Type, Alloc > & x, const vector< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Vector ordering relation.

Parameters: x A vector.

y A vector of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff x is lexographically less than y.

This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the vectors. The elements must be comparable with <.

See std::lexographical_compare() for how the determination is made.

Definition at line 955 of file stl_vector.h.

References std::vector< Type, Alloc >::begin(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::end(), and lexicographical_compare().

template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool std::operator< (const stack< Type, Seq > & x, const stack< Type, Seq > & y) [inline]

Stack ordering relation.

Parameters: x A stack.

y A stack of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff x is lexographically less than y.

This is an total ordering relation. Complexity and semantics depend on the underlying sequence type, but the expected rules are: this relation is linear in the size of the sequences, the elements must be comparable with <, and std::lexographical_compare() is usually used to make the determination.

Definition at line 222 of file stl_stack.h.

template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool std::operator< (const queue< Type, Sequence > & x, const queue< Type, Sequence > & y) [inline]

Queue ordering relation.

Parameters: x A queue.

y A queue of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff x is lexographically less than y.

This is an total ordering relation. Complexity and semantics depend on the underlying sequence type, but the expected rules are: this relation is linear in the size of the sequences, the elements must be comparable with <, and std::lexographical_compare() is usually used to make the determination.

Definition at line 241 of file stl_queue.h.

template<class T1, class T2> bool std::operator< (const pair< T1, T2 > & x, const pair< T1, T2 > & y) [inline]


Definition at line 100 of file stl_pair.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator< (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Multimap ordering relation.

Parameters: x A multimap.

y A multimap of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff x is lexographically less than y.

This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the multimaps. The elements must be comparable with <.

See std::lexographical_compare() for how the determination is made.

Definition at line 596 of file stl_multimap.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator< (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Map ordering relation.

Parameters: x A map.

y A map of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff x is lexographically less than y.

This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the maps. The elements must be comparable with <.

See std::lexographical_compare() for how the determination is made.

Definition at line 622 of file stl_map.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator< (const list< Type, Alloc > & x, const list< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

List ordering relation.

Parameters: x A list.

y A list of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff x is lexographically less than y.

This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the lists. The elements must be comparable with <.

See std::lexographical_compare() for how the determination is made.

Definition at line 1130 of file stl_list.h.

template<typename Iterator> bool std::operator< (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & y) [inline]

Parameters: x A reverse_iterator.

y A reverse_iterator.

Returns: A simple bool.

Reverse iterators forward many operations to their underlying base() iterators. Others are implemented in terms of one another.

Definition at line 280 of file stl_iterator.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator< (const deque< Type, Alloc > & x, const deque< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Deque ordering relation.

Parameters: x A deque.

y A deque of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff x is lexographically less than y.

This is a total ordering relation. It is linear in the size of the deques. The elements must be comparable with <.

See std::lexographical_compare() for how the determination is made.

Definition at line 1560 of file stl_deque.h.

References std::deque< Type, Alloc >::begin(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::end(), and lexicographical_compare().

template<class Traits> basic_ostream<char, Traits>& std::operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > & out, const unsigned char * s)

String inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

s A character string.

Returns: out

Precondition: s must be a non-NULL pointer

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(s) characters starting at s, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

Definition at line 490 of file ostream.

template<class Traits> basic_ostream<char, Traits>& std::operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > & out, const signed char * s)

String inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

s A character string.

Returns: out

Precondition: s must be a non-NULL pointer

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(s) characters starting at s, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

Definition at line 485 of file ostream.

template<class Traits> basic_ostream<char, Traits>& std::operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > & out, unsigned char c)

Character inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

c A character.

Returns: out

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

If c is of type char and the character type of the stream is not char, the character is widened before insertion.

Definition at line 451 of file ostream.

template<class Traits> basic_ostream<char, Traits>& std::operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > & out, signed char c)

Character inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

c A character.

Returns: out

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

If c is of type char and the character type of the stream is not char, the character is widened before insertion.

Definition at line 446 of file ostream.

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& std::operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & out, char c)

Character inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

c A character.

Returns: out

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

If c is of type char and the character type of the stream is not char, the character is widened before insertion.

Definition at line 435 of file ostream.

References std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::widen().

template<class CharT, class Traits, size_t Nb> basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& std::operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & __os, const bitset< Nb > & x)

Global I/O operators for bitsets.

Direct I/O between streams and bitsets is supported. Output is straightforward. Input will skip whitespace, only accept '0' and '1' characters, and will only extract as many digits as the bitset will hold.

Definition at line 1241 of file bitset.

template<class Traits> basic_ostream< char, Traits > & std::operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > & out, const char * s)

String inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

s A character string.

Returns: out

Precondition: s must be a non-NULL pointer

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(s) characters starting at s, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

Definition at line 615 of file ostream.tcc.

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & std::operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & out, const char * s)

String inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

s A character string.

Returns: out

Precondition: s must be a non-NULL pointer

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(s) characters starting at s, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

Definition at line 571 of file ostream.tcc.

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & std::operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & out, const CharT * s)

String inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

s A character string.

Returns: out

Precondition: s must be a non-NULL pointer

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts traits::length(s) characters starting at s, widened if necessary, followed by any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

Definition at line 540 of file ostream.tcc.

template<class Traits> basic_ostream< char, Traits > & std::operator<< (basic_ostream< char, Traits > & out, char c)

Character inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

c A character.

Returns: out

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

If c is of type char and the character type of the stream is not char, the character is widened before insertion.

Definition at line 511 of file ostream.tcc.

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & std::operator<< (basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & out, CharT c)

Character inserters.

Parameters: out An output stream.

c A character.

Returns: out

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic inserters described in std::basic_ostream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function inserts a single character and any required padding (as determined by []). out.width(0) is then called.

If c is of type char and the character type of the stream is not char, the character is widened before insertion.

Definition at line 481 of file ostream.tcc.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator<= (const vector< Type, Alloc > & x, const vector< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 976 of file stl_vector.h.

template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool std::operator<= (const stack< Type, Seq > & x, const stack< Type, Seq > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 240 of file stl_stack.h.

template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool std::operator<= (const queue< Type, Sequence > & x, const queue< Type, Sequence > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 259 of file stl_queue.h.

template<class T1, class T2> bool std::operator<= (const pair< T1, T2 > & x, const pair< T1, T2 > & y) [inline]

Uses operator< to find the result.

Definition at line 120 of file stl_pair.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator<= (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 617 of file stl_multimap.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator<= (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 643 of file stl_map.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator<= (const list< Type, Alloc > & x, const list< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 1151 of file stl_list.h.

template<typename Iterator> bool std::operator<= (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & y) [inline]

Parameters: x A reverse_iterator.

y A reverse_iterator.

Returns: A simple bool.

Reverse iterators forward many operations to their underlying base() iterators. Others are implemented in terms of one another.

Definition at line 298 of file stl_iterator.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator<= (const deque< Type, Alloc > & x, const deque< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 1583 of file stl_deque.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator== (const vector< Type, Alloc > & x, const vector< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Vector equality comparison.

Parameters: x A vector.

y A vector of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff the size and elements of the vectors are equal.

This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the vectors. Vectors are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.

Definition at line 936 of file stl_vector.h.

References std::vector< Type, Alloc >::begin(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::end(), equal(), and std::vector< Type, Alloc >::size().

template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool std::operator== (const stack< Type, Seq > & x, const stack< Type, Seq > & y) [inline]

Stack equality comparison.

Parameters: x A stack.

y A stack of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff the size and elements of the stacks are equal.

This is an equivalence relation. Complexity and semantics depend on the underlying sequence type, but the expected rules are: this relation is linear in the size of the sequences, and stacks are considered equivalent if their sequences compare equal.

Definition at line 205 of file stl_stack.h.

References std::stack< Type, Sequence >::c.

template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool std::operator== (const queue< Type, Sequence > & x, const queue< Type, Sequence > & y) [inline]

Queue equality comparison.

Parameters: x A queue.

y A queue of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff the size and elements of the queues are equal.

This is an equivalence relation. Complexity and semantics depend on the underlying sequence type, but the expected rules are: this relation is linear in the size of the sequences, and queues are considered equivalent if their sequences compare equal.

Definition at line 224 of file stl_queue.h.

References std::queue< Type, Sequence >::c.

template<class T1, class T2> bool std::operator== (const pair< T1, T2 > & x, const pair< T1, T2 > & y) [inline]

Two pairs of the same type are equal iff their members are equal.

Definition at line 93 of file stl_pair.h.

References std::pair< T1, T2 >::first, and std::pair< T1, T2 >::second.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator== (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Multimap equality comparison.

Parameters: x A multimap.

y A multimap of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff the size and elements of the maps are equal.

This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the multimaps. Multimaps are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.

Definition at line 577 of file stl_multimap.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator== (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Map equality comparison.

Parameters: x A map.

y A map of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff the size and elements of the maps are equal.

This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the maps. Maps are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.

Definition at line 605 of file stl_map.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator== (const list< Type, Alloc > & x, const list< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

List equality comparison.

Parameters: x A list.

y A list of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff the size and elements of the lists are equal.

This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the lists. Lists are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.

Definition at line 1102 of file stl_list.h.

References std::list< Type, Alloc >::begin(), and std::list< Type, Alloc >::end().

template<typename Iterator> bool std::operator== (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & y) [inline]

Parameters: x A reverse_iterator.

y A reverse_iterator.

Returns: A simple bool.

Reverse iterators forward many operations to their underlying base() iterators. Others are implemented in terms of one another.

Definition at line 274 of file stl_iterator.h.

References std::reverse_iterator< Iterator >::base().

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator== (const deque< Type, Alloc > & x, const deque< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Deque equality comparison.

Parameters: x A deque.

y A deque of the same type as x.

Returns: True iff the size and elements of the deques are equal.

This is an equivalence relation. It is linear in the size of the deques. Deques are considered equivalent if their sizes are equal, and if corresponding elements compare equal.

Definition at line 1541 of file stl_deque.h.

References std::deque< Type, Alloc >::begin(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::end(), equal(), and std::deque< Type, Alloc >::size().

template<typename Alloc> bool std::operator== (const __debug_alloc< Alloc > &, const __debug_alloc< Alloc > &) [inline]

Comparison operators for all of the predifined SGI-style allocators. This ensures that allocator<malloc_alloc> (for example) will work correctly. As required, all allocators compare equal.

Definition at line 836 of file stl_alloc.h.

template<int inst> bool std::operator== (const __malloc_alloc_template< inst > &, const __malloc_alloc_template< inst > &) [inline]

Comparison operators for all of the predifined SGI-style allocators. This ensures that allocator<malloc_alloc> (for example) will work correctly. As required, all allocators compare equal.

Definition at line 824 of file stl_alloc.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator> (const vector< Type, Alloc > & x, const vector< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 970 of file stl_vector.h.

template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool std::operator> (const stack< Type, Seq > & x, const stack< Type, Seq > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 234 of file stl_stack.h.

template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool std::operator> (const queue< Type, Sequence > & x, const queue< Type, Sequence > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 253 of file stl_queue.h.

template<class T1, class T2> bool std::operator> (const pair< T1, T2 > & x, const pair< T1, T2 > & y) [inline]

Uses operator< to find the result.

Definition at line 114 of file stl_pair.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator> (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 610 of file stl_multimap.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator> (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 636 of file stl_map.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator> (const list< Type, Alloc > & x, const list< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 1145 of file stl_list.h.

template<typename Iterator> bool std::operator> (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & y) [inline]

Parameters: x A reverse_iterator.

y A reverse_iterator.

Returns: A simple bool.

Reverse iterators forward many operations to their underlying base() iterators. Others are implemented in terms of one another.

Definition at line 292 of file stl_iterator.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator> (const deque< Type, Alloc > & x, const deque< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 1576 of file stl_deque.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator>= (const vector< Type, Alloc > & x, const vector< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 982 of file stl_vector.h.

template<typename Type, typename Seq> bool std::operator>= (const stack< Type, Seq > & x, const stack< Type, Seq > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 246 of file stl_stack.h.

template<typename Type, typename Sequence> bool std::operator>= (const queue< Type, Sequence > & x, const queue< Type, Sequence > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 265 of file stl_queue.h.

template<class T1, class T2> bool std::operator>= (const pair< T1, T2 > & x, const pair< T1, T2 > & y) [inline]

Uses operator< to find the result.

Definition at line 126 of file stl_pair.h.

References make_pair().

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator>= (const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 624 of file stl_multimap.h.

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> bool std::operator>= (const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, const map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 650 of file stl_map.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator>= (const list< Type, Alloc > & x, const list< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 1157 of file stl_list.h.

template<typename Iterator> bool std::operator>= (const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & x, const reverse_iterator< Iterator > & y) [inline]

Parameters: x A reverse_iterator.

y A reverse_iterator.

Returns: A simple bool.

Reverse iterators forward many operations to their underlying base() iterators. Others are implemented in terms of one another.

Definition at line 304 of file stl_iterator.h.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> bool std::operator>= (const deque< Type, Alloc > & x, const deque< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

Based on operator<.

Definition at line 1590 of file stl_deque.h.

template<class Traits> basic_istream<char,Traits>& std::operator>> (basic_istream< char, Traits > & in, signed char * s)

Character string extractors.

Parameters: in An input stream.

s A pointer to a character array.

Returns: in

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts up to n characters and stores them into the array starting at s. n is defined as:

if width() is greater than zero, n is width()
otherwise n is 'the number of elements of the largest array of char_type that can store a terminating eos.' []/6

Characters are extracted and stored until one of the following happens:

n-1 characters are stored
EOF is reached
the next character is whitespace according to the current locale
the next character is a null byte (i.e., charT() )

width(0) is then called for the input stream.

If no characters are extracted, sets failbit.

Definition at line 689 of file istream.

template<class Traits> basic_istream<char,Traits>& std::operator>> (basic_istream< char, Traits > & in, unsigned char * s)

Character string extractors.

Parameters: in An input stream.

s A pointer to a character array.

Returns: in

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts up to n characters and stores them into the array starting at s. n is defined as:

if width() is greater than zero, n is width()
otherwise n is 'the number of elements of the largest array of char_type that can store a terminating eos.' []/6

Characters are extracted and stored until one of the following happens:

n-1 characters are stored
EOF is reached
the next character is whitespace according to the current locale
the next character is a null byte (i.e., charT() )

width(0) is then called for the input stream.

If no characters are extracted, sets failbit.

Definition at line 684 of file istream.

template<class Traits> basic_istream<char, Traits>& std::operator>> (basic_istream< char, Traits > & in, signed char & c)

Character extractors.

Parameters: in An input stream.

c A character reference.

Returns: in

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts a character (if one is available) and stores it in c. Otherwise, sets failbit in the input stream.

Definition at line 648 of file istream.

template<class Traits> basic_istream<char, Traits>& std::operator>> (basic_istream< char, Traits > & in, unsigned char & c)

Character extractors.

Parameters: in An input stream.

c A character reference.

Returns: in

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts a character (if one is available) and stores it in c. Otherwise, sets failbit in the input stream.

Definition at line 643 of file istream.

template<class CharT, class Traits, size_t Nb> basic_istream<CharT, Traits>& std::operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & __is, bitset< Nb > & x)

Global I/O operators for bitsets.

Direct I/O between streams and bitsets is supported. Output is straightforward. Input will skip whitespace, only accept '0' and '1' characters, and will only extract as many digits as the bitset will hold.

Definition at line 1190 of file bitset.

References std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::empty(), std::ios_base::eofbit, std::ios_base::failbit, std::ios_base::goodbit, std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::narrow(), std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::push_back(), std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::rdbuf(), std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Alloc >::reserve(), std::basic_streambuf< CharT, Traits >::sbumpc(), std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::setstate(), and std::basic_streambuf< CharT, Traits >::sputbackc().

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & std::operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & in, CharT * s)

Character string extractors.

Parameters: in An input stream.

s A pointer to a character array.

Returns: in

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts up to n characters and stores them into the array starting at s. n is defined as:

if width() is greater than zero, n is width()
otherwise n is 'the number of elements of the largest array of char_type that can store a terminating eos.' []/6

Characters are extracted and stored until one of the following happens:

n-1 characters are stored
EOF is reached
the next character is whitespace according to the current locale
the next character is a null byte (i.e., charT() )

width(0) is then called for the input stream.

If no characters are extracted, sets failbit.

Definition at line 941 of file istream.tcc.

References std::ios_base::getloc(), max(), std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::rdbuf(), ctype_base::space, and std::ios_base::width().

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & std::operator>> (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & in, CharT & c)

Character extractors.

Parameters: in An input stream.

c A character reference.

Returns: in

Behaves like one of the formatted arithmetic extractors described in std::basic_istream. After constructing a sentry object with good status, this function extracts a character (if one is available) and stores it in c. Otherwise, sets failbit in the input stream.

Definition at line 916 of file istream.tcc.

References std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::rdbuf(), and std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::setstate().

template<size_t Nb> bitset<Nb> std::operator^ (const bitset< Nb > & x, const bitset< Nb > & y) [inline]

Global bitwise operations on bitsets.

Parameters: x A bitset.

y A bitset of the same size as x.

Returns: A new bitset.

These should be self-explanatory.

Definition at line 1171 of file bitset.

template<size_t Nb> bitset<Nb> std::operator| (const bitset< Nb > & x, const bitset< Nb > & y) [inline]

Global bitwise operations on bitsets.

Parameters: x A bitset.

y A bitset of the same size as x.

Returns: A new bitset.

These should be self-explanatory.

Definition at line 1162 of file bitset.

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void std::partial_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter __middle, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp)

Sort the smallest elements of a sequence using a predicate for comparison.

Parameters: first An iterator.

middle Another iterator.

last Another iterator.

comp A comparison functor.

Returns: Nothing.

Sorts the smallest (middle-first) elements in the range [first,last) and moves them to the range [first,middle). The order of the remaining elements in the range [middle,last) is undefined. After the sort if i and are iterators in the range [first,middle) such that precedes and is an iterator in the range [middle,last) then *comp(j,*i) and comp(*k,*i) are both false.

Definition at line 2544 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __pop_heap(), make_heap(), and sort_heap().

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void std::partial_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter __middle, RandomAccessIter last)

Sort the smallest elements of a sequence.

Parameters: first An iterator.

middle Another iterator.

last Another iterator.

Returns: Nothing.

Sorts the smallest (middle-first) elements in the range [first,last) and moves them to the range [first,middle). The order of the remaining elements in the range [middle,last) is undefined. After the sort if i and are iterators in the range [first,middle) such that precedes and is an iterator in the range [middle,last) then *j<*i and *k<*i are both false.

Definition at line 2506 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __pop_heap(), make_heap(), and sort_heap().

Referenced by introsort_loop().

template<typename InputIter, typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> RandomAccessIter std::partial_sort_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, RandomAccessIter __result_first, RandomAccessIter __result_last, Compare comp)

Copy the smallest elements of a sequence using a predicate for comparison.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last Another input iterator.

result_first A random-access iterator.

result_last Another random-access iterator.

comp A comparison functor.

Returns: An iterator indicating the end of the resulting sequence.

Copies and sorts the smallest N values from the range [first,last) to the range beginning at result_first, where the number of elements to be copied, N, is the smaller of (last-first) and (result_last-result_first). After the sort if i and are iterators in the range [result_first,result_first+N) such that precedes then comp(*j,*i) is false. The value returned is result_first+N.

Definition at line 2637 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, make_heap(), and sort_heap().

template<typename InputIter, typename RandomAccessIter> RandomAccessIter std::partial_sort_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, RandomAccessIter __result_first, RandomAccessIter __result_last)

Copy the smallest elements of a sequence.

Parameters: first An iterator.

last Another iterator.

result_first A random-access iterator.

result_last Another random-access iterator.

Returns: An iterator indicating the end of the resulting sequence.

Copies and sorts the smallest N values from the range [first,last) to the range beginning at result_first, where the number of elements to be copied, N, is the smaller of (last-first) and (result_last-result_first). After the sort if i and are iterators in the range [result_first,result_first+N) such that precedes then *j<*i is false. The value returned is result_first+N.

Definition at line 2583 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, make_heap(), and sort_heap().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate> ForwardIter std::partition (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred) [inline]

Move elements for which a predicate is true to the beginning of a sequence.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

pred A predicate functor.

Returns: An iterator middle such that pred(i) is true for each iterator i in the range [first,middle) and false for each i in the range [middle,last).

pred must not modify its operand. partition() does not preserve the relative ordering of elements in each group, use stable_partition() if this is needed.

Definition at line 1752 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __iterator_category(), and __partition().

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename RandomNumberGenerator> void std::random_shuffle (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, RandomNumberGenerator & __rand)

Shuffle the elements of a sequence using a random number generator.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

rand The RNG functor or function.

Returns: Nothing.

Reorders the elements in the range [first,last) using rand to provide a random distribution. Calling rand(N) for a positive integer N should return a randomly chosen integer from the range [0,N).

Definition at line 1664 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and iter_swap().

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void std::random_shuffle (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last) [inline]

Randomly shuffle the elements of a sequence.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

Returns: Nothing.

Reorder the elements in the range [first,last) using a random distribution, so that every possible ordering of the sequence is equally likely.

Definition at line 1638 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __random_number(), and iter_swap().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> ForwardIter std::remove (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type & value)

Remove elements from a sequence.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

value The value to be removed.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

All elements equal to value are removed from the range [first,last).

remove() is stable, so the relative order of elements that are not removed is unchanged.

Elements between the end of the resulting sequence and last are still present, but their value is unspecified.

Definition at line 1043 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, find(), and remove_copy().

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename Type> OutputIter std::remove_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, const Type & value)

Copy a sequence, removing elements of a given value.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

value The value to be removed.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

Copies each element in the range [first,last) not equal to value to the range beginning at result. remove_copy() is stable, so the relative order of elements that are copied is unchanged.

Definition at line 973 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by remove().

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename Predicate> OutputIter std::remove_copy_if (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, Predicate pred)

Copy a sequence, removing elements for which a predicate is true.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

pred A predicate.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

Copies each element in the range [first,last) for which pred returns true to the range beginning at result.

remove_copy_if() is stable, so the relative order of elements that are copied is unchanged.

Definition at line 1007 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by remove_if().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate> ForwardIter std::remove_if (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred)

Remove elements from a sequence using a predicate.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

pred A predicate.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

All elements for which pred returns true are removed from the range [first,last).

remove_if() is stable, so the relative order of elements that are not removed is unchanged.

Elements between the end of the resulting sequence and last are still present, but their value is unspecified.

Definition at line 1077 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, find_if(), and remove_copy_if().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void std::replace (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type & __old_value, const Type & new_value)

Replace each occurrence of one value in a sequence with another value.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

old_value The value to be replaced.

new_value The replacement value.

Returns: replace() returns no value.

For each iterator i in the range [first,last) if *i == old_value then the assignment *i = new_value is performed.

Definition at line 800 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Referenced by __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::erase(), __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::insert(), and __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::replace().

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename Type> OutputIter std::replace_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, const Type & __old_value, const Type & new_value)

Copy a sequence, replacing each element of one value with another value.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

old_value The value to be replaced.

new_value The replacement value.

Returns: The end of the output sequence, result+(last-first).

Copies each element in the input range [first,last) to the output range [result,result+(last-first)) replacing elements equal to old_value with new_value.

Definition at line 860 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename Predicate, typename Type> OutputIter std::replace_copy_if (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, Predicate pred, const Type & new_value)

Copy a sequence, replacing each value for which a predicate returns true with another value.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

pred A predicate.

new_value The replacement value.

Returns: The end of the output sequence, result+(last-first).

Copies each element in the range [first,last) to the range [result,result+(last-first)) replacing elements for which pred returns true with new_value.

Definition at line 893 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate, typename Type> void std::replace_if (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred, const Type & new_value)

Replace each value in a sequence for which a predicate returns true with another value.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

pred A predicate.

new_value The replacement value.

Returns: replace_if() returns no value.

For each iterator i in the range [first,last) if pred(*i) is true then the assignment *i = new_value is performed.

Definition at line 829 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

Resetiosflags std::resetiosflags (ios_base::fmtflags __mask) [inline]

Manipulator for setf.

Parameters: mask A format flags mask.

Sent to a stream object, this manipulator resets the specified flags, via stream.setf(0,mask).

Definition at line 64 of file iomanip.

template<typename Type> void std::return_temporary_buffer (Type * __p)

The companion to get_temporary_buffer().

Parameters: p A buffer previously allocated by get_temporary_buffer.

Returns: None.

Frees the memory pointed to by p.

Definition at line 117 of file memory.

template<typename BidirectionalIter> void std::reverse (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last) [inline]

Reverse a sequence.

Parameters: first A bidirectional iterator.

last A bidirectional iterator.

Returns: reverse() returns no value.

Reverses the order of the elements in the range [first,last), so that the first element becomes the last etc. For every i such that 0<=i<=(last-first)/2), reverse() swaps *(first+i) and *(last-(i+1))

Definition at line 1353 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, __iterator_category(), and __reverse().

Referenced by next_permutation(), and prev_permutation().

template<typename BidirectionalIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter std::reverse_copy (BidirectionalIter first, BidirectionalIter last, OutputIter __result)

Copy a sequence, reversing its elements.

Parameters: first A bidirectional iterator.

last A bidirectional iterator.

result An output iterator.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

Copies the elements in the range [first,last) to the range [result,result+(last-first)) such that the order of the elements is reversed. For every i such that 0<=i<=(last-first), reverse_copy() performs the assignment *(result+(last-first)-i) = *(first+i). The ranges [first,last) and [result,result+(last-first)) must not overlap.

Definition at line 1378 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

ios_base& std::right (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield).

Definition at line 807 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::adjustfield, std::ios_base::right, and std::ios_base::setf().

template<typename ForwardIter> void std::rotate (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter __middle, ForwardIter last) [inline]

Rotate the elements of a sequence.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

middle A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

Returns: Nothing.

Rotates the elements of the range [first,last) by (middle-first) positions so that the element at middle is moved to first, the element at middle+1 is moved to +1 and so on for each element in the range [first,last).

This effectively swaps the ranges [first,middle) and [middle,last).

Performs *(first+(n+(last-middle))%(last-first))=*(first+n) for each n in the range [0,last-first).

Definition at line 1565 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and __rotate().

Referenced by __merge_without_buffer(), __rotate_adaptive(), inplace_stable_partition(), and stable_partition_adaptive().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter std::rotate_copy (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter __middle, ForwardIter last, OutputIter __result)

Copy a sequence, rotating its elements.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

middle A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

result An output iterator.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

Copies the elements of the range [first,last) to the range beginning at

Returns: , rotating the copied elements by (middle-first) positions so that the element at middle is moved to result, the element at middle+1 is moved to

+1 and so on for each element in the range [first,last).

Performs *(result+(n+(last-middle))%(last-first))=*(first+n) for each n in the range [0,last-first).

Definition at line 1593 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and copy().

ios_base& std::scientific (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield).

Definition at line 849 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::floatfield, std::ios_base::scientific, and std::ios_base::setf().

template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2, typename BinaryPred> ForwardIter1 std::search (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2, ForwardIter2 last2, BinaryPred predicate)

Search a sequence for a matching sub-sequence using a predicate.

Parameters: first1 A forward iterator.

last1 A forward iterator.

first2 A forward iterator.

last2 A forward iterator.

predicate A binary predicate.

Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first1,last1-(last2-first2)) such that predicate(*(i+N),*(first2+N)) is true for each N in the range [0,last2-first2), or last1 if no such iterator exists.

Searches the range [first1,last1) for a sub-sequence that compares equal value-by-value with the sequence given by [first2,last2), using predicate to determine equality, and returns an iterator to the first element of the sub-sequence, or last1 if no such iterator exists.

See also: search(ForwardIter1, ForwardIter1, ForwardIter2, ForwardIter2)

Definition at line 524 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2> ForwardIter1 std::search (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2, ForwardIter2 last2)

Search a sequence for a matching sub-sequence.

Parameters: first1 A forward iterator.

last1 A forward iterator.

first2 A forward iterator.

last2 A forward iterator.

Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first1,last1-(last2-first2)) such that *(i+N) == *(first2+N) for each N in the range [0,last2-first2), or last1 if no such iterator exists.

Searches the range [first1,last1) for a sub-sequence that compares equal value-by-value with the sequence given by [first2,last2) and returns an iterator to the first element of the sub-sequence, or last1 if the sub-sequence is not found.

Because the sub-sequence must lie completely within the range [first1,last1) it must start at a position less than last1-(last2-first2) where last2-first2 is the length of the sub-sequence. This means that the returned iterator i will be in the range [first1,last1-(last2-first2))

Definition at line 452 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and find().

Referenced by __find_end(), and __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::find().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Integer, typename Type, typename BinaryPred> ForwardIter std::search_n (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Integer count, const Type & __val, BinaryPred __binary_pred)

Search a sequence for a number of consecutive values using a predicate.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

count The number of consecutive values.

val The value to find.

binary_pred A binary predicate.

Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first,last-count) such that binary_pred(*(i+N),val) is true for each N in the range [0,count), or last if no such iterator exists.

Searches the range [first,last) for count consecutive elements for which the predicate returns true.

Definition at line 647 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Integer, typename Type> ForwardIter std::search_n (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Integer count, const Type & __val)

Search a sequence for a number of consecutive values.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

count The number of consecutive values.

val The value to find.

Returns: The first iterator i in the range [first,last-count) such that *(i+N) == val for each N in the range [0,count), or last if no such iterator exists.

Searches the range [first,last) for count consecutive elements equal to val.

Definition at line 598 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and find().

new_handler std::set_new_handler (new_handler) throw ()

Takes a replacement handler as the argument, returns the previous handler.

terminate_handler std::set_terminate (terminate_handler) throw ()

Takes a new handler function as an argument, returns the old function.

unexpected_handler std::set_unexpected (unexpected_handler) throw ()

Takes a new handler function as an argument, returns the old function.

Setbase std::setbase (int __base) [inline]

Manipulator for setf.

Parameters: base A numeric base.

Sent to a stream object, this manipulator changes the ios_base::basefield flags to oct, dec, or hex when base is 8, 10, or 16, accordingly, and to 0 if base is any other value.

Definition at line 133 of file iomanip.

template<typename CharT> Setfill<CharT> std::setfill (CharT c) [inline]

Manipulator for fill.

Parameters: c The new fill character.

Sent to a stream object, this manipulator calls fill(c) for that object.

Definition at line 175 of file iomanip.

Setiosflags std::setiosflags (ios_base::fmtflags __mask) [inline]

Manipulator for setf.

Parameters: mask A format flags mask.

Sent to a stream object, this manipulator sets the format flags to mask.

Definition at line 98 of file iomanip.

Setprecision std::setprecision (int n) [inline]

Manipulator for precision.

Parameters: n The new precision.

Sent to a stream object, this manipulator calls precision(n) for that object.

Definition at line 209 of file iomanip.

Setw std::setw (int n) [inline]

Manipulator for width.

Parameters: n The new width.

Sent to a stream object, this manipulator calls width(n) for that object.

Definition at line 243 of file iomanip.

ios_base& std::showbase (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::showbase).

Definition at line 694 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::setf(), and std::ios_base::showbase.

ios_base& std::showpoint (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::showpoint).

Definition at line 710 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::setf(), and std::ios_base::showpoint.

ios_base& std::showpos (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::showpos).

Definition at line 726 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::setf(), and std::ios_base::showpos.

ios_base& std::skipws (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::skipws).

Definition at line 742 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::setf(), and std::ios_base::skipws.

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void std::sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp) [inline]

Sort the elements of a sequence using a predicate for comparison.

Parameters: first An iterator.

last Another iterator.

comp A comparison functor.

Returns: Nothing.

Sorts the elements in the range [first,last) in ascending order, such that comp(*(i+1),*i) is false for every iterator i in the range [first,last-1).

The relative ordering of equivalent elements is not preserved, use stable_sort() if this is needed.

Definition at line 2201 of file stl_algo.h.

References __final_insertion_sort(), __glibcpp_function_requires, and __lg().

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void std::sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last) [inline]

Sort the elements of a sequence.

Parameters: first An iterator.

last Another iterator.

Returns: Nothing.

Sorts the elements in the range [first,last) in ascending order, such that *(i+1)<*i is false for each iterator i in the range [first,last-1).

The relative ordering of equivalent elements is not preserved, use stable_sort() if this is needed.

Definition at line 2170 of file stl_algo.h.

References __final_insertion_sort(), __glibcpp_function_requires, and __lg().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Predicate> ForwardIter std::stable_partition (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, Predicate pred)

Move elements for which a predicate is true to the beginning of a sequence, preserving relative ordering.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

pred A predicate functor.

Returns: An iterator middle such that pred(i) is true for each iterator i in the range [first,middle) and false for each i in the range [middle,last).

Performs the same function as partition() with the additional guarantee that the relative ordering of elements in each group is preserved, so any two elements x and y in the range [first,last) such that pred(x)==pred(y) will have the same relative ordering after calling stable_partition().

Definition at line 1852 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename RandomAccessIter, typename Compare> void std::stable_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last, Compare comp) [inline]

Sort the elements of a sequence using a predicate for comparison, preserving the relative order of equivalent elements.

Parameters: first An iterator.

last Another iterator.

comp A comparison functor.

Returns: Nothing.

Sorts the elements in the range [first,last) in ascending order, such that comp(*(i+1),*i) is false for each iterator i in the range [first,last-1).

The relative ordering of equivalent elements is preserved, so any two elements x and y in the range [first,last) such that comp(x,y) is false and comp(y,x) is false will have the same relative ordering after calling stable_sort().

Definition at line 2470 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename RandomAccessIter> void std::stable_sort (RandomAccessIter first, RandomAccessIter last) [inline]

Sort the elements of a sequence, preserving the relative order of equivalent elements.

Parameters: first An iterator.

last Another iterator.

Returns: Nothing.

Sorts the elements in the range [first,last) in ascending order, such that *(i+1)<*i is false for each iterator i in the range [first,last-1).

The relative ordering of equivalent elements is preserved, so any two elements x and y in the range [first,last) such that x<y is false and y<x is false will have the same relative ordering after calling stable_sort().

Definition at line 2434 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> void std::swap (vector< Type, Alloc > & x, vector< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

See std::vector::swap().

Definition at line 988 of file stl_vector.h.

References std::vector< Type, Alloc >::swap().

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> void std::swap (multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

See std::multimap::swap().

Definition at line 631 of file stl_multimap.h.

References std::multimap< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc >::swap().

template<typename Key, typename Type, typename Compare, typename Alloc> void std::swap (map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & x, map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc > & y) [inline]

See std::map::swap().

Definition at line 657 of file stl_map.h.

References std::map< Key, Type, Compare, Alloc >::swap().

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> void std::swap (list< Type, Alloc > & x, list< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

See std::list::swap().

Definition at line 1163 of file stl_list.h.

References std::list< Type, Alloc >::swap().

template<typename Type, typename Alloc> void std::swap (deque< Type, Alloc > & x, deque< Type, Alloc > & y) [inline]

See std::deque::swap().

Definition at line 1597 of file stl_deque.h.

template<typename Type> void std::swap (Type & a, Type & __b) [inline]

Swaps two values.

Parameters: a A thing of arbitrary type.

b Another thing of arbitrary type.

Returns: Nothing.

This is the simple classic generic implementation. It will work on any type which has a copy constructor and an assignment operator.

Definition at line 120 of file stl_algobase.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename ForwardIter1, typename ForwardIter2> ForwardIter2 std::swap_ranges (ForwardIter1 first1, ForwardIter1 last1, ForwardIter2 first2)

Swap the elements of two sequences.

Parameters: first1 A forward iterator.

last1 A forward iterator.

first2 A forward iterator.

Returns: An iterator equal to first2+(last1-first1).

Swaps each element in the range [first1,last1) with the corresponding element in the range [first2,(last1-first1)). The ranges must not overlap.

Definition at line 701 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and iter_swap().

Referenced by __rotate().

void std::terminate ()

The runtime will call this function if exception handling must be abandoned for any reason.

template<typename InputIter1, typename InputIter2, typename OutputIter, typename BinaryOperation> OutputIter std::transform (InputIter1 first1, InputIter1 last1, InputIter2 first2, OutputIter __result, BinaryOperation __binary_op)

Perform an operation on corresponding elements of two sequences.

Parameters: first1 An input iterator.

last1 An input iterator.

first2 An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

binary_op A binary operator.

Returns: An output iterator equal to result+(last-first).

Applies the operator to the corresponding elements in the two input ranges and assigns the results to successive elements of the output sequence. Evaluates *(result+N)=binary_op(*(first1+N),*(first2+N)) for each N in the range [0,last1-first1).

binary_op must not alter either of its arguments.

Definition at line 770 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename UnaryOperation> OutputIter std::transform (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, UnaryOperation __unary_op)

Perform an operation on a sequence.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

unary_op A unary operator.

Returns: An output iterator equal to result+(last-first).

Applies the operator to each element in the input range and assigns the results to successive elements of the output sequence. Evaluates *(result+N)=unary_op(*(first+N)) for each N in the range [0,last-first).

unary_op must not alter its argument.

Definition at line 736 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires.

bool std::uncaught_exception () throw ()

[18.6.4]/1: 'Returns true after completing evaluation of a throw-expression until either completing initialization of the exception-declaration in the matching handler or entering unexpected() due to the throw; or after entering terminate() for any reason other than an explicit call to terminate(). [Note: This includes stack unwinding [15.2]. end note]'

2: 'When uncaught_exception() is true, throwing an exception can result in a call of terminate() (15.5.1).'

Referenced by std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits >::sentry::~sentry().

void std::unexpected ()

The runtime will call this function if an exception is thrown which violates the function's exception specification.

template<typename InputIter, typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter std::uninitialized_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, ForwardIter __result) [inline]

Copies the range [first,last) into result.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

Returns: result + (first - last)

Like copy(), but does not require an initialized output range.

Definition at line 108 of file stl_uninitialized.h.

References __uninitialized_copy_aux().

Referenced by __uninitialized_copy_copy(), __uninitialized_copy_fill(), __gnu_cxx::__uninitialized_copy_n(), __uninitialized_fill_copy(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::deque(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::erase(), std::vector< Node *, Alloc >::M_allocate_and_copy(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_assign_aux(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_insert(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_insert_aux(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_insert_aux(), std::vector< Node *, Alloc >::M_range_initialize(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_range_initialize(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_range_insert(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_range_insert_aux(), and std::vector< Node *, Alloc >::vector().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Type> void std::uninitialized_fill (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, const Type & x) [inline]

Copies the value x into the range [first,last).

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

x The source value.

Returns: Nothing.

Like fill(), but does not require an initialized output range.

Definition at line 166 of file stl_uninitialized.h.

References __uninitialized_fill_aux().

Referenced by __uninitialized_copy_fill(), __uninitialized_fill_copy(), std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_initialize(), and std::deque< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_insert().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename Size, typename Type> ForwardIter std::uninitialized_fill_n (ForwardIter first, Size n, const Type & x) [inline]

Copies the value x into the range [first,first+n).

Parameters: first An input iterator.

n The number of copies to make.

x The source value.

Returns: first+n

Like fill_n(), but does not require an initialized output range.

Definition at line 212 of file stl_uninitialized.h.

References __uninitialized_fill_n_aux().

Referenced by std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_assign(), std::vector< Type, Alloc >::M_fill_insert(), std::Temporary_buffer< ForwardIterator, Type >::M_initialize_buffer(), std::vector< Node *, Alloc >::M_initialize_dispatch(), __gnu_cxx::rope< CharT, Alloc >::rope(), and std::vector< Node *, Alloc >::vector().

template<typename ForwardIter, typename BinaryPredicate> ForwardIter std::unique (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred)

Remove consecutive values from a sequence using a predicate.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

binary_pred A binary predicate.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

Removes all but the first element from each group of consecutive values for which binary_pred returns true. unique() is stable, so the relative order of elements that are not removed is unchanged. Elements between the end of the resulting sequence and last are still present, but their value is unspecified.

Definition at line 1294 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, adjacent_find(), and unique_copy().

template<typename ForwardIter> ForwardIter std::unique (ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last)

Remove consecutive duplicate values from a sequence.

Parameters: first A forward iterator.

last A forward iterator.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

Removes all but the first element from each group of consecutive values that compare equal. unique() is stable, so the relative order of elements that are not removed is unchanged. Elements between the end of the resulting sequence and last are still present, but their value is unspecified.

Definition at line 1267 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, adjacent_find(), and unique_copy().

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter, typename BinaryPredicate> OutputIter std::unique_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result, BinaryPredicate __binary_pred) [inline]

Copy a sequence, removing consecutive values using a predicate.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

binary_pred A binary predicate.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

Copies each element in the range [first,last) to the range beginning at result, except that only the first element is copied from groups of consecutive elements for which binary_pred returns true. unique_copy() is stable, so the relative order of elements that are copied is unchanged.

Definition at line 1236 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and __unique_copy().

template<typename InputIter, typename OutputIter> OutputIter std::unique_copy (InputIter first, InputIter last, OutputIter __result) [inline]

Copy a sequence, removing consecutive duplicate values.

Parameters: first An input iterator.

last An input iterator.

result An output iterator.

Returns: An iterator designating the end of the resulting sequence.

Copies each element in the range [first,last) to the range beginning at result, except that only the first element is copied from groups of consecutive elements that compare equal. unique_copy() is stable, so the relative order of elements that are copied is unchanged.

Definition at line 1149 of file stl_algo.h.

References __glibcpp_function_requires, and __unique_copy().

Referenced by unique().

ios_base& std::unitbuf (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::unitbuf).

Definition at line 774 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::setf(), and std::ios_base::unitbuf.

ios_base& std::uppercase (ios_base & __base) [inline]

Calls base.setf(ios_base::uppercase).

Definition at line 758 of file ios_base.h.

References std::ios_base::setf(), and std::ios_base::uppercase.

template<typename CharT, typename Traits> basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & std::ws (basic_istream< CharT, Traits > & __is)

Quick and easy way to eat whitespace.

This manipulator extracts whitespace characters, stopping when the next character is non-whitespace, or when the input sequence is empty. If the sequence is empty, eofbit is set in the stream, but not failbit.

The current locale is used to distinguish whitespace characters.


     MyClass   mc;

std::cin >> std::ws >> mc;

will skip leading whitespace before calling operator>> on cin and your object. Note that the same effect can be achieved by creating a std::basic_istream::sentry inside your definition of operator>>.

Definition at line 996 of file istream.tcc.

References std::ios_base::getloc(), std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::rdbuf(), std::basic_ios< CharT, Traits >::setstate(), and ctype_base::space.

Variable Documentation

ostream std::cerr

Linked to standard error (unbuffered).

Definition at line 304 of file

Referenced by std::ios_base::Init::S_ios_create().

istream std::cin

Linked to standard input.

Definition at line 302 of file

Referenced by std::ios_base::Init::S_ios_create().

ostream std::clog

Linked to standard error (buffered).

Definition at line 305 of file

Referenced by std::ios_base::Init::S_ios_create().

ostream std::cout

Linked to standard output.

Definition at line 303 of file

Referenced by std::ios_base::Init::S_ios_create().


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