man GPack.paned () - Base class for widgets with two adjustable panes


GPack.paned - Base class for widgets with two adjustable panes


Class GPack.paned


class paned : Gtk.paned Gtk.obj -> object end

Base class for widgets with two adjustable panes



Gtk.paned Gtk.obj

val obj : Gtk.paned Gtk.obj

method event : GObj.event_ops

method add1 : GObj.widget -> unit

method add2 : GObj.widget -> unit

method pack1 : ?resize:bool -> ?shrink:bool -> GObj.widget -> unit

method pack2 : ?resize:bool -> ?shrink:bool -> GObj.widget -> unit

method child1 : GObj.widget

method child2 : GObj.widget

method set_position : int -> unit

method position : int

method max_position : int

Since GTK 2.4

method min_position : int

Since GTK 2.4