man GList.liste () - Widget for packing a list of selectable items


GList.liste - Widget for packing a list of selectable items


Class GList.liste


class liste : Gtk.liste Gtk.obj -> object end

Deprecated. . Widget for packing a list of selectable items



Gtk.liste Gtk.obj

val obj : Gtk.liste Gtk.obj

method child_position : GList.list_item -> int

method clear_items : start:int -> stop:int -> unit

method connect : GList.liste_signals

method insert : GList.list_item -> pos:int -> unit

method select_item : pos:int -> unit

method unselect_item : pos:int -> unit

method private wrap : Gtk.widget Gtk.obj -> GList.list_item

method set_selection_mode : Gtk.Tags.selection_mode -> unit

method selection_mode : Gtk.Tags.selection_mode