man GTree.view () - A widget for displaying both trees and lists


GTree.view - A widget for displaying both trees and lists


Class GTree.view


class view : Gtk.tree_view Gtk.obj -> object end

A widget for displaying both trees and lists



Gtk.tree_view Gtk.obj

val obj : Gtk.tree_view Gtk.obj

method connect : GTree.view_signals

method append_column : GTree.view_column -> int

method collapse_all : unit -> unit

method collapse_row : Gtk.tree_path -> unit

method enable_search : bool

method event : GObj.event_ops

method expand_all : unit -> unit

method expand_row : ?all:bool -> Gtk.tree_path -> unit

method expander_column : GTree.view_column option

method fixed_height_mode : bool

method get_column : int -> GTree.view_column

method get_cursor : unit -> Gtk.tree_path option * GTree.view_column option

method get_path_at_pos : x:int -> y:int -> (Gtk.tree_path * GTree.view_column * int * int) option

method hadjustment : GData.adjustment

method headers_visible : bool

method insert_column : GTree.view_column -> int -> int

method model : GTree.model

method move_column : GTree.view_column -> after:GTree.view_column -> int

method remove_column : GTree.view_column -> int

method reorderable : bool

method row_activated : Gtk.tree_path -> GTree.view_column -> unit

method row_expanded : Gtk.tree_path -> bool

method rules_hint : bool

method scroll_to_cell : ?align:float * float -> Gtk.tree_path -> GTree.view_column -> unit

method scroll_to_point : int -> int -> unit

method search_column : int

method selection : GTree.selection

method set_cursor : 'a. ?cell:(#GTree.cell_renderer as 'a) -> ?edit:bool -> Gtk.tree_path -> GTree.view_column -> unit

Since GTK 2.2

method set_enable_search : bool -> unit

method set_expander_column : GTree.view_column option -> unit

method set_fixed_height_mode : bool -> unit

method set_hadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit

method set_headers_clickable : bool -> unit

method set_headers_visible : bool -> unit

method set_model : GTree.model option -> unit

method set_reorderable : bool -> unit

method set_rules_hint : bool -> unit

method set_search_column : int -> unit

method set_vadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit

method vadjustment : GData.adjustment

method hover_expand : bool

Since GTK 2.6

method set_hover_expand : bool -> unit

Since GTK 2.6

method hover_selection : bool

Since GTK 2.6

method set_hover_selection : bool -> unit

Since GTK 2.6

method set_row_separator_func : (GTree.model -> Gtk.tree_iter -> bool) option -> unit

Since GTK 2.6