man AuSoundRecord () - create a flow to record audio to any destination.
AuSoundRecord - create a flow to record audio to any destination.
AuEventHandlerRec *AuSoundRecord(server, source, gain, num_samples, mode, sound_data, flow, volume_mult_elem, status)
AuServer *server;
AuDeviceID source;
AuFixedPoint gain;
AuUint32 num_samples;
int mode;
AuSoundDataPtr sound_data;
AuFlowID *flow;
int *volume_mult_elem;
AuStatus *status;
- server
- Specifies the connection to the audio server.
- source
- Specifies the input device to use.
- gain
- Specifies the gain for the input device.
- num_samples
- Specifies the number of samples to record.
- mode
- Specifies the line mode for the input device. Currently the following line modes are defined: AuDeviceInputModeNone, AuDeviceInputModeLineIn, AuDeviceInputModeMicrophone.
- sound_data
- Specifies the sound information.
- flow
- If non-NULL, returns the flow ID.
- volume_mult_elem
- Accord to the comment in the source, not implemented.
- status
- If non-NULL, flush the output buffer and return the status from the server.
AuSoundRecord creates a flow to record audio from source to any destination and returns a pointer to the event handler created or NULL if there was an error. The sound_data structure contains the necessary information about the audio format and the data handling function.
See Also
AuSoundRecordToBucket, AuSoundRecordToData, AuSoundRecordToFile, AuSoundRecordToFileN. audiolib - Network Audio System C Language Interface