Pages du manuel Linux : Fonctions des bibliothèques / o
- GButton.button
- A widget that creates a signal when clicked on
- GButton.button_signals
- no description
- GButton.button_skel
- no description
- GButton.color_button
- no description
- GButton.color_button_signals
- no description
- GButton.font_button
- no description
- GButton.font_button_signals
- no description
- GButton.radio_button
- A choice from multiple check buttons
- GButton.radio_tool_button
- no description
- GButton.separator_tool_item
- no description
- GButton.toggle_button
- Create buttons which retain their state
- GButton.toggle_button_signals
- no description
- GButton.toggle_tool_button
- no description
- GButton.toggle_tool_button_signals
- no description
- GButton.toolbar
- Create bars of buttons and other widgets
- GButton.toolbar_signals
- no description
- GButton.tool_button
- no description
- GButton.tool_button_signals
- no description
- GButton.tool_button_skel
- no description
- GButton.tool_item
- no description
- GButton.tool_item_o
- no description
- GButton.tool_item_skel
- no description
- Gc
- Memory management control and statistics; finalised values.
- GContainer
- Widgets which contain other widgets
- GContainer.bin
- no description
- GContainer.bin_impl
- no description
- GContainer.container
- Base class for widgets which contain other widgets
- GContainer.container_full
- no description
- GContainer.container_impl
- no description
- GContainer.container_signals
- no description
- GContainer.container_signals_impl
- no description
- GContainer.focus
- no description
- GContainer.item_container
- no description
- GContainer.item_signals
- no description
- GData
- Non-Widgets objects carrying data
- GData.adjustment
- A GtkObject representing an adjustable bounded value
- GData.adjustment_signals
- no description
- GData.clipboard
- Storing data on clipboards
- GData.tooltips
- Add tips to your widgets
- Gdk
- no description
- Gdk.Atom
- no description
- Gdk.Bitmap
- no description
- Gdk.Color
- no description
- Gdk.Convert
- no description
- Gdk.Cursor
- no description
- Gdk.DnD
- no description
- Gdk.Draw
- no description
- Gdk.Drawable
- no description
- Gdk.Font
- no description
- Gdk.GC
- no description