man GDraw.drawable () - Functions for drawing points, lines, arcs, and text


GDraw.drawable - Functions for drawing points, lines, arcs, and text


Class GDraw.drawable


class drawable : ?colormap:Gdk.colormap -> [> `drawable ] Gobject.obj -> object end

Functions for drawing points, lines, arcs, and text



Gdk.colormap option


([> `drawable ] as 'a) Gobject.obj

val gc : Gdk.gc

val w : 'a Gobject.obj

method arc : x:int -> y:int -> width:int -> height:int -> ?filled:bool -> ?start:float -> ?angle:float -> unit -> unit

method color : GDraw.color -> Gdk.color

method depth : int

method gc_values : Gdk.GC.values

method line : x:int -> y:int -> x:int -> y:int -> unit

method point : x:int -> y:int -> unit

method polygon : ?filled:bool -> (int * int) list -> unit

method put_layout : x:int -> y:int -> ?fore:GDraw.color -> ?back:GDraw.color -> Pango.layout -> unit

method put_image : x:int -> y:int -> ?xsrc:int -> ?ysrc:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> Gdk.image -> unit

method put_pixmap : x:int -> y:int -> ?xsrc:int -> ?ysrc:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> Gdk.pixmap -> unit

method put_rgb_data : width:int -> height:int -> ?x:int -> ?y:int -> ?dither:Gdk.Tags.rgb_dither -> ?row_stride:int -> Gpointer.region -> unit

method put_pixbuf : x:int -> y:int -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?dither:Gdk.Tags.rgb_dither -> ?x_dither:int -> ?y_dither:int -> ?src_x:int -> ?src_y:int -> GdkPixbuf.pixbuf -> unit

method rectangle : x:int -> y:int -> width:int -> height:int -> ?filled:bool -> unit -> unit

method set_background : GDraw.color -> unit

method set_foreground : GDraw.color -> unit

method set_clip_region : Gdk.region -> unit

method set_clip_origin : x:int -> y:int -> unit

method set_clip_mask : Gdk.bitmap -> unit

method set_clip_rectangle : Gdk.Rectangle.t -> unit

method set_line_attributes : ?width:int -> ?style:Gdk.GC.gdkLineStyle -> ?cap:Gdk.GC.gdkCapStyle -> ?join:Gdk.GC.gdkJoinStyle -> unit -> unit

method size : int * int

method string : string -> font:Gdk.font -> x:int -> y:int -> unit

method points : (int * int) list -> unit

method lines : (int * int) list -> unit

method segments : ((int * int) * (int * int)) list -> unit